Online 4D Course

A Heartfelt Note»

Course Mentors:

Her Excellency the Mother of Mercy, the Virgin Mary,
Archangel Raphael

The heart chakra is the center of our system, and the most important thing in our structure, because everything depends on the state of the heart: both physics and energy of our body

You will learn how to work with the heart chakra: scan, cleanse, feel, diagnose, fill, protect, open, guide, nurture.

The course will provide one important knowledge: how to identify distortions in yourself in the form of resentments and destructive psychological mechanisms, and having identified through realizations and feelings, you will learn how you can remove them from yourself.

One of the results will be a desire to love ourselves more and more, and through ourselves, the whole world, which will lead to energetic restoration of all body systems. We will radiate more and more love both internally and externally, which leads to a feeling of abundance.

 Lesson One

«Fundamentals of the Chakral System»

What are chakras. Configurations of chakras. Why chakras are needed. The heart chakra is the head of the whole system.

    Lesson Two

    «The Sacral of the Heart Chakra»

    The essence of the heart chakra. Detection of distortions in the field through the heart. Forms of offenses, why do we need offenses. How to find strength in bad events. Why we stop loving ourselves. Renewing love.

      Lesson Three

      «The Structure of the Chakras»

      Heart chakra colors, features. Bulb and core theory. Core chakra. Learning how to identify what to fill ourselves with. Learning how to feel without distortion. Defense of the heart. Control of empathy and its development.
        Online 4D Course

        A Heartfelt Note»

        Pay equivalent

        47 474 ₽

        The course consists of 3 sessions, one session is recommended every 3 days.

        TIN 5406832337    OGRN  1235400023902

        © Architect LLC 2023-2024
        © Pavel Yasnosvet 2022-2024