Answers to Questions
as of 29-JUL-2022, Part 2

Question 1: Does the hexagon, as a honeycomb symbol, attract health energy?

Archangel Metatron answers this:

The honeycomb is a perfect figure in terms of space. It’s in the form of a honeycomb that the etheric field and ether get manifested as a product of the subtle materialized into the dense. So, a honeycomb is a perfect sacred geometric figure that concentrates any energy in itself. 

Question 2: Do mudras matter in 4D? 

The Buddha answers this:

Yes, they do. 

Question 3: When will the devil’s soul incarnate in a human body on the Earth? 

Archangel Michael answers this: 

The thing is demonic souls are those with a low vibrational background. This is a stage in a spirit’s development. So, there’re a lot of incarnate demons among you, but most of them remain in 3D. Don’t catch the devil’s arrival, you don’t need it. 

Question 4: How to remove karmic tasks from my current life? 

Archangel Michael answers this: 

If you seem to have a karma, send the Source’s light from your heart there. Imagine the heart radiates the light of gratitude and love. Imagine a karmic relationship and shine it there. If the connection doesn’t dissolve, then it’s karmic. You need to ask the subconscious why this was given to you. When Soul realizes why it was or is given this now, karma dissolves immediately. It dissolves, once you realize something. Karma is generated by thoughts only, not actions. 

Question 5: Do gods exist or is there only one God? 

Pavel Yasnosvet answers this: 

There’s Source, the Absolute. People call him differently: Allah, nirvana, All-Father, or All-Mother, whatever they like better. The Absolute’s particles, small lumps of energy, are you and me. So, we’re everything, and at the same time individual. Gods are the level of Soul’s development, i.e. Soul becomes divine, once it’s realized the principle of material life, learned to manage all this easily. So, it’s given more complex tasks. It no longer controls matter, but deals with cosmic energies distributed over vast spaces (universes and galaxies). That is, gods are titans of the mind, super-intelligent souls. Also, these are very powerful mergers of collective consciousness. 

Question 6: Why is it possible to photograph spirits. Are these their astral, or etheric bodies?

The consciousness of the Earth - Gaia - answers this: 

These are their bodies of light, and the film of your photography technologies can partially capture the emitted spectrum of plasmoid structures. In fact, these are merely etheric beings that have their own vibrational background, barely perceptible to someone physically, but strongly felt internally, if your inner purity has reached the level, where you’re able to catch it with your inner instinct. 

Question 7: What’s the construction of the second temple for Jews? What or who do they wait for? 

Jesus answers this:

They’re on the alert, i.e. waiting for insights, hidden knowledge. 

Question 8: How to constantly maintain purity of thoughts? 

Jesus answers this: 

It’s very important to understand why your head is clogged. Just imagine you’re a stream everything passes through, and catch the moments when obsessive thoughts arise. Deal with these thoughts, i.e. talk to them, analyse them, go on a small trip, meditate and try to track down the reason you have these obsessive thoughts, or who sends them and why. When there’re no obsessive thoughts, the head remains clear. 

Question 9: How does blood transfusion from different donors affect Soul’s development?

Pavel Yasnosvet answers this: 

It can lower or increase the vibrational background, as desired. This happens on the material level, when Soul just needs to experience it. In terms of the sacred aspect and the subtle world, it’s a micro-exchange of experience here, i.e. someone whose blood was transfused to you also gave you a piece of themselves, their experience; their experience dissolved in you and transformed into the light you need. That is, everything happens automatically. 

Question 10: What does the ritual of remembering the dead give to those remembering and to the deceased soul?

Pavel Yasnosvet answers this: 

It gives peace to those remembering, and helps to partially organize a heart linked channel of communication with the deceased. The deceased, if they needed it, calm down as well. In fact, the most important thing for them on a subtle level is to be remembered. They can only contact you, if you remember them. 

Question 11: Can our Absolute with an infinite world be a cell of something bigger? 

