Answers to Questions
as of 24-JUL-22, Part 3

Question 1: How to get a purchased apartment purified from previous residents’ negative energy? 

Her Excellency Mother of God, Mother of Mercy, answers this: 

Dance, sing songs, scatter flowers, sanctify it with enchanted water, burn incense, candles – whatever suits you. This could be the canvas you paint on. Do whatever you want. The main thing is that it lifts your spirits. 

Question 2: Is it safe to practice Kundalini yoga? 

Archangel Raphael answers this: 

Kundalini yoga is about raising your vitality, based on an energy background in view of your chakra level. It’s very important to see if you do this in good mood, with the goal of merely taking care of yourself. 

Question 3: How to protect the skin against ultraviolet radiation?

Archangel Raphael answers this: 

Quite often, your food products contain chemicals, amino acids, low-grade vegetable fats, which accumulate in your skin as toxins ultraviolet radiation reacts to. To protect yourself, you could use creams or switch to a vegetarian raw food diet in future, with a raw vegetable base. Some people will still need meat for their tasks, while others will need sweets and sugar. 

Question 4: Do soybean sprouts need to be cooked before consumption?

Pavel Yasnosvet answers this:

No. If you heat-treat sprouts or vegetables, they’ll lose most of their nutritional value. 

Question 5: What’s weather dependence, why does someone experience weather changes especially hard? 

Pavel Yasnosvet answers this: 

Due to their vibrational background, some people are endowed with such sensitive subtle bodies that when there are some sharp energy related changes in space, this affects their etheric, causal, and emotional bodies a lot. They are aching, being purified this way. Take a contrast shower and you’ll immediately feel much better. 

Question 6: What’s special about crystal children, and why do they come here?

Pavel Yasnosvet answers this: 

These are children endowed with an ultra-high consciousness from birth, to bring light and new 4D technologies into the world, i.e. help the four-dimensional space open up. 

Question 7: Is ghee healthy? 

Seraphim of Sarov answers this:

You’d better eat hemp. 

Question 8: What awaits people who remain in the 3D reality? 

The consciousness of the Earth – Gaia – answers this:

Either disincarnation, or living in cramped, somewhat uncomfortable conditions for them, aimed at getting purified. 

Question 9: Can I feel if I’ve switched to 4D, or I’m still in 3D?

Pavel Yasnosvet answers this: 

Yes, you can. You could merely realize how you feel with regard to the Earth, how you perceive what’s happening. If this is a game planned in advance, for you, so you merely watch everything, you’re in 4D. If you feel scared, and you don’t understand what’s happening, this is all real, “we’re all going to die,” then you’re in 3D. 

Question 10: Which saint will be incarnated on the Earth once again? 

Pavel Yasnosvet answers this: 

Sergius of Radonezh. 

Question 11: Can I, for some reason, interrupt the transition to 4D and come back to 3D? 

Pavel Yasnosvet answers this: 


Question 12: What’s the difference between acceptance and indifference to what is happening around me? 

Pavel Yasnosvet answers this:

Acceptance is when you’re in the observer’s position, with this mental attitude: “What happens to everyone is what needs to happen. If they ask me for help, or feel I’m needed somewhere, and I need to help, I will help.” Indifference, though, is an arrogant position, like this: “Let everyone die, but I will survive.”

Question 13: What will happen on December 21, 2022? 

Pavel Yasnosvet answers this: 

On December 21, 2022, the quantum transition will be completed. Starting this date, people will be distributed according to densities of the four-dimensional format. This will be the first day of the quantum, etheric division of people, the separation of realities on the subtle rather than on the physical plane. 

Question 14: How to overcome the fear of getting manifested and live the way I want? 

Archangel Michael answers this:

Realize your fears and work through them, understand where they come from, and understand they ‘re meaningless and groundless for you. 

Question 15: Is the practice of standing on nails recommended? 

Zhiva answers this:

This practice is really cool!

Question 16: Why are dolphins and whales dying in large numbers? 

The consciousness of the Earth – Gaia – answers this: 

Their death is exaggerated to pump up the egregor of fear. Don't react to this. They are dying, though. These animals increase the vibrational background of the Earth with their existence, while the current authorities aren’t interested in this. This allows them to accumulate karma, though. Anyway, the population will recover, in the next five years, immediately after the transition. 

Question 17: Are there any rules for placing icons in a house or apartment? 

Her Excellency Mother of God, Mother of Mercy, answers this:

Place icons in a place where you’ll feel they’re your guards, assistants, where you can see them well. Place them in the most appealing place favorable for them, the way you yourself feel it. 

Question 18: How to attract a soul mate (quality male code)? 

Archangel Michael answers this:

This was originally spelled out, but the following is very important here. First, love yourself. Second, in your life, wish a partner who you want to give more than you receive from them. Third, earn karma by helping lonely people, those feeling sad – merely communicate with people, support and encourage them. 

Question 19: How to respond to someone’s ignorance so as not to fall into judgment and pride? 

Her Excellency Mother of God, Mother of Mercy, answers this:

Just close your eyes at this moment and feel that their awareness level doesn’t allow them to look at the world more broadly. 

