Answers to Questions
as of 16-JUL-22

Question 1: How to cope with a lot of earth ants in garden plots?

Seraphim of Sarov answers this:

Sprinkle them with salt or pour saline solution over them. Rub tar soap on a grater, add some water to get liquid solution, and spray it on bushes, tree trunks. Don’t do this on root plants. These are the main methods to cope with these nice, wonderful creatures of nature.

Question 2: What happens to someone’s Soul and consciousness when heavily intoxicated with alcohol?

Hippocrates answers this:

Alcohol intoxication relaxes someone’s energetics, making them more malleable, soft, amorphous, violates biofield integrity, making it more vulnerable. It also breaks and discharges the integrity of the mental body around someone’s head, thus increasing the risks that they can attract negative scenarios into their life or get affected by an astral low-vibration entity, because they enjoy provoking drunk people and feed on this energy of provocation. In 4D, alcohol is no longer there, while in 3D only choose among the highest quality alcohol products made of natural ingredients.

Question 3: Since what age can children be limited in using dairy and fermented dairy products?

Seraphim of Sarov answers this: 

Breastfeeding is the final stage, when using dairy products (fermented or not) is completed. After that, children in the fourth-dimensional space don’t need to use these unneeded foodstuffs. If you really want to, you could buy natural plant milk.

Question 4: What awaits us in the next six months?

The Great Oracle answers this (the Soul of a very high planetary level, which deals with distributing time parallels so our parallel lives don’t intersect and everyone is unique):

Predicting the future is very likely rather than merely possible. Everything is likely, as this is the Source’s will. He allows everything and anything you can imagine – this is all possible. The thing is, there’s a more likely scenario, or a less likely scenario. Every second of your life things change, so they’re likely or not. Currently (when this video is recorded), the development of a food crisis is a more likely scenario. It’ll be expressed in the shortage of certain products on the world’s market, especially in countries of the second-degree development. Some currently relevant activities involving the two countries will be ceased further on, and the Indo-Eurasian economy will flourish, as the modern scenario aims at its centralization.

Question 5: While sleeping at night, how to protect my energy space against using energy?

Her Excellency Mother of God, Mother of Mercy, answers this: 

They only use your energy if you allow this. Set an intention for yourself, and say this three times: “My energy is whole, so no one can pump it out without my permission.” Also ask your Guardian angels to keep your dream. There’ll only be love, no attacks.

Question 6: What causes puffiness under the eyes?

St. Pantaleon answers this:

You get puffy bags under your eyes as energy accumulated from the mental program built for a tough perception of life. When everything seems hard, tough, not clear, full of obstacles, this causes a psychosomatic reason for a much lower quality of rest, sleep, because the brain is in such a vibrational range that the body can’t rest fully, no matter how much you sleep. This is also true of depression. This is corrected by going into the positive, changing the focus and directing your attention to things that please you, making things pleasant to the heart and soul. For example, look at the sky, but not at people annoying you.

Question 7: Are mushrooms healthy?

Seraphim of Sarov answers this:

In the four-dimensional format, mushrooms aren’t good for you. They won’t be dealt with.

Question 8: What’s the right way to celebrate a birthday from the point of view of the Higher Powers?

Her Excellency Mother of God, Mother of Mercy, answers this:

Stand up and at least for a minute mentally thank the space, all that exists and those who protect your life for the fact that you have it. Simply express gratitude to radiate the energy of gratitude all day long. It’s on this day that special energies are supplied from space, which will reveal you with high quality for the next 365 days. The energy of gratitude amplifies this effect and will allow some of the things pre-programmed in you to open up faster, which will significantly increase the future quality of life.

Question 9: Since childhood, I’ve had a strong desire to finish my dreams. So, I would sleep for a long time. What is it about and what can I change?

Archangel Michael answers:

The fact is that when you enter the space of a dream, you enter the astral plane. For some souls, the astral plane is their native dimension, so they don’t really want to leave it. They feel comfortable there, and this is normal. You shouldn’t change this, you just need to improve the quality of your dreams with meditative practices before going to bed, purify your mental body and call your Guardian angels into your field so they can help you efficiently to move into the astral dimension.

Question 10: Is time acceleration related to the transition and is it temporary?

Gaia answers: 

The transition will be marked by the fact that the change takes effect, and that the new matrix is gaining momentum. Soon, it’ll start to change everything as it deems necessary. Time acceleration is one of the features of the transition, similarly to the subsequent changes accompanying you up to the fifth dimension. That is, forever.

