Answers to Questions
as of 14-JUL-22 

Question 1: When living in 4D, will people still seek for a numerologist’s/ astrologer’s advice and use their services?

Isceliana, Deity patronizing numerology and astrology, answers this:

In 4D, the matrix parameters are undergoing a dramatic change, similarly to any other structure. Subsequently, the science of the subtle is seeing a radical and substantial change in its structure as well. This type of change is also true for someone’s design – features and parameters – when interacting with the peripheries and codes of celestial bodies creating this person’s fields, as interacting and embodied for being on the Earth in this avatar. To put it simply, this serves as a cause and effect relationship of the change the Earth’s structure and vibrational background have undergone, and their Avatar changes in view of this background. Similarly, creating a higher-generation Avatar requires higher energies and other interactions with stars. This shows that astrology and numerology together, as basic sciences, are undergoing a significant change by acquiring other quality and class.This way, someone becomes less dependent on these energies, getting more of free will manifested in them. No longer carrying karmic spatial consequences, the numbers subsequently complement someone along structures, showing their strengths and traits that are desirable to work out in this incarnation rather than for karmic reasons. 

Question 2: Is it true that time has sped up?

Pavel Yasnosvet answers this:

Yes, truly so. In the 4D space, energy rather appears malleable and smooth. Time as a coordinate is being compressed. All processes in 4D are getting accelerated, taking a really short time, in a matter of days and even hours. What used to take weeks, or months, will happen in a matter of days, or hours, in 4D, thanks to time compression.

Question 3: How to counteract demons, and are they really dangerous?

Jesus answers this:

Our brethren who are lower than us in terms of mind are only dangerous if you consider them incapable and wrong, rather than that they can harm you. These Souls have made their choice in favour of negative perception, towards a darker low-vibrational field to get, radically, based on special parameters, the experience they need to become someone in the Divine structure. Demons are creatures and our brethren not able to feel the Source’s love and not susceptible to these feelings, which turn out surprising rather than familiar or clear to them. Any struggle is their native energy, not taking them up in any way. Neither the one who fights, nor the one who provokes this fight benefits from this. The easiest way to communicate with demons is to merely send them such a light of love that would heal them, giving them tender and light feels, as well as purify them. It’s by getting purified that our brethren lower than us in terms of mind can reach higher structures, allowing you to feel comfortable, safe, while allowing them to reach any areas tangible for them and where they can get to know and accept the Source, His love.

Question 4: How to work out and heal varicose veins?

Her Excellency Mother of God, Mother of Mercy, answers this:

Varicose veins indicate, as physical manifestation, energy stagnated in the lower field, the leg area. Like any circulatory system, veins are identical to the energy plexuses making up your energy structure. Flowing through the arms, legs, along the body, these energy complexes set up an energy grid, or structure. It’s similar to the circulatory system and has its features, based on affinity. These stagnant energies just need to be pulled out and put into circulation, or energy exchange. It’s important to establish a cause and effect relationship to see why the energy got stagnated there. You may’ve been rejecting something for a long time, not allowing yourself to deal with it, lacking some sort of feelings, emotions, or desires. I’d like you to think about what you hide and seem reluctant to admit to yourself, although there’s nothing wrong about it. For us, your spiritual family, everything is loved. The most important thing is to understand what you’re denying yourself of and start energy exchange, once you’ve started to do what you really want. Then, your veins will recover, and the legs will be healed, as energy will run in circulation

Question 5: Why do I crave sweet food and can I replace it with dates?

St. Pantaleon answers this:

It might be a good idea to replace sweet food with dates. You could also substitute sugar for honey, or fructose. Your craving for sweet food compensates emotional dystrophy, indicating the lack of proper attention during sexual, adolescent and childhood types of maturation. Understand that you can provide this attention yourself, by replacing it with specific vivid impressions you can get through emotions, feelings and by experiencing them when you fulfil your desires, which can have a healing effect and help you get away from this emotional compensating. It’s quite often that you come here to experience how to really love yourself. Most of us are children not loved enough, which gives rise to 90% of psychological problems.

Question 6: What is the psychosomatics of inverse psoriasis?

St. Pantaleon answers this:

Psoriasis is a psychosomatic disease caused by someone’s feeling of self-depreciation. This refers to feelings, emotions, and the nature of thought forms such as "I hate myself," "I can't afford what I want," “The world condemns me for my desires,” “I can’t accept myself, because I’m really bad and nasty, and I believe the World treats me similarly,” "I’m empty and feeling miserable inside." It’s self-esteem that will heal, which you should understand. Someone can always find dignity in their life, if they wish. They can always humiliate, or praise themselves. It all depends on the point, prospect, and perception. One and the same thing can be both praising and condemnation. It’s you who choose. Review your past and start praising yourself for what you’ve experienced. This way, psoriasis will go away. Baths with mineral (sea) salt, or soda bicarbonate, or citrus juices help as well.

