Public offer

This Public Offer is made by Architect LLC as Offeror:

TIN 5406832337, OGRN 1235400023902.

Public Offer to conclude a Service agreement.

Architect LLC (hereinafter referred to as Contractor), registered and operating in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, offers an unlimited circle of individuals to conclude this Service Agreement (hereinafter referred to as “Agreement”) based on the following terms:

1. Terms and General Provisions

1.1. Services means a set of consulting services provided by Contractor in the manner and based on the terms determined by this Agreement and Course Programs, which are an indispensable part of this Agreement.
1.2. Public Offer means Contractor's proposal (as set out on Contractor's Website), addressed to an unlimited number of individuals, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, to conclude this Agreement under certain conditions.
1.3. Contractor's website is web page, which is the official source of informing Users of Contractor and the services provided for them.
1.4. Acceptance is accepting fully and unconditionally by User the terms of the Public Offer of this Agreement and Program of the relevant Course.
1.5. User is an individual who has reached the age of 18 and accepted Contractor’s Public Offer set out in this Agreement, as well as paid the cost of Services.
1.6. Parties means Contractor and User.
1.7. Course is expressed in the form of a lecture (master class, or training), or audiovisual work (webinar, or online training), a set of consulting services aimed at transmitting information to Client on a given topic in order to provide him/ her with the opportunity of forming a certain idea about the subject under consideration, as well as the development of certain skills in the field of activity under study.
1.8. Course program is detailed conditions for providing a specific Service, including, but not limited to, the following terms:
1.8.1. Course title, subject and content, lecturers’ names;
1.8.2. Number of Course hours and/or schedule;
1.8.3. Course cost.
1.8.4. Payment procedure, etc. Personal installment plan from Yasnosvet Pavel is an installment payment under an Agreement on the provision of consulting services in the field of human spiritual development, namely, registration of a Training Course (training) or a master class (hereinafter referred to as the "Course") provided by the Contractor, on the terms of installment payment for the Course for a certain period specified in the installment terms. It can be applied to all Courses at the same time, or it can be applied only to Courses defined by the Contractor, both on a permanent basis for the sale of the Course, and temporarily, for example, exclusively before the start of the live online broadcast of the Course, or until the completion of all online classes of the Course.
1.9. Reproduction (downloading) is a form of User's access to Course, when a Course copy is created in the electronic (digital) form with or without storing in the memory of User's Devices.
1.10. Device means an electronic computer and/ or other device that operates on the computerized basis, capable of processing and reproducing sound and images, both stationary and portable (including, but not limited to: mobile phones, smartphones, PC, etc.), which has the ability to access the global Internet.

2. Subject of Agreement

2.1. Contractor undertakes to provide User with consulting services in the field of spiritual development of a person, namely organizing User's taking a Training course (training) or a master class (hereinafter referred to as Course) on a paid basis, in accordance with the terms of this Agreement, while User undertakes to accept and pay for such Services.
2.2. User undertakes to pay to Contractor the cost of the Course which he/ she acquires.
2.3. Parties agree that the detailed content (titles of topics, format, the number of hours or schedule, etc.) of a Course to study (training) is placed in Course study (training) Program, which is posted on Contractor's website.
2.4. Parties agree that Contractor does not guarantee any financial or other results of User's using Courses purchased from Contractor in his/ her activities.
2.5. No claims regarding how effectively User applies the knowledge and skills obtained as a result of listening/ viewing Courses may be given to Contractor. Responsibility for using this knowledge and skills, as well as for any results, direct or side effects obtained as a result of using this knowledge and skills, lies entirely with User.