Question 20: Which saint shall I turn to for the happy life of my children? 

Pavel Yasnosvet answers this:

To Sergius of Radonezh, Seraphim of Sarov, Her Excellency Mother of God, Mother of Mercy. Archangel Knyazhekofiil takes care of children as well. 

Question 21: How many chakras does a person have now? 

Pavel Yasnosvet answers this:

Someone’s key basis contains seven chakras. Some Vedas indicate nine chakras. This is also correct. The earthly chakra is located under your feet, while the supercelestial chakra is high above your head. Also, there are 647 secondary chakras on the body, small energy funnels. 

Question 22: What do saints feel about tattoos on the human body, and should I get them? 

Her Excellency Mother of God, Mother of Mercy, answers this:

When made for a clear spiritual purpose, to increase the vibrational background, then they feel positive. If it's just entertainment, then they feel neutral. 

Question 23: Is it good to sting nettles sometimes, or eat them as food? 

Seraphim of Sarov answers this:

It’s good to eat. It’s up to you, if you sting. If you like it, it's useful. 

Question 24: How to clear the energy field of connections on my own? 

Pavel Yasnosvet answers this: 

Say this mantra to yourself, “I’m the light from the light of God, I’m in the light of the original source.” 

Question 25: What happens to someone’s consciousness when they faint? 

Pavel Yasnosvet answers this:

Consciousness leaves the physical body into subtle bodies.

Question 26: How to configure someone’s subconscious to live more than a hundred years? 

Pavel Yasnosvet answers this:

Just talk to your subconscious. In most cases, it’ll adhere to the time it set for itself initially. 

Question 27: Is wearing skirts relevant for women in 4D? Is it true that skirts are healthier than pants? 

Pavel Yasnosvet answers this:

Yes. For women, wearing skirts is healthier than wearing pants, even now. To be honest, men also sometimes benefit from skirts rather than pants. 

Question 28: Does someone have a pain body? 

Pavel Yasnosvet answers this: 

No, it’s the physical body only that experiences physical pain. The rest bodies experience energy pain, mostly etheric or emotional, sometimes the mental one. 

Question 29: How to develop the warmth of the etheric body to live in the taiga, in the mountains at a temperature of minus 30-40 degrees?

Pavel Yasnosvet answers this: 

First, why do you need this? Second, merely raise your vibrational background. Cold is just a projection of the mind. 

Question 30: Are new generation metabiotics healthy? 

Seraphim of Sarov answers this: 

No. You’d better drink some herbs. 

Question 31: Is homemade kvass made with natural yeast, sugar, malt and apples healthy?

Archangel Michael answers this: 

For 4D people, yeast-based fermented foods won’t be good. 

Question 32: Does a stack of different medicinal herbs have healing powers, if you lie on it? 

Pavel Yasnosvet answers this:

Yes. it does.

Question 33: What will be the life expectancy of people in 4D, if all diseases are cured instantly?

Pavel Yasnosvet answers this: 

Not all diseases will be treated as quickly. They’ll be of a new nature, which doesn’t mean, though, that we won’t get sick in 4D or that we won’t get sick as often. The time frame will merely decrease, illnesses will rather be fleeting. Treatment will be more effective and accessible. Life expectancy will gradually increase. First, we’ll live up to one hundred years, then up to one hundred and twenty years old, up to one hundred and fifty, up to three hundred, and then generally several hundred years. This won’t happen soon, on the Earth, though. 

Question 34: Is it true that Seraphim of Sarov adhered to Vedic knowledge? 

Seraphim of Sarov answers this:

Yes, a little. I don’t say much about this, not to provoke the clergy. 

Question 35: How to understand what the World Soul and the God’s Unified Consciousness are? 

Archangel Michael answers this: 

Look at your hand, at your feet, at yourself in the mirror, at the space around you. Realize that this is all the Absolute, the Source. 

Question 36: Did holy healers take money and assign amounts for their good deeds? Why has this become the norm now? 

Seraphim of Sarov answers this: 

People have become greedy and selfish now. Creating the karma of greed for themselves, they want everything for free. Why do you think saints used to work for free? Those people differed. Once you’d cured them, given them some useful advice to help them in life, they would build you a house, take you on a trip, and give you money themselves. They would bring you food, so we just enjoyed our life. Now, though, people became greedy. So, all channelers and healers have to take money just to survive. If they do other things to feed themselves, they won’t have enough time and resources to heal you, enlighten you and bring you some knowledge. 

Question 37: How to become an unemotional person?

Seraphim of Sarov answers this:

This is silly. Due to your emotions, you’re a living person. If you enter a state where everything is fine for you, you’ll merely become very calm rather than unemotional. These are completely different states. Unemotional phantoms have fake emotions. 

Question 38: What is the Akashic Records, and can I deal with this practice? 

The consciousness of the Earth – Gaia – answers this: 

The Akashic Records mean transmitting mythology and true knowledge of the past from a certain esoteric closed community that intended to keep the knowledge. This teaching was deliberately distorted and falsified. The truth is no longer there. So, only trust your heart. 

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