Answers to Questions
as of 15-JUL-22 

Question 1: What are heel spurs and how to tackle them?

St. Pantaleon answers this:

The psychosomatic cause for this is that your life lacks any dynamics, movement, impressions, which turns into violated movements of the musculoskeletal system. As a result, the heel gets the main load. This is corrected by using these two methods: pelvic yoga and getting impressions while you travel.

Question 2: When will the world peace treaty be concluded?

Gaia answers this:

For now, this series of events is foreseen to have occurred by 2026.

Question 3: What causes very oily facial skin?

St. Pantaleon answers this:

Oily facial skin is a consequence of a violated energy structure of the third chakra when lacking enough pleasure in life and self-love, or when material pleasures are impossible, rejected or not enough, or when lacking enough emotional self-expression, reactions in sufficient form, as well as when you’re excessively nervous. This makes you compensate for that by eating sweet food or using some bad habits. To get rid of oily skin, first of all, you need to control your diet to make sure it contains a sufficient amount of amino acids, which are found in berries. Next, understand what you deny yourself of, what pleasures you deprive yourself of, or those you criticize yourself for. Deal with this, ask your subconscious to convince your mind that you aren’t supposed to criticize yourself for these things. On the contrary, people enjoy them to feel happy. So, go for it, do this to become happy.

Question 4: What causes low testosterone in men?

Seraphim of Sarov answers this:

This refers to insufficient sex life. As a result, the first or the second chakras have ceased to function correctly. This requires working with male aggression and sexuality. To put it simply, a man shouldn’t suppress his emotions, and he should express aggression by screaming when he wants to, for example, as well as experience an orgasm when he wants to. This way, he’ll raise his testosterone. Men also need to exercise, take a contrast shower, etc.

Question 5: any of us are Christians, and we’re also esotericists. How to accept this all and get it matched smoothly and harmoniously in myself?

Her Excellency Mother of God, Mother of Mercy, answers this:

Christianity is a religion and a certain egregore. Religion is one of the areas of esotericism, which includes Christianity. It’s alright to some people, while it’s not, to others. If people are really keen on this and like it, they need it. If someone is somewhat indifferent to this, they don’t need it. It’s very important to understand the fine line of mental balance, to perceive the response within you with your heart centre. If this knowledge is pleasant, this is what you need, while if you feel any doubts there, then it’s not something to deal with. So, screen out for things you don’t need and take the best for yourself everywhere. No one forbids taking the best for yourself everywhere. You don’t have to take everything in a row, as many things are uncomfortable for you. You need life to feel comfortable and learn to enjoy it.

Question 6: What professions will be in demand in 4D?

Centurion Civilization answers this:

We patronize egregores responsible for employment on your planet. We can say they’re undergoing a significant change. These people will come to the fore, as those building and giving light to the new system with their work: psychologists, esotericists, doctors, ecologists, among scientists, raw food chefs of the new generation. After some time, these will be artists, due to a cultural upsurge, as well as IT specialists, as smart virtual space is actively entering our lives. Technologies are growing, promoted by these specialists.

Question 7: Is castration of pets a sin, a bad karma?

Her Excellency Mother of God, Mother of Mercy, and Archangel Ariel answer this:

It’s your intention, showing why you do something, that’s important rather than those actions. This formula applies to everything. If you do an action governed by good intentions, karma won’t be bad. If you do something with malice and because you hate your pet, karma will immediately take effect.

Question 8: If an avatar, a physical body, changes during the transition, does the knowledge of psychosomatics become obsolete, so we get the new one?

Pavel Yasnosvet answers this:

Psychosomatics is expressing energetics in physics and expressing physics in energetics. These processes of changing someone’s health are intertwined, reflected in changing their structure overall, i.e. a mental deviation creates an energy deviation, which then creates a physical deviation. The same applies in reverse – this is psychosomatics. A change in the face structure during the transition is a change in the Soul’s vibrational background changing its avatar. So, it’s not psychosomatics. For a quantum transition, this is normal.

Question 9: What is the psychosomatic cause of excess weight and how to fix it?

Her Excellency Mother of God, Mother of Mercy, answers this:

The excess body fat accumulated indicates your suppressed feelings, emotions, worries, and merely impressions. In general, it’s your suppressed energy, which didn’t find expression for itself due to the fear of expressing. You need to work out declining to accept yourself. It’s accepting yourself rather than others that’s important for your health and balancing your soul and mind. Engage in your self-development, deal with inspiration and something that’s pleasant. This way, you’ll start to lose extra weight, because self-love will manifest itself. You’ll get an environment created to fully accept you the way you are.

Question 10: What is the psychosomatic cause of thrombophlebitis?

St. Pantaleon answers this:

Thrombophlebitis is a lesion of the energy system in the form of blood vessels, followed by the deposition and gluing of red blood cells in them. This refers to violated blood composition, changed blood electrolysis, when red blood cells start to stick together. Electrolysis changes as a result of violated vibrational background, which is evaded, denied responsibility, reluctance to take on responsibility for yourself in your life, for your actions, or for someone else. Understand what you don't want to take responsibility for. Say mentally, “All is God's will. So, I’ll try to reach the best bringing those who depend on me as well.” Blood thinning, for example, will also help, with amino acids found in berries and fruits, especially citrus fruits. If you use them, you can heal blood vessels and blood. Spirulina and chlorella also help.