3. Terms of Service

3.1. Consulting services are provided in the form of a lecture (master class or training) or in the form of remote playback of the Course on User's Device (recording or live broadcast), in accordance with the curriculum and schedule of classes developed by Contractor and contained in Course Program posted in the appropriate section of Contractor's Website.
3.2. The duration (schedule) of training is determined in accordance with Course Program.
3.3. The acceptance of this Agreement is recognized as Client’s payment for the cost of the corresponding Course (in full or partially) and means accepting by User, fully and unconditionally, the terms of this Agreement, which equals to User's handwritten signature under the Agreement.
3.4. Starting the moment when the sum is credited to Contractor’s account, this Offer/ Agreement is deemed accepted/ concluded, respectively.
3.5. Acceptance Procedure
3.5.1. User selects a Course on Contractor's website and gets acquainted with the terms of payment.
3.5.2. After selecting the required Course(s), User forms an application or goes to the website basket immediately and makes payment.
3.5.3. If the Course is provided in a remote format (webinar, online training), before this Course starts, User receives a link sent to the email address specified by User when purchasing the Course, to access this Course.
3.5.5. Starting the moment of accepting this Offer, User's unilateral refusal from this Agreement shall not be acceptable.
3.5.6. The service is deemed rendered from the moment when Contractor provides all the information and completes the entire program provided for in the corresponding Course Program.

4. Rights and Obligations of Contractor

4.1. Contractor has the right to:
4.1.1. Receive information necessary for the provision of services under this Agreement from User.
4.1.2. Receive payment for the services provided in the amount and within the term stipulated by this Agreement and the corresponding Course Program.
4.1.3. Cancel, interrupt, or reschedule any Courses, change their material, the meaning and weight of any task, test, or exam.
4.1.4. Publish any material and reviews created by User while taking the Course, without any restrictions or compensation from User.
4.2. Contractor undertakes to:
4.2.1. Provide User with consulting services in accordance with this Agreement and the relevant Course Program.
4.2.2. Inform User of the rules and requirements for organizing the provision of consulting services, their quality and content, as well as the rights and obligations of User when receiving services.
4.2.3. Develop a curriculum, organize classes.
4.2.4. If necessary, provide User with educational and methodological material.

5. Rights and Obligations of User

5.1. User has the right to:
5.1.1. Receive Services of proper quality in accordance with Course Program.
5.1.2. Upon successful completion of Course, receive a Certificate of Completion.
5.2. User undertakes to:
5.2.1. Study conscientiously and according to the program, attend theory and practice classes, not to miss them without good reason.
5.2.2. Perform homework as part of Course, in accordance with the instructions of Contractor and/ or his representatives and within the time specified by them.
5.2.3. Pay the fee for Services in a timely manner in the amount and within the terms established by this Agreement and Course Program.
5.2.4. Comply with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation and the requirements of this Agreement for organizing the provision of Services.
5.2.5. During Course, refrain from actions that: may prevent other Users, invited persons, or lecturers from participating in the Course and receiving information while taking/ offering the Course. may cause damage to the property of other users, invited persons, lecturers or Contractor, owners, or users of the premises where the Course is held. violate public order, including offending those present, use obscene expressions and/ or have loud conversations, making noise by using devices, etc. humiliate honour, dignity, and business reputation of Contractor, other users, invited persons, or lecturers, including by posting information on the Internet, in print publications, on mailing lists, or in any other way that is open to public. are manifested in the use of audio or video equipment for the purpose of copying Course materials, or without it.

6. Cost of Services and Payment Procedure

6.1. The total cost of services provided for User under this Agreement is the total amount of Courses paid by User.
6.2. The cost of a particular Course is determined by Contractor in Course Program posted on Contractor's Website or is reported by Contractor's manager to Client in person.
6.3. The cost of Services provided for by this Agreement is paid by User in a non-cash form, by transferring to the current account of Contractor or by paying on the website.
6.4. In case of early termination of this Agreement at Contractor’s initiative, Contractor shall return the sums only for those Course sessions that were not rendered by Contractor. In this case, the Course lessons rendered are not compensated.
6.5. In the event that User refuses to study before the Course starts, Contractor shall return the advance sum paid in full amount.
6.6. The amount of payment is set for the entire duration of Course and may not be changed.

