Answers to Questions
as of 29-JUL-2022, Part 5

Question 1: What should I pay attention to when designing a house in 4D? (continued)

Pavel Yasnosvet answers this: 

The key idea of 4D, which is quite fluid, is making everything rounded, smooth, transitional, and light. The etheric field in 4D flows very well, with smooth shapes and soft energy around. In your house, you create soft energy by using soft, smooth, and rounded things. 

Question 2:  How to meditate correctly? 

Krishna answers this: 

Relax, close your eyes and imagine you’re somewhere you’d like to be, that’s it. Then, float, dream, go into the astral plane, and forget the Earth exists. Play with the illusion a little bit. 

Question 3: Are yajnas useful and can I use them to correct my destiny? 

Pavel Yasnosvet answers this: 

Yes, they’re useful. 

Question 4: Are onions and garlic good for the body?

Seraphim of Sarov answers this: 

Onion microgreens and garlic germs are good for you, while mature onions and garlic become irrelevant in 4D. 

Question 5: What flour is better for baking (rye, spelled, wheat, whole grain...)?

Seraphim of Sarov answers this: 

These are healthier than other flour types: rye, pea, buckwheat, flax, chickpea, barley. Next come these, as medium healthy: spelled, quinoa, oat, and spelt. Wheat flour is only good, if it’s coarsely ground, low grade, while it contains a lot of gluten. Amaranth flour also contains a lot of gluten, but it’s much healthier than wheat flour. Coconut and almond flour types are very good for baking pastries. Rice and soy flour types are empty. Corn flour is empty, useless. Sunflower one isn’t good at all. 

Question 6: Are there any vaccinations in 4D?

Pavel Yasnosvet answers this: 

In 4D, people have a completely different immune system, more perfect, more orderly. Cells are more structured. So, there are no vaccinations there at all. 

Question 7: How to cleanse the body of parasites?

Seraphim of Sarov answers this:

Take dried chanterelles (dried naturally in the sun), fill them with water warmed up to 70 degrees, add a little dry chamomile, leave for 50 minutes, and then give yourself enemas with this infusion. You can take wormwood, thyme, thistle, burdock root, calendula, and slaked soda, also salt baths and use essential oils, if you like them. Choose any of these individually, the way you feel and want it. 

Question 8: Who creates astral chips and why? How to get rid of them?

Pavel Yasnosvet answers this:

This is done by astral entities or aliens, our cosmic brothers, to monitor a human being. If you send a clear intention to the Higher Powers, then any astral and etheric chips easily dissolve within a week. You can turn to the angels, “My dear angels, I sincerely ask you, please cleanse me from all connections, from all chips.” They’ll cleanse you and create a protective shell no one can ever penetrate. Remember, though, that even one incorrect thought you mention gives these entities the right and opportunity to install these chips. So, it’s very important to understand whether you gave permission, whether you created such an intention. No one has cancelled the law of free will, you know. 

Question 9: Do I need to experience different vibrations for my Soul to develop?

Pavel Yasnosvet answers this: 

Yes, you do. 

Question 10: Why does a person need various injuries? 

Pavel Yasnosvet answers this: 

Injuries are purification, for someone to reconsider their life. 

Question 11: What’s the best way to cleanse the lungs and bronchi with herbs?

Pavel Yasnosvet answers this: 

Gargle, drink, or, best of all, inhale. Junipers cleanse the bronchi very well. Breathe them in only a little, though, so as not to burn the mucous membrane. Be careful. 

Question 12: Please tell me about Maitreya Buddha, whether he’ll incarnate or arrive, and what his plans are. 

The Buddha answers this: 

Who knows? He may arrive, or incarnate. 

Question 13: Which is more correct: get a deceased person’s body cremated or buried?

Pavel Yasnosvet answers this: 

For a conscious soul, it makes no difference. For an unconscious soul, though, cremation is better. When an unconscious soul disincarnates, becomes a pure spirit, it gets into the astral field, not realizing what happened, how and where to move next, while cremation allows it to go upward immediately. 

Question 14: What are the devil’s plans on our Earth? 

Pavel Yasnosvet answers this: 

He has no plans on our Earth. Like all low-vibration entities, he has his own plans, which he adheres to. They develop the same way we do, that’s it. 

Question 15: How do the actions of Sophia the Fallen affect people? 

Pavel Yasnosvet answers this: 

She influences someone based on the way they believe in her, if at all. Saint Sophia is Catholic, the patroness of wisdom. 

Question 16: Why does a person have a thin cornea?

Pavel Yasnosvet answers this: 

The eye is a very complex structure woven from the finest fields, so the eye, like a processor, can quickly process and transmit everything to the brain. This is a very important, finely tuned process. Like a silk thread, like a cobweb: the eyes have such subtle processes. 

Question 17: How and when will the educational system in Russia change?

Pavel Yasnosvet answers this: 

There’ll be radical changes after 2024-2025, for the better, with changes in public exams. 

Question 18: What’s the fastest and most effective way to get rid of all fears at once?

Pavel Yasnosvet answers this: 

Subconscious immersion and working through meditation. 

Question 19: Why was the Antarctic Treaty concluded in 1959?

Pavel Yasnosvet answers this: 

There are a lot of monoliths, monuments, technologies and fallen spaceships in Antarctica. Lots of things there the government won’t want to show to people. The Treaty was concluded to maintain general secrecy. 

Question 20: Which hair removal is less harmful: laser, sugaring or electro? 

Pavel Yasnosvet answers this: 


Question 21: How do the Higher Powers relate to women who cheat on their husbands, and to cheating in general?

Collective response from the Saints: 

As with all people: mercifully and with love. We love you the same way, no matter what you do. 

Question 22: Is meditation in theta healing with reiki already 4D?

Pavel Yasnosvet answers this: 

Reiki is a transitional technology. ThetaHealing isn’t an easy technology. It’s not for everyone. If it responds, it’s your technology. If not, it’s not yours. Technologies are issued for the appropriate type of souls adapted to this initially. Higher structures, such as embodied angels, can conduct energy of a higher class. 

Question 23: Does neurography work?

Pavel Yasnosvet answers this: 

Yes, it does, quite effectively. 

Question 24: Will there be severe famine in Russia, in the coming years?

Pavel Yasnosvet answers this: 

There’ll be a shortage of quality products rather than famine. They’ll be much more expensive, plus inflation. 

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