Course Description:


Each participant in the Course will learn how to create a sentient, intelligent energy life form, their own creation
- Familiar

Course Curators:


Archangel Ariel
Seraphim of Sarov
Great Valkyrie Freya

Online 4D Course

«Energy Familiar»

From Yasnosvet Pavel,
A Guide to the Spiritual World

Each participant of the Course will learn how to independently set up their Familiar to protect themselves from any parasitic life forms, energy attacks, followed by the Familiar devouring all negative energy around you, without harm to themselves and space.

Familiar will be your personal bodyguard from any negative influence, it will help you feel safe and protected when interacting with any people.

On the Course we will learn how to tune the Familiar for constant devouring of ailments, blocks, seals in your physical and subtle bodies, which will give very high results when practicing different esoteric directions, practices, creative and professional activities.

The Familiar will constantly help you to amplify your own energies.

We will learn not only how to work with living energy, but also how to give it certain properties

This skill will help you program your cells, rewire your subtle bodies, influence energetically on living matter, feel the energy of people and other creatures around you.

    We will learn how to be parents in the Divine sense; we will understand on what energetic laws relationships in the universe are based; we will understand the subtle basis of the psyche of material and energetic beings

      Lesson One

      «Organic Energy»

      Who is Familiar - the law of reflection. Fundamentals of organic energy, on what the foundation of energetic and material organic beings (muscles, bones, neurons, flesh and blood, other fluids - their subtle role in our world) is based.

      • A little introduction to psychosomatics
      • Draw and fantasize about our being as it should be.

        Lesson Two 


        Programming neural connections. Creating the neural skeleton of our being. Giving character and behavioral traits. We learn different principles of behavior and energetic influence. Feel your type and learn how to interact with yourself.

          Lesson Three 


          Flesh and blood. The energies of the elements and their proportions. We learn how to feel our elements and our proportions. Choosing and constructing the shell and flesh of the Familiar.
          We choose its hardness, density and movement as a form of manifestation of its energies according to the law of similarity.
          Through the elements we learn how to understand our needs, calculate what nourishes us and what weakens us.

            Lesson Four 

            «Pure Consciousness»

            Aura and mental. We set properties of thin bodies of Familiars, construct Aura, set forms of manifestation at different kinds of energies. Form of absorption and excretion. Energy exchange with the general field. We will study the aura - what it is, what it is for and how to harmoniously adjust it.

              Lesson Five 


              We breathe consciousness into a living being - Familiar. We feel ourselves as a drop of the Divine Ocean. We fill the Familiar with the light of the central consciousness of our soul, energetically revitalize it. We learn what is the interaction according to the laws of similarity. We analyze the law of reflection. We learn how to feel ourselves as a part of the Great Consciousness, which in its sum we are.

                Lesson Six 

                «Freya's training»

                Basics from the Great Freya Queen of the Valkyries. She is not only a Great Valkyrie (Warrior of Light) - she has a huge menagerie in her possession and loves to tame wild and dangerous beasts.

                  Lesson Seven 


                  Optional class. Channelling, answering questions, communicating with Divine sutyas. Transmission of blessings.

                    Online 4D Course

                    «Energy Familiar»

                    Pay equivalent

                    87 748 ₽

                    The course consists of 7 sessions, with one session recommended every 3 days.

                    TIN 5406832337    OGRN  1235400023902

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                    © Pavel Yasnosvet 2022-2024