Pavel Yasnosvet answers this: 

This is so difficult to explain by using our physical language that nothing is clear there at all. The Absolute is everything that exists. At the same time, he’s also a cell, both at the same time. The Absolute seems to exist, while it doesn’t either. It’s the same with us. We exist, but in relation to what? In fact, we don’t exist. This philosophy really breaks the mind, and if you want to figure it out, don’t turn on your feelings, but let images appear in your head. If you try to think about this, it won’t be actually pleasant for you at all. These vibrations are too high for the mind. 

Question 12: Will my loan obligations move into 4D along with me? 

Pavel Yasnosvet answers this:

This depends on your tasks. If someone still has a loan in 4D, this is pure karma – the one of disrespect for yourself, or that of hyper-responsibility and sacrifice. If you take care of everyone and have to save everyone, you become a victim no one needs. God created us not to become victims, but help each other, rescue, i.e. learn to support one another and get each other out of difficult situations – through inspiration and a sense of gratitude rather than sacrifice. In the end, everyone should reach this feeling of gratitude, while for now, there’s some parasitism. So, give thanks for everything that happened to you in life, and let go of all people calmly and with love. Enjoy moving into 4D. This is the way you’re being purified as much as possible. 

Question 13: When the Mother of God comes to you, how do you see her, what does she look like? 

Pavel Yasnosvet answers this: 

She manifests her image inside my head, but sometimes I see a phantom projection with phantom vision. How does she look like? Imagine golden dust descending (in Disney cartoons about fairies, they have similar golden dust flowing from them). The Mother of God is a huge phantom projection of a woman in beautiful dresses and with a scarf thrown over top, her hair can’t be seen. She has a very kind, blissful look, and her eyes shine just like sapphires, very blue ones. Her eyes are slightly closed, she’s really calm. Very bright light’s coming from her. Her energy is golden-lavender-pink-blue. She’s manifested in different ways: sometimes she’s three to five meters tall, while sometimes she’s more than thirty meters tall. 

Question 14: Does the moon influence human consciousness? 

Archangel Michael answers this: 

If you have a lot of water energy, the water element, then it affects. In general, it affects everyone, but in its own way. The moon also somewhat rules ether rather than water only. 

Question 15: What’s the “white-alatyr-stone” from Slavic legends? 

Archangel Michael answers this: 

This stone existed as a piece of the Atlantean heritage. The Vedic elders, priests and priestesses of the great goddesses sat on Alatyr, being on the alert, i.e. they waited for insights and hidden knowledge. This was the strongest portal place. Now, this stone is in a laboratory deep underground. It exists, but is hidden from people. 

Question 16: Will there be any practices from you soon? 

Pavel Yasnosvet answers this: 

Yes, I’ll offer some. I’m just waiting for the moment when the Higher Powers tell me: “Come on, we need it!” Or I’m just waiting to see what kind of practice they’ll give me, so I can offer it. I’m waiting for a mantra and mandala from Ganesh, in the near future, so he can give it to me, and I’ll post it on the website for you. 

Question 17: Who lives in a body that has no soul? 

The consciousness of the Earth – Gaia – answers this: 

A phantom projection is a piece of matter fully supported by me and my matrix field, which is clothed in a certain organic shell (form) to perform strictly appropriate functions. That is, these are simply biorobots held by energy and matrix of the Earth, puppets controlled by the Earth's field. 

Question 18: Can a human cell divide endlessly? 

Hippocrates answers this:

Yes, it can. 

Question 19: What’s Soul’s development in the Creator’s plan? 

Jesus answers this: 

Just learn, gain experience, feel, and look for your meaning in life. This was created so we create meaning for ourselves and live for the sake of this meaning, moving towards it. In general, we live because we’d wanted to. 

Question 20: What if a 4-year-old child refuses to eat fruit and vegetables and only wants sweets? 

Pavel Yasnosvet answers this: 

You need to talk to this child and use your maternal instincts, understand why there’s such an aversion to fruit and vegetables. This may be a regression. The child could have been seriously poisoned in a past life and died. This may have resulted in such disgust. But here everything is individual. Show your maternal intuition and feel what’s needed. Ask yourself what you need to do to make your child like vegetables and fruit. 

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