Question 11: What causes tightness of the joints on my fingers?

Hippocrates answers this:

The fingers are part of the chakra system. This reflects psychosomatically the periphery of the main energy meridians, i.e., the chakra column. Tightness is associated with rejecting to follow many programs, as well as suppressed energy centres. You lack affection, happy, tender, and light feels. You look the wrong way of service. You often go into scenarios when you sacrifice yourself and subsequently humiliate your own life. It’s time you treated yourself kindly, with affection and gratitude for life. After all, your hands reflect and continue your body. They are what you want to do, your action, and your intention. Express some good intention towards yourself and start at least by massaging your fingers and caressing yourself with warm compliments. Then, think about what you lack in life, and go towards it.

Question 12: What causes berry allergy?

Her Excellency Mother of God, Mother of Mercy, answers this:

Look at the reason for rejection. Close your eyes, calm your mind and make this request to your Soul: “My dear subconscious, my dear Soul, please show me the event that led me to develop an allergy to berries.” Awareness of this cause is 90% of your cure.

Question 13: Why do older people suffer from dementia and how can I help them recover?

St. Pantaleon answers this:

This is a karmic disease rather than a disease of the elderly. These people have often humiliated someone in their life by saying something or in their thoughts. Dementia is the karma of humiliating others. To be cured, you should think well of others. So, they’re immersed in such a childish state, so they perceive everything childishly, easily and naturally.

Question 14: Will the climate on Earth change and how?

Gaia answers:

Yes, the climate on me will change significantly in 4D due to the new healing effects of the matrix. It treats not only you, but me also. The catastrophes that have happened to me hitherto and turned my axis will reverse. The hemispheres, terrestrial space, magnetosphere – everything will align on me. My biofield will level out as well, and by 2030s we’ll have had some floods, while no one will suffer from them much. I’ll only clean up the space. The climate will level out. After some time, in 2050s or 2060s, it will be similar everywhere.

Question 15: How to remove the fear of building new relationship with the opposite sex?

Her Excellency Mother of God, Mother of Mercy, answers this:

Realize where this fear comes from. There’s always a point where negative programs emerge, while fear is one of them. Understand when it started, what you don’t allow yourself, where the restriction is. Once you’ve realized since when you’ve had that limitation, just say to yourself mentally, “I’ve realized it, I forgive myself, I forgive others, I love everyone.” This way, the program will be gone.

Question 16: During collective transcendental meditation, does Maharishi's egregore gets energy?

Krishna answers this:

No. Get involved in the attitude showing you’re the daughter/ son of eternal happiness. Before meditation, say this to yourself loudly and three times: “I am a child of happiness, I am a child of blissful eternal happiness, I am a child of eternal blissful divine happiness.” They won’t get to use your energy, in this case.

Question 17: Could you please tell me about the most unusual planets and their inhabitants in our galaxy, something that surprises even Saints.

Here’s the collective response from the Saints:

Nothing surprises us, we’re aware of everything, we have multidimensional consciousness, while everyone has unique more amazing things. When you have more surprising things in your head, all of them exist.

Question 18: How to detect implants of destructive systems, what to do with them once detected?

St. Pantaleon answers this:

Reach a calm and meditative state to reset your system. You can also do this while in the shower. Feel where there’s an energy spot, reminiscent in some way of a dense silicone marshy substrate. Work with this energy this way: move it into the space of your perception in front of your eyes, direct your attention and divine light, see what it is and where it came from. Then, send sincere love there, because the unconditional love for the Source, we’re all endowed with and able to reveal in ourselves, is capable of dissolving any matter and any energy. There’s no higher power than the Source’s love.

Question 19: Why do entities live in someone?

Pavel Yasnosvet answers this:

Entities come to get charged by a person. From the point of view of the universe, though, no matter how paradoxically it may sound, any entities are our teachers. They allow us to learn a lesson, to reach that integrity and perception that will allow us to keep that highest vibration and purity in our structure. They’re just our coaches. So, perceive them this way. If you send them unconditional love, they’ll leave. This has been proved already.

Question 20: Are rail, air, or car emergencies caused by karma?

Cevher Zabarat, the Lord of Karma, answers this:

Karma is a vague concept. Someone can attract this in their thoughts, forming an intention for this as an experience they need. For unconscious Souls, this is more often credit repayment linked to their negative perception. Sometimes the Higher Self also decides to disincarnate or subject its incarnation to a stressful state so it abruptly throws off the ballast of negative vibrational energies and changes its point of view, directing its destiny towards more positive, blissful and spiritual growth.

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