Answers to Questions
as of 29-JUL-2022, Part 7

Question 1: Could you please tell me in more detail what’s good about skirts and what’s bad about trousers?

Pavel Yasnosvet answers this: 

There's nothing wrong about trousers, it's just that a skirt is better than trousers for a woman. A female’s structure of subtle fields differs from a male’s one, and this is merely a physical fact. Also, a woman’s merkaba spins a little differently, and the flow of energy through her chakras is organized differently. Although everyone has it individually, in general, the polarity of female energy is different. Women have a completely different task. So, they’re given an organ such as the uterus. The vagina is literally an opening through which earthly energy penetrates very strongly. It dissolves in the uterus and grounds a woman. The skirt helps make this comfortable. It doesn’t limit the access of earthly energies to the uterus. Wearing a skirt from time to time is actually useful. The main thing about trousers is for them not to be tight. Tight trousers aren’t good to both females and males, and especially to females, who have the uterus. The material is also important for clothes. If it’s made of plants, this is quite good. If it’s a kind of leather, that’s not OK really. So, wear skirts and trousers made of plant-based fabrics. In 4D, all clothing is loose, baggy, not tight overall. It gets the flow of energy to move correctly. 

Question 2:  How to activate a telepathic channel with Mentors? 

Pavel Yasnosvet answers this: 

Do you mean how to become a channeler? First, work with your soul, learn how to hear your Higher Self feeling Soul’s and Heart’s voice. Also, learn to express yourself very clearly. When kundalini rises to the head, the energy and vibration background will rise to the head, and work with the mental field starts, with perception, i.e. trusting your intuition. 

Question 3: How to determine whether someone has a Guardian Angel?

Pavel Yasnosvet answers this: 

Everyone has one. There are souls that incarnate without a Guardian Angel – special souls, with special energy emanating from them. These are really strong souls who have chosen this path without a Guardian Angel. They still have Guardian Angels, who don’t help in everyday life, though. They only solve issues of life and death. 

Question 4: Why were the granite slabs – the Georgia Guidestones – installed?

Pavel Yasnosvet answers this: 

This is a rightful ritual for creating very strong intention in the Earth matrix. The higher powers performed this ritual to maintain the hierarchical system currently existing. They didn’t take into account, though, that the fields had changed. So, this ritual doesn’t work the way they wanted. 

Question 5: How to free yourself from guilt after cheating? 

Jesus answers this: 

It’s very important to understand the reasons here – why did this happen, why did you have such a desire? Work this out to understand why this happened to you, why you wanted it, and why you allowed it. When you understand why, you’ll no longer have this feeling of guilt, as it stops on its own.

Question 6: Can someone live not eating material food? 

Pavel Yasnosvet answers this: 

Yes, only the highest souls can do this. 

Question 7: Why is it important for a man and a woman to form a union, in addition to having children? 

Pavel Yasnosvet answers this: 

It doesn't really matter whether they’re a man or a woman, friends or lovers. It’s important for people to form unions. This way, they exchange energy, experience, and strengthen each other. This is basically support. This is how we learn to interact with each other, and it doesn’t matter who and who: man - woman, woman - woman, child - child, child - adult, teenager - child, etc. We learn relationships that vary to give experience, that's it. If this refers to a man and a woman, who are married, in 3D that was a survival program (the spouses helped each other survive, created comfort and safety), while in 4D it’s complementing each other based on creativity. 

Question 8: How do suicides affect their kin?

Pavel Yasnosvet answers this: 

They don't have any negative impact. They merely postpone what’s inevitable for them in terms of karma and experience. 

Question 9: Will Simoron work in 4D? 

Pavel Yasnosvet answers this: 

Simoron works, although not correctly enough. Use your intuition. Although given with partial distortion, this knowledge works quite well. 

Question 10: Does the tradition of taking your husband's last name after marriage make sense? 

Pavel Yasnosvet answers this: 

Not in 4D. The idea was initially to create a unified kindred system, when everyone is part of the same mechanism. In 4D, though, it’s individuality and its manifestation that matter rather than a unified mechanism. So, a 4D woman will very often keep her maiden name. Even children will sometimes take their mother’s surname rather than their father’s, i.e. they’ll be given a choice. 

Question 11: How long do human phantoms live for, if they have no soul? 

The Buddha answers this: 

Phantoms have a very clearly programmed lifespan. Some have 15 years, while others have 70 years, i.e. in different ways. 

Question 12: Is it true that Novospassky monastery is the strongest in Moscow? 