Question 7: What helps against parasites?

Seraphim of Sarov answers this:

Eat berries. Also, soda bicarbonate is the best antiparasitic agent.

Question 8: Why do people suffer from leukocytosis and kidney dysfunction?

Her Excellency Mother of God, Mother of Mercy, answers this:

High white blood cell count in the physical body is a cause and effect relationship when you desire to get protected. Your body perceives itself attacked and infected, when you need to get healed accordingly. So, psychosomatically, it organizes the link the brain perceives as an infection. It starts to heal this infection by increasing the count of white blood cells produced by the adrenal glands. This directly links to the third chakra of the solar plexus, the yellow one, responsible for emotional programs performing and those of earthly pleasure. Importantly, you should understand here what emotional programs of pleasure are employed. You often tend to forbid yourself some things, referring to them as sinful in your beliefs, something that brings you lower in the vibrational background. This is just your Soul’s desire, though, to experience certain sensations, so there is nothing good or bad about this. You just need to realize and accept this, so you can work this out. This way, leukocytosis will no longer be elevated, and the body will calm down. It will turn off the danger mode to feel comfortable.

Question 9: If I have a prophetic dream, where does the information come from and who sends it?

Archangel Zadkiel answers:

The thing is that sleep is a journey of your mind and subtle bodies to astral dimensions. It’s very important to understand that the Astral plane is the very first thing the Soul encounters when it disincarnates. This is the first of the subtle worlds where thought forms are realized instantly, where all feelings and emotions have their own subtle matter. When we deal with a prophetic dream, it’s important to understand that this is a message, mostly aimed at saving, from your Guardian Angels, patron Deities, Monad, collective consciousness, spiritual family, or Higher Self, to warn you about an event, so the event series of your life changes, switching over to another time parallel to achieve the best result and see the risks of disincarnation, i.e. as an extreme rescue measure.

Question 10: What can help me cope with numbness in the hands and feet after a stroke?

St. Pantaleon answers this:

A stroke is a mental shock wave in the cerebral frontal lobe, the brain centre. This happens as you accumulate too much resentment deeply and end up with unexpressed aggression, hidden, unexpressed, and suppressed to such an extent and for so long that these resentments and aggression have come out intensely pressing the sixth and the fourth chakras a lot. It’s important for you to review, appropriately, the situations that had led to these mental processes, i.e. resentment, aggression, in view of rejection. Review all life scenarios, all cases and people in your life as triggers, one way or another, of your stroke related experience. Understand why you preferred not to express those emotions so you can realize where they had come from. Review your entire life to feel grateful for all this experience, so that the numbness starts to subside in terms of psychosomatics. In addition, breathing yoga and Qigong will help. Being physical, the body is an energy structure as well. All nerve endings and vascular plexuses are energy packets of data transmission. These are energy intermediaries, similar to wiring. You just need to breathe and put your energy of mercy and forgiveness into this wiring, i.e. express a clear intention as follows: “I want to forgive myself, above all, and others.” This way the stroke will start to go away, normally, after forgiving only.

Question 11: Why do I start to yawn and experience something similar when involved in spiritual practices?

Pavel Yasnosvet answers this:

When involved in certain spiritual work, tension is created in the mental field, as the mind, being a mechanism, gets rebuilt. It releases a lot of tension energy and waste energy. These are a kind of mental remnants you get rid of from the head by yawning, once you realize these thoughts aren’t effective. Yawning means getting purified on the subtle level.

Question 12: What is the best way to cook rice and pearl barley to get collagen from there?

Seraphim of Sarov answers this:

Pour some pearl barley into a pan, add cold water to reach one third of the pan amount, and cook it at 40 degrees for 20-30 minutes. Avoid boiling it, while waiting for slurry to come from there ready for you to eat. To make it more pleasant to eat, though, pour something delicious there. It’s really good for you.

Question 13: How to raise ferritin without meat?

Seraphim of Sarov answers this:

Ferritin is a protein involved in the production of iron. The level of iron is directly linked to the functioning of the thyroid gland and adrenal glands. See how much you express yourself and acknowledge your desires, as well as how strong your will is. To elevate ferritin, use foods containing vitamin C, calcium, as well as kelp, spirulina, and chlorella.

Question 14: Does Reality Transurfing work in 4D?

Pavel Yasnosvet answers this:

Yes, it does. It works even more efficiently and much faster.

Question 15: How to apply all this knowledge to the heart?

Pavel Yasnosvet answers this:

Comprehend any knowledge you get – process it in your head. Close your eyes and pay attention to your heart, whether you feel something, now you got this knowledge. You need to learn how to feel with inner perception, in the heart chakra. If the heart rejoices, feeling alright and pleased, as if when singing, this information is necessary. If you feel somewhat neutral, you need to rethink, as the subconscious is still processing information. If you feel doubt, rejection, then this is not something to deal with.

