Answers to Questions
as of 29-JUL-2022, Part 6

Question 1: When I see a dream, why do I feel I’ve already had it before?

Pavel Yasnosvet answers this: 

If you have recurrent dreams, this is a clear sign from the Higher Powers – what needs to be done and where to move to. You can only interpret your dreams based on what you feel. If you have déjà vu, it's just your parallel life. 

Question 2: What does it mean to pray for the deceased, as their spiritual level doesn’t change after death? 

Pavel Yasnosvet answers this: 

To pray means to create more favorable conditions for someone in the world where they are, i.e. improve and get more comfort. Souls embodied in matter have special powers, with a special role in the Universe. So, what they demand must be fulfilled one hundred percent, in a special way. Every Spirit embodied in matter has the ability to fully embody everything planned, and the Higher Powers are to fulfill everything Soul requires – Soul rather than material consciousness. Many people confuse their desires with those of Soul.

Question 3: If someone is an atheist, is it bad, if it makes any difference, at all?

Pavel Yasnosvet answers this: 

It doesn't matter, it's just experience. 

Question 4: How has Gaia (the Earth) used the negative energy received, since February 24, 2022? 

Pavel Yasnosvet answers this: 

She’s used this energy to destroy old three-dimensional systems. 

Question 5: In icons depicting Jesus, his fingers are put in mudra. What's the point of this?

Jesus answers this: 

You can find this meaning yourself, if you merely look for mudra meaning and filter them through your heartfelt perception. It's not just like that (he winks). 

Question 6: What’s the purpose UFOs come through the astral plane?

Pavel Yasnosvet answers this: 

Their goal is contact. For them, a person is an observation point. By using astral, etheric chips, they can see what we can. 

Question 7: How to go higher in the dimensions of quantum transition after December 21, 2022? 

The consciousness of the Earth – Gaia – answers this: 

Just follow your destiny, feel the response of your heart and ask your heart what to do. 

Question 8: What do the Intergalactic Federation and the Earth Corporation do?

Pavel Yasnosvet answers this: 

The Earth Corporation allows us to keep the origin of the Earth secret. If we now reveal too much knowledge to unprepared minds, people’s perception will break, they’ll feel shocked and shaken mentally. The Intergalactic Federation is an organization that deals with distributing hierarchical energy masses in the Universe in a way when there’s legal security and equality between all beings in the Universe, namely in the Milky Way galaxy. 

Question 9: Will there be military conscription in 4D, like now? 

Pavel Yasnosvet answers this: 

There’ll be no conscription, everything will only be done by consent. 4D doesn’t involve any technology to force or bound someone. 

Question 10: What’s the Lion's Gate? 

Pavel Yasnosvet answers this: 

This is the solstice period, when someone can do without some energy limitations to reach great results. This is what this astrological phenomenon is like. 

Question 11: What must Soul do to reach the point of no return?

The Buddha answers this: 

To live a sufficient amount of earthly experience in a way when everything on the Earth seems a single whole, and when you feel love and calm with regard to everything similarly. 

Question 12: What’s the maximum amount of sprouts I can use daily?

Seraphim of Sarov answers this: 

Any, while a handful is enough. It’s not strict, though, as sprouts are OK, even when used more. 

Question 13: How are universal laws formulated?

Pavel Yasnosvet answers this: 

Laws have their own hierarchy. The Source’s laws are supreme. Supporting everything that exists, they’re only aimed at maintaining balance. There are Architects’, arhats’ laws of supreme order. There are angels’, deities’ middle-order laws. These are followed by laws of nature and natural spirits, and then by those of the astral world, those of the etheric world, those of the casual world, etc. At the very bottom of the hierarchy come the laws of matter, while below there are only those of the demonic worlds. Higher laws are stronger than lower ones. The Absolute’s laws are higher than all – imperishable, necessary for the Absolute, and aimed at the common good. If a law that comes into force is higher than the laws you’re used to stick to, this is called a miracle. For instance, someone’s floating in the air is a miracle. 

Question 14: How are root jellyfish useful for the sea?

Pavel Yasnosvet answers this: 

They have a special vibration background around the biofield. They organize the etheric space around themselves in a way that bifidobacteria are created in the ocean – they merely materialize. They’re also good filters. They charge water with hydrogen. Their radiation causes a chemical reaction – pyrolysis, which saturates water with hydrates. All in all, very useful creatures. 

Question 15: Why can I hear the sea in a shell?

Pavel Yasnosvet answers this: 

You can hear your blood circulation rather than the sea. You kind of hear the sea, while actually this is your blood flowing. 

Question 16: Can a girl get her hair cut and dyed?

Pavel Yasnosvet answers this: 

She can have her hair cut, if she wants. She shouldn’t get it dyed, though. Dye spoils the energy structure of hair. 

Question 17: Why do people belong to different blood types and Rh factors (positive, negative)?

