Answer to Question as of 06-AUG-2023

Sex: Influence on Life

Pavel Yasnosvet answers this:

Sex, which is the main immunomodulator, causes a hormonal surge. Hormones are the main energy regulator in the human body, and the main DNA reconstructor and collector. Your partner’s quality influences the avatar’s further genetic and, accordingly, energy assembly. This impacts the evolutionary course a lot.

People can be deliberately enslaved only because sex removes nearly all blocks, while blocked people are easy to control. People with no blocks can’t be controlled. They have free will.

Lacking quality sex, people try to look for at least some kind of sex and mostly end up with low-quality partners they have no love with. Remember this is a game, first and foremost. People, too immersed in this animal desire to have something, model very low energy when they have sex, which can cause RNA degradation. A lot of animal negative passions, hatred, an excessive number of blocks are released – a concentrate of negative energy is created.

You only get a positive effect from sex with your regular partner giving a very strong love vibration, always mutual, of course. The partner’s gender doesn’t matter. It’s the energy that’s important. You two get tuned to each other based on energy and exchange spiritual energies.

People need sex primarily to exchange energies and experience with each other on a subconscious level, strengthening their own power. The partner’s quality is important as well.

The other functionality is procreation, when two DNAs merge. The spirit, which is embodied in a biological form, through its own forming phantom DNA, influences the spiral that emerged at conception, activating the necessary parts of this sequence and turning off those not needed. People with a high level of consciousness can change the sequence at will through meditation. This way, eye and skin colour, worldview, views, and personality type can change. Because all these are predispositions, everything is written in the DNA. If we consider pure Spirit, it has no temper or any predispositions. All we see are just some forms of reflections we can interact with, because everything is multidimensional.

People engage in a lot of material consumerism, especially eating, drinking, smoking, or drug addiction. In every possible way they compensate for lacking sex, as the main and healthiest source to remove any blocks and foreign negative programs. Lacking sex gives way to insomnia, which promotes overeating, which leads to diseases.

So, when someone has no permanent quality partner, they should strive to at least respond to sex, as a kind of game they where they can share their love. The key point is what you give to your partner rather than what your partner gives you. This is the key to the fact that someone releases their high energy, changes the space around them quantumly and changes their own radiation. Their spiritual crystal starts working at different frequencies. Due to a change in the frequency and the radiation parameter, someone’s DNA starts to get structured and reconstructed. This happens to the point when someone can get something cut or torn off to grow again, the same way infants do.

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