Question 16: How to bless food?

Her Excellency Mother of God, Mother of Mercy, answers this:

Blessing food is very exciting. First of all, realize, accept, tell yourself you’re the Divine Spirit endowed with unlimited will, and every energy of your attention applied, according to your intention, to this or that material object charges your energy potential. You can simply ask your spiritual family, Mentors to touch your food and also send it love mentally, by saying it’s good, so you put it higher in terms of quality in its energy class. Stroke the vessel saying, “My nice and splendid water, I love you, please fill me up.” That’s it and nothing more.

Question 17: What’s the most effective way to quit smoking?

Jesus answers this:

When you smoke, you compensate for some kind of stress, or experience when you weren’t supported or cheered up. In terms of psychosomatics, smoking is perceived as a second wind. Actually, it's not. To quit smoking, go back to the moment in your life when you first decided to have a smoke. Realize why you had such a desire, since when. Get in touch with yourself at that moment in the past to support yourself mentally there. This way, you’ll reduce this craving dramatically.

Question 18: What is the power of the sign of the cross?

Jesus answers this:

It shapes someone’s energy or aura up to the Orthodox egregor. This egregor pumps them up, if they like it and feel comfortable. If someone’s vibrational background is higher than that of this egregor, the sign of the cross starts to press energetically.

Question 19: How to remove tinnitus due to Meniere's disease?

Jesus answers this:

Any noise in the head indicates constricted blood vessels, compressed brain, and distorted vibrational background. It gets distorted due to obsessive and parasitic negative thoughts. Catch this negative obsessive thought, understand its nature, and feel where this thought came from, why you got attached to it. Feel where the structure was fragile, why it came, and establish the cause and effect relationship for that, what had led to that fragility. Next, in a psychosomatic way, go back in time and work that out. Yoga, exercises for the shoulder blades and neck also help the brain to have more energy for healing.

Question 20: What causes myopia?

Pavel Yasnosvet answers this:

Deteriorated vision is always associated with a disruption in the functioning of the brain, the informational background, when someone’s attention is immersed too much either in the external environment, or in the internal one. You can heal it with the help of your bioenergetics by influencing the brain. These three exercises will help you heal vision:1. Rub your hands and place your palms over your eyes and forehead. With the lower part of the palms, massage the eyeballs slowly in a clockwise direction, slightly pressing. By twisting it this way, you get energy to enter the brain.2. Shift your attention from the bridge of your nose sharply into the distance a few times.3. Blink strongly and squint for a while.  

Question 21: What does Z mean?

Pavel Yasnosvet answers this:

Ukraine and Russia don’t exist as states. On the subtle plane, it’s the USSR that is considered legally capable in the world’s law. It turns out that the people is at war with itself. It’s as if Russian troops attack one of their regions. Well, it’s actually the same thing. This is a game and provocation for those lacking consciousness. A conscious person understands this is all a game, a fake story, a distraction from something important. This runs certain processes in the matrix program for restructuring and this is destruction of old things.

Question 22: What causes endometriosis and uterine fibroids?

Her Excellency Mother of God, Mother of Mercy, answers this:

The uterus and vagina of a woman are associated with energy flows of unnecessary stagnant energy coming out of the first three energy centres and where the energy of the Earth is pumped in, which grounds a woman, not allowing her to fly away through her energy structure. Uterine fibroids is a partial closure of this energy centre from the outside world. It’s the fear of showing herself as a woman, her sexuality. The treatment is very simple: for example, walk freely, as if the Queen, a Goddess, or a swan. Feel your grace, femininity, and your inner girl. Everyone, even a man, has an inner girl, who wants to dress up, make up, to feel admired, loved, and kissed. Women definitely express this aspect in a more pronounced way. Work out your female side, so you won’t have uterine fibroids. Endometriosis is energy accumulated similarly. The difference is that fibroids is constriction, while endometriosis indicates energy that’s not expressed. These are your unexpressed sexual desires, projections, your inner girl’s desires. You just need to fulfil and satisfy them, to tackle these conditions. You could also use vaginal enemas with a chamomile, or rose and jasmine, solution, which will also help you raise your vibrational background.

Question 23: What is Restless leg syndrome?

Pavel Yasnosvet answers this:

The body is an energy structure, so the legs have an energy grid. The legs are the way out, which leads directly into the structure of the Earth. The restless leg syndrome indicates a potential lingering in the legs. The legs want to go and reach somewhere – to be there. These are numerously rejected hiking, walking, or any other types of trips. Understand where you want to go to, why you want to go there. If you visit the places you want to see, you’ll no longer have the restless leg syndrome.

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