Jesus answers this:
It works for someone whose body is durable, strong, and filled up with masculine energies, with strong energy flows. They don’t consider themselves “a thin sakura branch swaying in the light autumn wind.”
Hippocrates answers this:
This happens when someone oppresses their own self-esteem and dignity. Restore your self-esteem, sexuality, expression of your masculinity (or femininity, for women), and don’t be afraid to walk like Marilyn Monroe looking proud. Do the massage in a circular motion and say in front of the mirror, “I love myself, I am a Goddess.”
Hippocrates answers this:
This shows your suppressed life force. To restore blood, you need to drink a lot of water, eat a lot of food and move a lot. Go there and do what you want.
Hippocrates answers this:
True, vitiligo is when some genomes are implanted on some others, when a lot of kins are manifested in someone at the same time. That’s appropriate, like an Avatar containing a lot of things. People with vitiligo are very talented.
Hippocrates answers this:
This is a cause-and-effect relationship coming from the spiritual world, when someone sets a projection of self-suffocation for themselves, not allowing themselves to open up their chest. This is a suppressed feeling of freedom due to some very tough experiences. This is a form of panic attack that occurs during sleep, when someone is completely relaxed. You need to understand the psychosomatic cause of panic attacks and work this out, to feel confident and get the energy you need.
Her Excellency Mother of God, Mother of Mercy, answers this:
No. It all depends on what children feel towards their parents afterwards, what they feel in relation to these actions – gratitude or hatred. It’s entirely children’s choice.
Yasnosvet Pavel answers this:
This is Soul’s program. Soul programs to have such a body to establish an energetic relationship with the Universe. You need hair if you need energy protection. Someone with an absolutely pure consciousness wants to develop energy complexes in themselves, based on super-pure consciousness. So, they choose alopecia. This is not karma. Karma happens when a person is bullied very much because of this. If this is not the case, while you were born that way, you simply have such tasks.
Yasnosvet Pavel answers this:
Nothing, they can’t be replaced. Use high-quality water, berries, nuts, spirulina with chlorella. Or move from the North, once you’ve created such an intention.
Jesus and Seraphim of Sarov answer this:
This is karma in its purest form. Diabetes is manifested in people who humiliated others in their past incarnations. Accordingly, they’re developing respect for others. Fatty amino acids contained in plant (almond, rice) milk help children with type I diabetes. Infusion of cornflower and daisy also helps.
Jesus answers this:
There’s nothing stronger and more powerful than a soul’s faith in its own strengths and abilities, in the absolute Source. Christianity is merely one way of faith.
The consciousness of the Earth – Gaia – answers this
I’m a spheroid of an asymmetrical, irregular shape with numerous depressions, the symmetry of which is given by the surface tension of the sea water. In terms of the physical space geometry, I’m a slightly flattened sphere – an ellipsoid. In terms of multidimensional space, I’m a plane.
Yasnosvet Pavel answers this:
Hatred, self-deprecation, rejecting your desires, denying and resenting yourself as a spiritual being, who refuses to realize your own potential. Also, hidden resentment and anger.
Seraphim of Sarov answers this:
Assuming it’s good to get purified, combine it this way: fasting, a couple of days, and then juice, a couple of days. Check out the works of Frolov and Marva Ohanyan, these two excellent naturopaths say great things about how to fast properly.
Jesus and Archangel Raphael answer this:
To be relaxed is the only thing that depends on someone taking ThetaHealing. Pure intention depends on someone transmitting. Theta is the frequency of connecting to a special causal space of a super-healing array containing the healing energy of the Absolute, i.e. connecting to absolute healing anyway, in general.
Seraphim of Sarov answers this
Either wash them (but not with boiling water!), or peel them off. You could also soak them in lukewarm water.
Jesus answers this:
This means someone who has reached such a level of awareness when their head is clear, feeing light and at ease, whatever events and conditions happen to them. They’re in a state of eternal bliss transmitted with their flow of energy.
Yasnosvet Pavel answers this:
This is projected from parents that the world isn’t safe, you can’t trust things, you need to be afraid of everything, everything is a potential danger.
Jesus answers this:
The thing is, initially, a block is energy not organized correctly or when it’s constricted. When working with chakras, you do release the potential of these energies, so the main thing is to enjoy this work, when this practice gives you a wow effect.
Yasnosvet Pavel answers this:
I’ll say about this later. So far, I’ll say this: money energy depends directly on self-love, i.e. you need to love yourself.
Yasnosvet Pavel answers this:
No. Rheumatoid arthritis is treated by maintaining the vegetative-vascular and lymphatic systems alright, i.e. when you eliminate the consequences of violated water balance, and work out inner grievance – projections of a dissatisfied inner child. Drink more water and eat more collagen (pearl barley and rice).
Babaji, a yoga master, answers this:
The fact is that Kriya Yoga isn’t meant for someone who needs enlightenment at the stage of getting disidentified with the manifestation of matter as a dual component, i.e. moving away from the concept of Good-Evil, who go into absolute balance to feel neutrality towards everything, as in accepting that the Source manifests himself in everything perfectly. If you already think so, you don’t need Kriya Yoga. It just becomes a toy.
Vedic deities answer this:
This is related to the ancient Vedic traditions, when a woman was associated with mother and soul, carrying absolute purity. As a result, covering your legs and head is covering your structure, protecting your energy component, calling yourself pure and immaculate.
Yasnosvet Pavel answers this:
Ask for it to come intuitively in the flow: the name you associate with him, that responds, that’s pleasant, that’s at the tip of your tongue all the time – this is your Guardian Angel’s name.
Jesus answers this:
Funny! No.