Answers to Questions
as of 29-JUL-2022, Part 4

Question 1: What’s the lesson of temptation for a person and Soul?

Jesus answers this: 

This is already a belief that someone is tempting you. In reality, it’s just a projection of your mind. It’s very important here to take responsibility for your life, on your own, and merely admit that at that moment you weren’t as conscious as you’re now. This was a good lesson and experience for you. That is, it’s merely for someone to recognize something, accept it. 

Question 2: Is Cosmoenergetics dangerous?

Archangel Zadkiel answers this: 

Cosmoenergetics is the ability to conduct cosmic energy, feelings and fields. It can differ. What matters here is the master’s experience, as well as your intention and belief system, your faith in what’s happening within you. Faith creates an energy apparatus in you, which forms certain energies. Thanks to them, you gain access to certain structures, or you don’t. 

Question 3: When will there be less evil in the world, so people will become kinder and learn to live without envy? 

Pavel Yasnosvet answers this: 

This is a dual system of perceiving the world, if you divide the world into good and evil. It’s neither good, nor bad, but good and evil don’t exist. There’s a yin-yang symbol – everything good and white has something black, and everything black has white, this is the truth. So, you can’t say people will become kinder, or that they’re somehow evil now. We can say they’re not as conscious now. The fact that they aren’t as conscious doesn’t mean they’re somehow different, more evil or not as evil. If everyone had enough of everything, everyone would be absolutely happy, work in their place, the infrastructure would be perfect, the environment and nutrition would be perfect, everyone would get enough sleep, everyone would have love. I don’t think there would be many evil people. This is merely the principle of lacking something. People get angry because of any shortage. More often than not, we simply lack acceptance. 

Question 4: How to work with incoming numeric codes?

Archangel Michael answers this: 

If you receive them, it’s very important to understand for yourself and talk to your Higher Self. Simply say, “My dear subconscious, my Higher Self, please decipher and interpret the meaning of the numbers and digits I get.” Just send a clear request, so you get very clear answers. 

Question 5: Will the way bodies are buried change, in the next 10-20 years?

Pavel Yasnosvet answers this: 

The trend will gradually move towards cremation. 

Question 6: How good are Austrian Grander technologies for humans?

Archangel Michael answers this: 

The water from Grander filters is good, but there’re a lot of fakes. Be careful! This is an advanced new system of alkalizing and hydrating water to make its structure living and perfect. You need to have skills, though, to choose filters and devices to increase water quality, class and vibrational background. Remember, there’re too many fakes now. If you want to drink good water, Pavel Yasnosvet personally recommends Frolov, who offers everything checked. 

Question 7: When someone endures and perseveres, do they work through something?

Jesus answers this: 

Yes, when they persevere, and no, when they endure, i.e. suppress their inner Self. When they persevere, though, they pass it successfully realizing that all had been given for something, or even better realizing what it was given for. 

Question 8: Will human design be relevant, in the next three to five years? 

Pavel Yasnosvet answers this: 

It’s no longer relevant, to those who’re in 4D. 

Question 9:  Are same-sex relations acceptable?

Krishna answers this: 

All of you are children of the Supreme Mind. He allows you to indulge in anything you want. That’s why he gave you everything. The main thing is to have fun. 

Question 10: Are flaxseed oil capsules good for women? 

Seraphim of Sarov answers this: 

Capsules aren’t desirable at all. You’d better buy unrefined, cold-pressed flaxseed oil and use it directly, without capsules. 

Question 11: How does swearing affect those who speak and those who listen, as well as water? 

Pavel Yasnosvet answers this: 

This depends on the vibrational background of swearing. What words are said doesn’t matter. It’s intention that’s important. That is, you can swear at someone with love, so they feel as if cleaned thoroughly. Swearing may have very dark energy, though, and turn out offensive, humiliating, and not pleasant at all. How this affects water: it’s not swearing or words that influence water, but the vibrations emitted by your voice and your mental field do. They overlap, mix into a single vibrational background and penetrate any structure. You can deceive with words, but not with intention. It’s only your intention that’s felt, while water is basically charged with intention. So, if you charge water with swearing blissfully, and then someone drinks it, they’ll feel as if they were cursed, but lovingly. For example, a child comes up from behind a horse, which could kick him to death, and someone shouts, “What the ... are you standing behind the horse, move away quickly!” Here, swearing was kind of blessed. The topic is controversial, but if you set out to feel, you’ll feel what this is all about. 

Question 12: The Vedas say it’s is the Kali Yuga now, the age of degradation. What about 4D?

Krishna answers this:

The thing is, the Vedas “got damaged” a lot – distorted significantly. You do need to rely on the way you feel. It’s the blossoming between the periods rather than Kali Yuga now. You had Kali Yuga was when you suffered from war and famine. There’s no war or famine, now. It’s merely purification going on, so continue the transition to 4D. 

Question 13: Can someone act like a demon outwardly, being a saint within, though, as if playing a game?

Pavel Yasnosvet answers this: 

Yes, they can. This happens very often. 

Question 14: Where do phantoms come from? 

Pavel Yasnosvet answers this:

They’re born from phantoms as well. 

Question 15: Will the science of Xiucai be relevant, in the next five years? 

Pavel Yasnosvet answers this: 

It’s becoming far less relevant. The structure is changing, so is the idea this science is linked to. 

Question 16: How to get what you want now, even though it’ll take 10 years to save money? 

Pavel Yasnosvet answers this: 

Use Vadim Zeland’s book “Reality Transurfing.” 

Question 17: How to get out of emotional burnout? 

Jesus answers this: 

Understand the cause of emotional burnout and understand what will give you emotions. 

Question 18: What should I pay attention to when designing a house in 4D?

Pavel Yasnosvet answers this: 

The topic is very broad. There’s a lot to say here. Jyotish (Vedic science) and Feng Shui are and will remain relevant. Enjoy using them! 4D relies on these more important principles: lots of light, active air flow, and ecology of your house. 

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