Answers to Questions
as of 15-AUG-2022, Part 4

Question 1: Where do animals go after they die?

Archangel Ariel answers this:

I can feel this makes you worried. Believe me, though, that animal creatures are like any other souls. They deserve their own mind and get experience each incarnation, whether they’re a stone, a plant, a jellyfish, a bug or an elephant. So, they live in their own separate space and have their own supervisors. The latter direct them to where they need to go, at an even higher level. This is geography from a small microscopic pebble to an elephant – Soul’s evolution. Then, it may go into a person, after an elephant. 

Question 2: How should we refer to enyology?

Yasnosvet Pavel answers this:

Enyology systematizes and classifies event series and energy/information exchange. It will develop from its current mediocre state. It refers to esoteric studies, even though it’s trying to go separately from them. 

Question 3: What are the 24 levels of Soul? 

Yasnosvet Pavel answers this:

If you watched Irina Podzorova, they refer to interstellar union classification, the key levels of development, while not the main model. There are thousands of these levels. This is one of the classification systems, making it easy to realize what spirit you communicate with, how developed and conscious it is, what it’s lived, experienced, what it’s like in the Universe, etc. 

Question 4: Does someone need to deal with their natal chart to prevent any negative events in their life?

Yasnosvet Pavel answers this:

The natal chart and any astrological sciences are undergoing radical changes in 4D. Even if you get your chart as absolutely identical to you, synchronized with you and relevant in terms of 4D, it won’t prevent negative life events in any way. It’ll only warn about what may happen – things you should work out. Negative events usually happen in someone’s life due to their negative karma. They can eliminate karma when they become conscious of it. 

Question 5: Why do only a few women give birth to children easily and painlessly?

Seraphim of Sarov answers this: 

These few women never feel ashamed of themselves, have no complexes or blocks. They deal with everything easily. 

Question 6: What are physical changes and capabilities of our bodies in 4D?

Yasnosvet Pavel answers this:

The body becomes thinner, more graceful, the temperature rises slightly. Blood composition, fermentation, and biomolecular structure change. Atoms become more mobile, the body becomes more flexible, thought forms start to influence the body more actively. So, affirmations and spells will be more powerful than ever. People will also become physically stronger, and the effect will be very good. 

Question 7: Why are children born with a nevus – a big mole on the face? 

Yasnosvet Pavel answers this:

Any moles and birthmarks refer to energy programs materialized. Everything on the face is the way to express Soul – create and think – related to the throat and head chakras. 

Question 8: Are microsphere products relevant in 4D? 

Archangel Michael answers this: 

They could be higher quality. Anyway, they’re developing and have a lot of opportunities to show their benefits. 

Question 9: Could you tell us about the Sun please?

Yasnosvet Pavel answers this:

The Sun is a star, which is a collective fusion of souls where solar plasmoids and solar angels live. They guard our galaxy, all the planets, all plasmoids living in our system. It was produced and synthesized (the Sun was artificially created, too, by the way) so entities that should exist in our Solar system could exist there, and you and I could live on this planet. A specially designed model that takes care of us and heals us. 

Question 10: What are the benefits of essential oils? 

Yasnosvet Pavel answers this:

Good benefits. Use them, develop this area. It’s really cool! 

Question 11: Are constellations in psychology useful? 

Yasnosvet Pavel answers this:

Cause-and-effect relationships rather than constellations – an arrow from one thought to another, to reveal a closed circle of thoughts, realize it and go beyond. 

Question 12: Do second-hand items affect a body’s energy? 

Yasnosvet Pavel answers this:

Yes, they do, if someone wore them. You could wash them in boiling water, though, and sprinkle some salt there. 

Question 13: What causes air, train and car accidents?

Yasnosvet Pavel answers this:

Some souls are collected at one point, as a group, into an event series they should fall into according to their soul’s plan. For example, if an accident is to happen, all souls who need it get collected altogether, so they run this scenario. This is their choice for self-development, purification. 

Question 14: Which Archangel is responsible for the territory of Russia? 

Archangel Michael answers this: 

Archangel Michael does.

Question 15: Do chakra colors change in 4D? 

Yasnosvet Pavel answers this:

The colors of these chakras can change: the heart one, the throat one, the third eye one (the head one), and the higher divine channel one. The first three – red, orange, and yellow – chakras never change their color. 

Question 16: How does changing someone’s first and last names affect their life? 

Yasnosvet Pavel answers this:

This affects them really a lot. The first and the last names are a matrix code that builds our series of events completely. If something changes, the sequence of events will be rearranged. 

Question 17: Do candles, including those in church and any others charmed for various purposes, have power? 

Yasnosvet Pavel answers this:

Yes, they do. 

Question 18: How to use hydrogen peroxide to heal the body from within? 

Seraphim of Sarov answers this: 

You’d better eat flax seeds – a healthier alternative, if you get the hint. 

Question 19: Why is Archangel (Archeus) Ariel called the Lioness of God?

Archangel Michael answers this: 

They don’t call me that. If they do, though, it’s only because I patronize animal nature and any animals, while the lion is usually the king of beasts. Here’s the link. 

Question 20: How to work out and close the greed program? 

Yasnosvet Pavel answers this:

You should understand why you got it. This comes from your childhood more often. You were deprived of something in your childhood. You need to give this to your inner child – what you’ve been missing all your life. Give yourself what you lacked in your childhood. The greed program will be closed automatically. 

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