Pavel Yasnosvet answers this: 

The Cathedral of Christ the Savior in Moscow is #1, more powerful than others. Novospassky Monastery is among Top-6 powerful ones. The relics of the Matrona of Moscow in the Intercession Monastery are another very powerful place. 

Question 13: How to replenish vitamin B12 on a raw food diet?

Pavel Yasnosvet answers this: 

Eat raw beets and cucumbers. 

Question 14: To whom can brownies come and whisper in their ears? 

Pavel Yasnosvet answers this: 

Brownies come to those who hear them. 

Question 15: How to protect my teeth against cavities and keep them white? 

Pavel Yasnosvet answers this: 

First, brush them with baking soda. Second, use dental floss to clean germs between your teeth. You could rinse the mouth with baking soda. You can improve blood circulation, if you eat pepper or rub mustard on your gums, just a little. Use spices that improve blood circulation in general. Bananas, lemons, berries contain magnesium, which restores whiteness. Don’t eat sweet food as well. 

Question 16: What are the reasons that Moscow houses are heavily infested with bedbugs?

Pavel Yasnosvet answers this: 

This is a karma. This is the way the space of Moscow is being cleaned – through bedbugs, which are actually very good at cleaning space energy. 

Question 17: In which direction should I lay my head for sleep and rest?

Pavel Yasnosvet answers this: 

Either head south or head east. It’s more effective, when your head is in the east and your feet are in the west. 

Question 18:  If same-sex people want children, can they have them, or do these couples have another task? 

Pavel Yasnosvet answers this: 

They can, while they have a different task. 

Question 19: Will people in 4D eat insects? 

Pavel Yasnosvet answers this: 

No, they won’t. 

Question 20: What’s the energy potential of Samara? 

Pavel Yasnosvet answPavel Yasnosvet answers this:

An industrial council will be formed and centralized in Samara. In general, Samara is a very strong land, with great future. 

Question 21: What herbs should I prepare for winter definitely? 

Pavel Yasnosvet answers this: 

This is done individually. Focus on yourself to see what herbs you want to eat or brew. Understand intuitively what you lack. 

Question 22: How to realize the sources of thoughts and desires within me?

Pavel Yasnosvet answers this: 

Ask your heart, “Is this truly my desire, or is it imposed on me?” 

Question 23: Will people develop superpowers on their own, in the next five years?

Pavel Yasnosvet answers this: 

Those in 4D will do. 

Question 24: How to lighten light loads in physics? 

Pavel Yasnosvet answers this: 

Proper nutrition, contrast shower, and sleep. Also, walking, preferably in nature. 

Question 25: Confession promises deliverance from sin, if a person has realized a mistake. Is it true? 

Pavel Yasnosvet answers this: 

Confession is merely a ritual for those in the Orthodox egregor. In fact, you get karma cleansed from sin, when you realize what was done and that it wasn’t correct actually. So, forgive yourself for this and realize you can do better. 

Question 26: Where did cynocephals (people with dog heads) go? 

Pavel Yasnosvet answers this: 

Transferred to another astral dimension, they live in a parallel dimension. That was a genetic experiment. 

Question 27: How bad are DTP vaccinations and vaccination schedules for children’s health?

Pavel Yasnosvet answers this: 

All vaccinations aren’t good for children. 

Question 28: Does chanting and listening to mantras help raise vibrations? 

Pavel Yasnosvet answers this: 

Yes, they do. 

Question 29: Of the eight billion people, what percentage will be able to transition to 4D on December 21, 2022?

The consciousness of the Earth – Gaia – answers this: 

According to our data, today about six and a half billion people are moving to 4D. Most of them will be further eliminated, though. About one and a half to two billion will stay in 4D. 

Question 30: When will vaccinations be canceled? 

Pavel Yasnosvet answers this: 

When the Earth reaches the level of systematized and organized matrix order when the medical sphere declares the vaccination system ineffective – in 2030-2034. 

Question 31: Are probiotics and synbiotics healthy, or is this mostly commerce? 

Pavel Yasnosvet answers this: 

This is commerce, only herbs are healthy. If you want probiotics, eat berries and sprouts. They have everything you need. 

Question 32: What does Alcohol coding do, on the subtle plane? 

Pavel Yasnosvet answers this: 

It helps the soul rearrange the vibrational background in such a way that the mental field reconstructs thought-form programs. So, influenced by radiation of the mental field and thoughts, cells organize their work in a way that the nuclei perceive alcohol as not needed, i.e. addiction stops. You need to program it very subtly and skillfully, though. 

Question 33: Which country has more energy?

Pavel Yasnosvet answers this: 

Yes. As I’ve already said before, wisdom teeth are a “trash can” of energy. 

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