Answers to Questions
as of 29-JUL-2022, Part 1

Question 1: How to improve water quality properly, by using a blue bottle without freezing?

Pavel Yasnosvet answers this: 

Just pour water into a bottle made of high-quality blue plastic, after placing it on the mandala. Either cast a spell, or turn on some pleasant music and let the speakers face the water, so it gets these vibrations. Play with this, it's very interesting. Everyone charges water in their own way. Some use crystals, while someone else places it in the sun. 

Question 3: When will dinosaurs be resurrected? 

Pavel Yasnosvet answers this: 

Why resurrect them? No, this won’t happen. 

Question 2: What are the benefits of linden tea? 

Seraphim of Sarov answers this:

It draws out all the fluid and mucus from the bronchi. Linden purifies the bronchi, the larynx, and the entire respiratory system really well. 

Question 4: How to cut off etheric connections with someone? 

Archangel Michael answers this: 

You can call me. Or you could merely mentally thank them, once you’ve recalled more painful experiences and things you went through with them. Mentally realize, understand, and feel why this was given to you. Then, move to a position of gratitude. It’s only with a feeling of gratitude to someone that you can finally dissolve any connection into love. 

Question 5: Will people need a higher education in 4D?

Archangel Michael answers this: 

No, they won’t need it. The systematization, classification of knowledge and the educational system will undergo dramatic change in 4D. So, education won’t split into higher vs. secondary. 

Question 6: Will homeopathy work in 4D? 

Archangel Michael answers this: 

Homeopathy will undergo some change and evolution. It will be relevant in 4D, but in a slightly different form. Fermentation and the bactericidal composition of the body in 4D undergo significant change too. So, the body merely won’t accept some active substances, while some can cause quite severe damage. So, use herbal medicine as better practice . 

Question 7: How to cleanse my aura?

Pavel Yasnosvet answers this:

There are so many ways. You could stand letting the air, a strong wind, blow on you. You could stand on the ground, hug the earth, hug a tree, take a hot or contrast shower, just sleep, meditate, draw... In general, everything that relaxes you – structures and cleanses your field. 

Question 8: How to strengthen superpowers, if any? 

Pavel Yasnosvet answers this: 

Intuitively. Ask yourself, your subconscious, how you can strengthen this or that. The subconscious will give you practices. 

Question 9: Can I get my breasts enlarged or reduced (get my body changed overall) in 4D, with the power of thought and nutrition? 

Pavel Yasnosvet answers this: 

In 4D, you’ll be able to do it, while it won’t be used as normal practice. Nutrition helps regulate the water balance, while based on thought forms and the energy of thoughts, you can move the energy and balance of the water mass in your body, restructuring tissues and cells this way, and, accordingly, changing your body shape. 

Question 10: How to address my kin?

Pavel Yasnosvet answers this: 

Ancestral programs no longer exist for those who have switched to 4D. So, if you’re in 4D, there’s no point in this anymore. If you’re in 3D, once you’ve purified your field, merely close your eyes and clearly say this to yourself three times, “My kin, get manifested before me!” They’ll show up. 

Question 11: Does someone’s kin, and its power, really matter to them? 

Pavel Yasnosvet answers this: 

They used to matter. 

Question 12: Do the Laws of Rita make sense today? 

Pavel Yasnosvet answers this:

They no longer make any sense they used to make. 

Question 13: What does it mean to be in the flow?

Pavel Yasnosvet answers this: 

This means turn off the control of your mind completely and allow everything to come into your head. Trust what you feel completely and see certain signs in everything. So, if something seems this or that to you, it means it’s true. To be in the flow means to trust your heart, the voice of your soul, your intuition completely and, accordingly, do what comes to mind.

Question 14: How can teenagers find themselves in this world? 

Archangel Michael answers this: 

Firstly, if your parents fulfil you, give you the meaning of life, endow you with a philosophy that makes it easier for you to live, follow their philosophy and try to communicate with them about your problems. If you feel your parents are problematic for you, not wishing to listen to you, no matter how hard you try to open your heart to them, just understand they’re like these, and you need to accept them. Second, move along your own path. You live your life for yourself. To do this, you need to understand what you want, and, accordingly, try to fulfil it, not in terms of drinking or eating something not good, though. Focus on self-discovery, creativity. Merely find something that gives you joy, fills you up, what’s pleasant to do. Draw, sculpt, or just walk, it doesn’t matter. You must have a hobby. 

Question 15: How do I know if I'm switching to 4D, or staying in 3D?

Pavel Yasnosvet answers this: 

Not choosing its body, Soul shapes it in terms of energy. Then, this energy gets manifested in the etheric field, which gradually materializes through pregnancy over time. 

Question 16: How does Soul choose its body? 

Pavel Yasnosvet answers this: 

Not choosing its body, Soul shapes it in terms of energy. Then, this energy gets manifested in the etheric field, which gradually materializes through pregnancy over time. 

Question 17: Can a person control the weather? 

Archangel Michael answers this: 

If someone’s energy allows it, they can control not only the weather, but the matrix overall. 

Question 18: Is the science of palmistry useful? 

Pavel Yasnosvet answers this: 

This science was invented and they started to use it back in the times of Lemuria, i.e., this is very, very ancient knowledge. It’s relevant. In fact, the lines on the human body are coordinates, planes, sacred geometry, which has its own clear meaning. This is one of the body codes. 

Question 19: If I don’t want children from my partner, this isn’t true love? 

Pavel Yasnosvet answers this: 

Yes, this is your Soul’s task. True love is manifested when you fully respect someone’s needs, want to do what they want. At the same time, this person feels the same towards you. Love is accepting that a person doesn’t want something. If someone alone doesn’t want children, there’s no point in having them. Some souls have such tasks that they either can’t have children, or they’ll have children, but this won’t affect their fate in any way. So, if subconsciously you feel you don’t need children now, this is so. This may change over time, though. 

Question 20: What do obsidian and sodalite stones provide? 

Pavel Yasnosvet answers this:

Obsidian draws energy. It can redistribute it, organizes a protective field, but it fits a few people only. Black obsidian is very dangerous. It drains life force completely. So, don’t wear it. You need to know how to work with it. Sodalite strengthens the walls of the etheric field and the mental body, helping if you don’t want to load your head with unnecessary thoughts. I’ll repeat, though. In 4D, stones will have little strength, i.e. after the final transition (on December 21, 2022), stones may sharply lose their abilities in relation to people who’re in 4D. It’s only crystals, especially clear ones, that’ll continue to work powerfully. 

Question 21: How to get protected daily? 

Pavel Yasnosvet answers this:

As you wake up in the morning, clearly tell yourself, “I’m under absolute protection, I’m in absolute love, everything around me dissolves into the light of love. Angels are with me all day long.” 

Question 22: When’s the second coming of Jesus, and what’s he doing now?

Pavel Yasnosvet answers this: 

Jesus is now working on the subtle plane. He plans to incarnate on the Earth, but in a form that no one will realize it’s Jesus. No one will understand, until the last moment, that it’s Jesus. Perhaps he’s already among you, but perhaps he’s not. Ask this question and answer it yourself. 

Question 23: Are 5G towers really harmful to people? 

Pavel Yasnosvet answers this: 

Yes, they are and have always been. Currently, though, their influence is weakening. The matrix field has been restructured, and the negative vibrational background of these towers is starting to fade away. 

Question 24: What languages, in addition to Russian, will be relevant in 10-30 years? 

Pavel Yasnosvet answers this: 

American English, one of the African languages, Arabic, Norwegian, Hindi, Asian languages. This will all change further on, though. 

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