7. Responsibility of Parties

7.1. For non-fulfilment or improper fulfilment of obligations under this Agreement, Parties shall be liable in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.
7.2. Contractor’s services and all related material are provided “as is” without express or implied warranties. Contractor does not provide any warranties, including merchantability, fit with a particular purpose, as well as warranties arising from business relations or business practices. In addition, Contractor does not bear any liability related to User’s access to Services and related material, as well as their use. User agrees that access to and use of Services and related material is at User's own risk.
7.3. User agrees that the disclaimer of warranties and limitation of liability set forth in these terms reflect a reasonable and fair allocation of risks, and are a necessary condition for the provision of services by Contractor as well, for an affordable fee.
7.4. User agrees that any claim related to Services must be brought to court within the statute of limitations, otherwise such basis shall be deemed invalid.
7.5. User agrees that if User fails to comply with clause 5.2.3 of this Agreement regarding the obligation to make payment in due time, Contractor is entitled not only to suspend the provision of services and access to Course until the payment is made, but also to terminate this Agreement based on clause 9.1.3 of this Agreement.
7.6. If User violates the provisions of Section 12 of this Agreement and uses the course materials not for personal purposes, distributes the Course material in any way and regardless of the circle of persons, Contractor has the right to terminate this Agreement unilaterally, block user’s access to Course and/or Website, without any refund of the sums paid by User for Course.

8. Force Majeure

8.1. Parties are released from liability for failure to fulfil obligations, if this failure is caused by circumstances that do not depend on Parties’ will, namely: military actions, natural disasters, man-made and other accidents, strikes, lockouts, acts of authorities or management, etc., which makes it impossible to fulfil the terms of this Agreement (hereinafter referred to as Force Majeure).
8.2. Force Majeure applies, and Party for which it occurred is released from liability for violating the terms of this Agreement, provided there is written confirmation (conclusion, certificate) by the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation of the force majeure occurred.
8.3. Party for which Force Majeure occurs undertakes to immediately notify the other Party and provide documents confirming Force Majeure.
8.4. Starting the moment when such notification is received by the other party, the fulfilment of the terms of this Agreement shall be suspended for the entire period of Force Majeure.
8.5. In the event of Force Majeure lasting for more than 3 months, each party has the right to initiate termination of this Agreement.

9. Termination of this Agreement

9.1. This Agreement is terminated:
9.1.1. By agreement of Parties;
9.1.2. If the fulfilment by Party under this Agreement of its obligations is impossible due to the adoption of regulatory legal acts that have changed the conditions established by this Agreement, and either Party does not agree to amend this Agreement.
9.1.3. In cases of violation by User of the conditions provided for in paragraphs 5.2.3, 5.2.4, 5.2.5, and 12 of this Agreement.
9.1.4. In other cases provided for by this Agreement and the current legislation of the Russian Federation.
9.2. This Agreement is suspended if the entire group refuses to take Course, with which User is taking this Course.

10. Personal Data Processing.

10.1. User confirms that he/ she consents, voluntarily and free of charge, to the processing of his/ her personal data, including collection, registration, inclusion in the database, accumulation, storage, adaptation, modification, update, use, distribution (transfer), depersonalization, destruction of personal data in the database on the territory of the Russian Federation: 1) for the exercise of the powers of federal executive bodies, state off-budget funds, executive bodies of state power of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local governments and the functions of organizations participating in the provision of state and municipal services, respectively, with the aim of ensuring the implementation of tax relations, economic relations, civil law relations and relations in the field of accounting, 2) for concluding an agreement on the initiative of a personal data subject, or an agreement under which a personal data subject will be the purchaser of services, as well as for the execution of an agreement to which a personal data subject is a party or purchaser of services.
10.2. User consents to the transfer of his/ her personal data to third parties in the minimum required amount and only for the purposes specified in clause 10.1. of this Agreement, which correspond to the objective reason for collecting the relevant data.
10.3. User confirms that he/ she was informed of his/ her rights defined by the Federal Law “On Personal Data” dated as of July 27, 2006, No. 152-FZ, as amended and supplemented, and the purpose of collecting and processing personal data was reported.

11. Validity Period of Offer

11.1. This Public Offer comes into force from the moment when it is posted on Contractor's Website and is valid until the moment when it is withdrawn by Contractor.
11.2. Contractor has the right to amend the terms of this Offer at any time and/ or withdraw this Offer at any time at its discretion. If Contractor makes changes to this Offer, such changes come into force from the moment when the amended text of this Offer is posted on Contractor's Website, unless a different date for the changes to take effect is specified directly in the text of the amended Offer.