Question 11: How to harmonize with healthy nutrition, accept and love naturally?

Cicero answers this:

There are some programs responsible for anticipating something incredibly delicious, the things to eat, which you’ve incarnated for. Soul won’t feel pacified, until it gets sated with what it wants, something that tastes good to it. So, if your food isn’t always good for you, it’s very important to combine it with healthy foods. Once you’ve had chips, sweets, or something else of this kind, eat fresh vegetables and fruit immediately after that, to compensate for this damage to the body. Use both pleasant and healthy food. You can always look for alternatives as well. For intance, replace sugar with honey. After that, everything will naturally turn to what’s appropriate.

Question 12: How to help tackle hypertensive crises after severe stress?

Her Excellency Mother of God, Mother of Mercy, answers this:

Hypertension is when you haven’t expressed something negative. When in this state, don’t express this negativity, as the system is already weakened. Qigong breathing practice, which is aimed at removing all aggressive energy from the field, will help. Just exhale, feeling calmed down, and devalue negativity internally, as well as the nervous stress caused by the situation, behaviour towards you. Don’t link depreciation to events lacking any divine significance. Devalue negativity to the extent that it fails to affect you anyhow. Say to yourself, “It doesn’t affect me, so I take it easy.” Rub essential oils, with a soothing aroma, into the neck and the frontal lobes. Also, take baths more often, as water helps a lot.

Question 13: Can I sometimes use a solarium, weekly, for example?

Seraphim of Sarov answers this:

Solariums aren’t meant for use in the new format. Relatively recently, the sun has changed its energy, while our avatars continue to change. For people of the new format, solariums become not good. For people of the three-dimensional format, they’re still appropriate. For four-dimensional people, solariums aren’t good due to the vibrational background of radiation, which will cause dermatological problems. Sunbathe the natural way – in the sun.

Question 14: Do I need to choose religion, masters, and teachings with the heart? What if I actually don’t need religions at all?

Pavel Yasnosvet answers this:

You should always choose religions and masters with the heart. Young, relatively inexperienced Souls on the Earth need religion, which sets the right direction for them. When someone’s awareness becomes higher than the vibrational background of religion, which they treat calmly, they no longer need it. You should be either neutral and calm, or positive in your attitude to religion, similarly to any other things.

Question 15: When families with healthy parents have no children, is it karma, other goals for soul incarnation, or anything else?

Her Excellency Mother of God, Mother of Mercy, answers this:

Yes, this is either a karmic manifestation after they had persecuted children in their past incarnations, or they have tasks children might interfere with, distract from this destiny.

Question 16: What causes Bipolar brain disorder?

St. Pantaleon answers this:

This indicates the brain’s psychosomatically violated vibrational background in humans. These people play a lot, engaged in self-deception, being implausible, when dealing with other people, and trying to make-believe they’re someone they actually aren’t. You could accept yourself the one you actually are and do what you actually want rather than be afraid to show your real self. Understand your desires, start to express them boldly and calmly, explaining what you want.

Question 17: Can I throw away my hair, or do I have to burn it?

Her Excellency Mother of God, Mother of Mercy, answers this:

The main thing is not to be afraid that this will somehow affect your structure. There are Higher Powers, who always take care of you, of everything that could harm you, neutralizing negative scenarios. So, you can throw it away safely. Nothing bad will happen.

Question 18: How can I elevate my spiritual level?

Pavel Yasnosvet answers this:

Understand why you have negative manifestations, where they come from, and what their nature is. When your mind realizes it’s something instilled rather than your structure, it automatically gets neutralized making you calm. This tranquility allows you to start enjoying life. You impregnate your inner being with spirituality, high vibrations to radiate into the outer world, which responds with similarly high vibrations, fulfilling your desires and intentions. If, in this state, you tell the universe about your intention to grow spiritually, it gives you its very best masters, series of events, which enrich you, gently and pretty fast, with spiritual knowledge elevating you to a new level. It’s striving for inner purity and organizing this inner purity in your soul that’s important.

Question 19: Which way to store berries for winter is better – to freeze them or make jam?

Jesus answers this:

Jam can’t substitute fresh berries, as the power of fire destroys all the nutritional components. Freezing destroys healthy minerals and amino acids as well, which stay, though, in little quantity. Currently, the technologies used in your space aren’t perfect enough to fully keep healthy ingredients in food for a long time. In a few years, though, such technologies will be used becoming more available. If you choose among the methods available, I’d recommend freezing.

Question 20: Will there be ancestral egregors in 4D?

Gaia answers this:

No, not in 4D. Ancestral programs are being replaced with more advanced programs such as the one of the general collective consciousness, and that of vibrational background compatibility out of similarity based on the affinity law. 3D programs rely on survival, while the new programs focus on co-creation. We’re moving from the first chakra to the fifth one.

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