Pavel Yasnosvet answers this: 

The earth was once a single state: Atlantis, Hyperborea, Lemuria, the United Vedic country. At the same time, there were separate nations, races living independently: the Arabs, the white people – Slavs, Hindus, Asian peoples... That is, all races were clearly divided and separated. It was a genetic experiment on the Earth: they looked at the way different genomes interacted with each other. Each race had its own karma, specific spiritual inclinations, own features, strengths and weaknesses. Each race had its own blood, genotype. After great catastrophes, the races started to mix partially. So, people acquired blood groups and the Rh factor. By blood type you can track whether you belong to this or that race to the greatest extent, whether you belong to one or another, in terms of the vibrational background and mental tasks. Blood is our ancestors’ voice, soul reflected in matter. 

Question 18: When will the physical transition to 4D start? 

Pavel Yasnosvet answers this: 

After December 21, 2022. 

Question 19: What’s someone’s integrity? 

Pavel Yasnosvet answers this: 

This is a symbiosis of physical and mental health, as well as feeling self-esteem, expressed in respecting and accepting both yourself and others around you, absolute calm and acceptance of everything around. 

Question 20: Can those who remained in 3D after December 21, 2022 still switch to 4D?

Pavel Yasnosvet answers this: 

No, they can’t. 

Question 21: What scientific areas will be relevant vs. become subsidiary in 4D?

Pavel Yasnosvet answers this: 

All will be relevant. Irrelevant scientific areas will be transformed, each in its own way. 

Question 22: If a child damaged or torn an icon, what should I do with it now?

Pavel Yasnosvet answers this: 

Just burn it. If the child tore the icon, that was necessary. 

Question 23: Will Ayurvedic medicines be relevant in 4D?

Pavel Yasnosvet answers this: 

Yes. Manufacturers will take on more responsibility regarding both their concept and manufacture. They’ll contain a complex of herbs properly fermented. 

Question 24: Why does someone give up a task, in two or three days once started, even if they were interested initially?

Pavel Yasnosvet answers this: 

Very often, people start realization and creativity lacking the energy of pleasure. Someone tries to create something when not filled up. They get filled by feeling pleasure, though, i.e. food, good sex, or travel. Eat delicious meals, buy yourself appealing shoes, clothes, use nice make-up, do your hair – ordinary, primitive basic programs and earthly desires, thanks to which we feel good. This is our fuel, so we can’t create without it. For someone to create quality through creativity, ability to work, they should rest and eat well, and enjoy their life. Many of you don’t have this pleasure, though, even if you have the opportunity. You merely forbid it to yourself. You kind of think you don’t deserve it, as when you feel good, while others feel bad, it’s your fault. No, if you feel good, while others feel bad, it’s their problem, not yours. 

Question 25: Do I need to get vaccinated against Covid now?

Pavel Yasnosvet answers this: 

No, there’s no use, it doesn't work. 

Question 26: Why do others start to fall asleep and yawn, when in someone’s field? 

Pavel Yasnosvet answers this: 

If you feel good in someone’s field, but you start to fall asleep there, they merely purify you with their biofield. It cleanses you of some bad energy clots. Your energy becomes more rarefied, once it’s purified thoroughly. So, this makes you sleepy. If you feel sleepy when near someone not pleasant, they vampirize you, by taking away your energy. 

Question 27: At what stage of pregnancy does a child’s soul arrive? 

Pavel Yasnosvet answers this: 

They show me number 4: either the fourth day, or the fourth week. 

Question 28: Is sushumna, prana breathing relevant? 

Ayur Prinina, the Vedic Indian elder, answers this: 

Yes, this charges your blood with high vibrations and allows you to bring your body into a vibrational background, and bring your spirit into a state when your body gets purified with flame and ether on its own. 

Question 29: Is it relevant to study Vedic astrology, and will this knowledge be valuable in 4D? 

Her Excellency Mother of God, Mother of Mercy, answers this: 

Vedic astrology has been somewhat modified incorrectly. This knowledge will be restored, while so far, it’s partly relevant and not. Only rely on your heart to determine what’s true for you and what’s doubtful. 

Question 30: When will energy vision be opened to us, so we can see everything happening in reality?

Pavel Yasnosvet answers this: 

In 4D, depending on activating the light body and DNA strands, some people will have access to the technology of astral-etheric vision, while others won’t, as they need it. 

Question 31: Does playing the piano improve memory and cognitive abilities?

Pavel Yasnosvet answers this: 

Playing the piano prevents the development of Alzheimer's disease by 99.7%. This also enhances the vibrational background level, harmonizes the field, boosts neural connections and IQ. 

Question 32: How does chanting mantras affect someone chanting and the space around them? 

Pavel Yasnosvet answers this: 

It creates, with the help of the throat ligaments, a certain sound vibrational background, which is reflected on someone’s biofield, physical body, particles and the surrounding space. This brings things in order, harmonizing them in accord with the vibrational orders going from sound waves of the human vocal apparatus in a way to get everything existing up to the vibrational background of the matrix produced. 

Question 33: If wisdom teeth have already sprouted and fit into the jaw, is it worth pulling them out? 

Pavel Yasnosvet answers this: 

Yes. As I’ve already said before, wisdom teeth are a “trash can” of energy. 

Question 34:  When will robots take over our world? 

Pavel Yasnosvet answers this: 

Never, this isn’t meant to happen in 4D.

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