Answers to Questions
as of 29-JUL-2022, Part 3

Question 1: When will switching from 3D to 4D stop for people?

Pavel Yasnosvet answers this: 

The first portal will close on September 21, 2022, followed by the next ones to be closed on November 21 and, finally, on December 21, 2022. After this, there’ll still be people between the 3D and the 4D spaces, but you can only get into this interspace until December, 21. After that, there’ll be tough screening, and several years of struggle for those still between the spaces. 

Question 2: Where will children go if their family is divided between 3D and 4D? 

Pavel Yasnosvet answers this: 

If the children are in 4D (and they’re all in 4D, actually), they’ll remain with the parent who switched to 4D. If both parents are in 3D, while their child is in 4D, then the universe will transfer these children to adulthood quickly to give them the resources to switch. 

Question 3: How can I understand it’s my soul, my guardian angel answering me, not evil spirits? 

Pavel Yasnosvet answers this: 

Here, it’s very important to tell yourself this mantra: “I’m light from the light of God.” When your own soul and guardian angels come to you, you feel unearthly bliss, you’re so pleased, everything’s so wonderful and so good! These aren’t just high vibrations. These are vibrations that make you feel good. You can’t fake such a feeling. If someone only pretends, though, that they have high vibrations, they won’t feel bliss. You seem to feel the vibrations are high, but you don’t experience this high feeling. 

Question 4: Will there be a division between those vaccinated and those not, in 4D?

Pavel Yasnosvet answers this: 

No, there’ll be a split between 3D vs. 4D. If you switched to 4D, and were vaccinated, this won’t affect you in any way. 

Question 5: What does delayed speech development in a child mean?

Pavel Yasnosvet answers this: 

Usually, this is karma, either children, or their parents have. You need to analyse this in each case separately. The throat chakra, which is responsible for self-expression, is very important here. 

Question 6: How to cleanse the mental and the astral bodies of any blocks and negative programs? 

Pavel Yasnosvet answers this: 

Take a contrast shower, sleep, draw. Eat berries, read prayers, listen to music that fills you up and raises your vibrations. Tell yourself mantras like these as well: “I’m light from the light of God, I’m in the light of the Source, I’m the absolute of purity, I’m the absolute of mercy, I’m surrounded by Higher Powers, I’m surrounded by angels, I’m absolutely protected, I feel good and wonderful.” That is, you can merely program such a vibration background so it purifies everything itself. 

Question 7: To get rid of sin, is repentance enough, as well as realizing this is no longer acceptable? 

Jesus answers this:

 The thing is no one cleanses you from your sins except yourself. Sins are actually karma, realizing you haven’t always acted correctly, not guided by your heart. The main thing is to merely realize, understand and forgive yourself. The Higher Powers never take offense, get angry, or forgive. They weren’t angry with you initially, you know. You’re already forgiven, no matter what you do, you’re forgiven in advance for your entire life, including all your further lives, you’re forgiven forever. The most important thing here is to forgive yourself. 

Question 8: Is 3D a dimension of Lucifer? 

Archangel Michael answers this:

No, it’s not. 

Question 9:  Who’s Lucifer?  

Archangel Michael answers this: 

This is a fellow archangel who, in this game of the Absolute, has chosen the role of the antagonist, the villain. He is very good at pushing people towards development, provoking them to commit vices. When people encounter these vices, they don’t like it so much. These vices exhaust them to such an extent that Soul can no longer roll back, moving forward only. For some, it’s enough to go through this once. For others, it takes several lives. This differs for everyone. Lucifer is like an angry dog that chases you, barks, urges you on, accelerates your development, if you’ve slowed down somewhere. He has this unique role. 

Question 10: Will HIV patients remain in 3D, or can they move to 4D?

Pavel Yasnosvet answers this:

HIV is karma, while it doesn’t affect the transition. If someone switched to 4D, they’ll definitely get rid of HIV. If they remained in 3D, this may be questionable. 

Question 11: Could you explain about phantoms living in the physical body, please? 

Pavel Yasnosvet answers this: 

A phantom is a puppet, a living doll placed on the hand. Instead of the hand, though, there’s the energy of Gaia herself, the Earth. There’s no reasonable soul there. This matrix field supports the bionic body. Phantom is a living biorobot for the game in The Matrix movie. 

Question 12: How to strengthen my gums and teeth? 

Seraphim of Sarov answers this: 

Chew ginseng and ginger. Rub crushed mandrake root, mustard, and hot pepper, very little, into your gums, otherwise you’ll go crazy from the burning sensation. You need to brush your teeth and floss very well. 90% of dental diseases occur because people don’t clean the spaces between their teeth. Establish lymph flow, i.e., eat citrus fruits, berries, just be physically active and sleep well. Teeth show the internal state of the body directly. 

Question 13: How to restore the functioning of the chakras effectively?

Pavel Yasnosvet answers this: 

With special meditations. 

Question 14: Is namaz a duty, or a reverence with the heart, when possible? 

Pavel Yasnosvet answers this: 

Namaz is someone’s ability to overcome their pride and thank the Universe (Allah) for the lessons and for the mercy shown. This is merely an acknowledgment that the Higher Powers, i.e., Allah, taught you a great lesson and helped you move to the next hypostasis of your spiritual development. 

Question 15: How to effectively speed up my metabolism?

Pavel Yasnosvet answers this: 

Physical activity, healthy sleep, berries such as raspberries, blackberries, blueberries, especially raspberries, because they relieve any inflammation (in general, any northern berry helps you cope with inflammation), and lots of water, including water containing juices of alkaline plants (citrus fruits). Sprouts and microgreens also improve metabolism effectively. 

Question 16: What are the causes, when seriously ill children are born?

Pavel Yasnosvet answers this: 

These children’s karma, and their parents’ karma. Nothing else. 

Question 17: How safe is the Ayahuasca ceremony for humans? 

Seraphim of Sarov answers this: 

Ayahuasca is a drink that allows you to partially move your etheric and mental body into the astral plane, but this is dangerous. This technology will eventually fade away, as a safer alternative becomes available. Only experienced priests, who knew how to act in the astral plane, used it. If someone is unprepared, then under no circumstances should they drink this, it’s very dangerous. 

Question 18: How can I ask a child’s soul to come into this world through my body?

Her Excellency Mother of God, Mother of Mercy, answers this: 

It's very individual. For some, it’s enough to simply close their eyes, mentally imagine their child and talk to them. They already exist, not yet manifested in matter. 

Question 19: Is it good or bad to wear a cross with a crucifix? 

Jesus answers this: 

If you like wearing me crucified, wear me, if you don’t like it, don’t wear me, it’s very easy. It’s your intention that’s very important here – why you wear it, your purpose and desires. I help everyone, I love everyone equally. It doesn’t matter to me in what form you wear me. (A secret from Pavel Yasnosvet: it’s better to wear a portrait of living rather than crucified Jesus. He actually feels more pleasant in this case, but doesn’t say this.) 

Question 20:  Is laser hair removal harmful for body hair? 

The consciousness of the Earth – Gaia – answers this: 

Laser hair removal will undergo change as a technology. Over time, it’ll cease to be harmful. It all depends on the laser quality, though. The alexandrite laser isn’t as bad as the diode one. 

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