12. Intellectual Property and Copyright Protection

12.1. Contractor provides User with access to Courses and material posted on Website, strictly to use these for the purpose of personal acquisition of knowledge and skills.12.2. User agrees to create and use only one account and not to transfer access or credentials to third parties to access it.
12.3. The use of Services does not give User the right of material or intellectual property to the Services and/or material used.
12.4. Together with the material created in the process of completing Course, User grants Contractor a fully transferable, royalty-free, perpetual, sublicensable, non-exclusive, worldwide license to copy, distribute, modify, publicly distribute and reproduce User's material, as well as to create derivative work and use for other purposes.
12.5. The license specified in clause 12.4 of this Agreement gives Contractor the right to provide User's material for other Users who will later purchase Contractor's Services. This condition does not limit Contractor's other legal rights to User's material, for example, under other licenses. Contractor has the right to delete or change User's material for any reason, including if, in Contractor’s opinion, they do not comply with this Agreement.
12.6. Website and the learning platform contain the results of intellectual activity owned by Contractor. Contractor has exclusive rights to all information provided for User. None of the provisions of this Agreement means the alienation of such rights by Contractor to User.
12.7. User shall not be entitled to use access to material, recordings of lectures and webinars, other material and any other information provided for him/ her for non-personal purposes. The use of the information is limited by the obligation of User not to reproduce, process, repeat, or copy, sell, or assign, or use for any commercial purposes any of the material provided as part of the training, or transfer it to third parties.
12.8. Third parties are all people who are not Users of Service.
12.9. The use of material received from Contractor (creation of derivative work) is allowed only with the written consent of Contractor. All signs of copyright protection must be preserved unchanged, except as otherwise provided by law. Any other use is illegal.
12.10. When using Contractor's Website and information from it, User acknowledges and agrees that all the content of Website, photos, videos, text and structure of Website's content are protected by copyright, trademark right and other rights to the results of intellectual activity, and that these rights are valid and protected in all forms, on all media and in relation to all technologies, both currently existing and developed or created subsequently. No rights to any content of Website, including, but not limited to, audiovisual work, text and graphic material, trademarks, shall not pass to User as a result of using Website and entering into this Agreement.
12.11. In the event that User violates the provisions of this Agreement regarding the protection of Contractor’s copyright, the latter shall be entitled to demand payment of compensation for each case of violation, as well as compensation for all losses incurred, including lost profits.

13. Final Provisions

13.1. Parties have established that any disputes and claims will be resolved by Parties through negotiations.
13.2. Parties are aware that Services are provided by Contractor, which is registered and operates under the law of the Russian Federation.
13.3. Parties agree to consider Contractor's place of residence to be the place of this transaction and the place of providing Services.
13.4. By accepting this Offer, User agrees that all disputes related to this Agreement will be considered in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, without regard to conflict of laws rules. User agrees as well that all such disputes are within the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of the Russian Federation.
13.5. The headings used in the articles and clauses of this Offer are used only for reference and ease to use the text. These headings may not be deemed defining, limiting or changing, or affecting the meaning of the terms in this Offer, or any part thereof.
13.6. If any of the provisions of this Offer is declared invalid, the validity of its remaining provisions shall not be lost due to this.
13.7. In all cases not provided for by this Offer, Parties shall be guided by the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

15. Indispensable appendices to this Public Offer.

Provided by clause 2.1. of Public Offer of services for the spiritual development of people, as detailed in the Price List of Architect LLC, which is an integral Appendix to this Public Offer:Price List, Architect LLC

14. Contractor’s Details. Contractor: Architect LLC

TIN 5406832337, OGRN 1235400023902
General Director: Andrey Razumovsky
2/2, Akademika Lavrentieva Avenue, Novosibirsk, 630090
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TIN 5406832337    OGRN  1235400023902

© Architect LLC 2023-2024
© Pavel Yasnosvet 2022-2024