Online 4D Course

«Control and
Thought Transformation»

Course Mentors:

Archangel Michael,
Buddha's Collective Consciousness

Course Description

Man is a multidimensional being - a Spirit, a primordial energy with unlimited possibilities.

To develop our own potential, we are given the opportunity to incarnate with zeroed memory.

But how can we orient ourselves in this new space when everything is forgotten?
Emotions and consciousness is the answer, it is the same part of us, it can be independent on automatic control, but it can be fully controlled by us.

Whoever can control his energy, can control his thoughts - owns his own world. All this can be learned, all this can be mastered, everyone can do it.

The course will give this knowledge from the Higher Powers, will form understanding, answers, keys to the mysteries and riddles of the inner nature.

Remember: what is inside is also outside.

Lesson One

«Control and Quality of Energy»

Lesson Two

«Pledges and Constants»

Lesson Three

«Projection ofThought
Forms and their Fulfillment»

Online 4D Course

«Control and
Thought Transformation»

Pay equivalent

15 555 ₽

The course consists of 3 sessions, with one session recommended every 3 days.

Class dates




April 2024 

TIN 5406832337    OGRN  1235400023902

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© Pavel Yasnosvet 2022-2024