Answers to Questions
as of 09-AUG-2022, Part 3

Question 1: How can artists and actors, who constantly move into high vibrations, make money? 

Archangel Sandalphon, patron of the arts, answers this:

Learn to value yourself. In 4D, artists, performers and scientists will earn a lot. People of sublime intellect and sublime art will be valued more than ever, because the rise is underway. 

Question 2: Will there be the floods on Earth in the near future, such as the ones Edgar Cayce spoke about?

Her Excellency Mother of God, Mother of Mercy, answers this:

In some places. He distorted something, of course, but he was 40 percent right. Some places will be flooded anyway. This has already been meant to cleanse the space, for balance. 

Question 3: Why is Lenin’s body still not buried or cremated? 

Yasnosvet Pavel answers this: 

This is a dark ritual for maintaining the egregor of the Soviet Union. There, weak-willed, nameless people trust the government completely, very often not taking on responsibility, letting the government do everything. They’re ready to endure everything. “The main thing is that there’s no war and we’re not starving.” If Lenin's body had been buried, this egregor would have collapsed. People would have reacted to anything not convenient to them immediately. So, this is a dark ritual that allows the government to keep people submissive. In 4D, though, any dark rituals, damage, and evil eyes get disactivated and destroyed. 

Question 4: How can someone know they aren’t a phantom?

Yasnosvet Pavel answers this:

If you ask yourself whether you’re a phantom or a living person, you’re definitely a living person. Phantoms won’t ask such questions, it doesn’t matter to them. 

Question 5: What is the use of Nymphaea and what’s it called like now?

Archangel Ariel answers this:

This is water lily. Ground roots of this herb help the intestines and kidneys, very healthy. 

Question 6: Are parallel worlds the same as other measures? 

Yasnosvet Pavel answers this:

No. Parallel worlds are alternative scenarios and peripheries of how scenarios of the same space, dimension develop. Imagine two plates: one with an apple, on the other with a pear. The plate is the same dimension, but with different scenarios. One scenario has an apple, and the other one has a pear. There’s a cup of water next to them. Water is a liquid body, not solid, while a cup for water is another dimension, and water is its scenarios, to put this simply. 

Question 7: Why don’t we remember our early childhood? 

Yasnosvet Pavel answers this: 

Before the age of three to five or seven, someone’s energy structure comprising mental, causal, astral – all subtle bodies – gets fixed until it’s covered with a protective shell. So, until the age of five, as a rule, people don’t remember anything at all, as their soul adapts to this body. A few people, though, keep their intrauterine memory and remember everything from birth. 

Question 8: Does reading the Psalter really help the family, implore it? 

Her Excellency Mother of God, Mother of Mercy, answers this: 

This is what your heart tells you. You help your family simply with your kind words, intentions, and good deeds. 

Question 9: Is it true that the chakras in 4D have changed their color? If yes, for which one? 

Yasnosvet Pavel answers this:

No, they haven't changed it. They’ve transformed in terms of energy, their vibrational background is changing, just like someone’s vibrational background, and they seem to acquire an additional color, because the chakras are multidimensional. The chakras have as many layers as the number of subtle bodies. For example, my heart chakra is green on the outside and pink on the inside. Someone just has a green heart, while someone else has a golden one inside, and a green one outside. Although everyone has their own, unique one, in general, it’s about the same. The structure and color of the heart, throat, mental and divine chakras change, while the first lower three ones don’t change. 

Question 10: Do cats have any entities who feed on human energy? 

Yasnosvet Pavel answers this:

No, they don’t.

Question 11: How does the transition to 4D slow down when eating meat?

Yasnosvet Pavel answers this:

It doesn't slow down. It even accelerates, if you eat meat according to the needs of your soul.

Question 12: Is there any psychosomatics, when the body fails to absorb lactose?

Yasnosvet Pavel answers this: 

This is the soul’s code rather than psychosomatics. When the soul deliberately sticks to asceticism, a program, it won’t want the body to somehow be nourished with animal proteins. Sometimes souls choose this for themselves. You need to talk to your subconscious about why it made this choice.

Question 13: What does the ritual of making a wish and blowing out the candles on a birthday cake mean? 

Archangel Michael answers this: 

A “birthday” egregor works here. Also, on this day, a person is actually given special energies, and creating an intention is very cool! Importantly, though, it should be for the benefit of the soul rather than material pleasure alone. 

Question 14: Why does St. Nicholas the Wonderworker never answer questions? 

Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker answers this:

I patronize constructing a matrix system, building egregors, working with Merkaba rather than dealing with daily life issues and sacred knowledge. In general, I work with high dimensions, high fields and massive mental energy. I supervise high souls, who are learning to manage cosmic forces and energy, while most of you don’t face such tasks in your earthly incarnation. I supervise those whom I should supervise, and they receive the knowledge they need from me. Most people don’t need me, though. Her Excellency the Mother of God, Mother of Mercy, and Archangel Michael answer these everyday questions easily and efficiently as well. 

Question 15: Is Hijama procedure beneficial?

Seraphim of Sarov answers this: 

It’s very good! (said ironically) 

Question 16: What’s the best way to celebrate a child's birthday? 

Yasnosvet Pavel answers this:

Celebrate it the way your child wants it to be like. 

Question 17: Can anyone, with a clear intention, contact their Higher Self?

Yasnosvet Pavel answers this: 

It’s only when their consciousness is clear that they can separate alien thoughts from their own thoughts very clearly. 

Question 18: What yoga did Krishna use when he fought with entire armies without lowering his vibration? 

Krishna answers this: 

This yoga – prajisava prakriya – was lost a long time ago. It allowed me to enter a state of unity with the Source, and I seemed to see myself in all of them. It was easy for me, as I understood that the things I did for each of them were for their benefit. So, I felt love when I did that, although from the outside it was terribly scary, I understand that. 

Question 19: Are The Lord of the Rings and Harry Potter based on real events? Could you pass a message from Gandalf or Harry on to us please?

Archangel Michael answers this: 

Actually, you’re a soul that loves to incarnate in fantasy worlds. The souls that provided you with these works of art have enjoyed this experience living in these dimensions. They exist, while we can’t contact the souls such as Harry Potter and Gandalf. These are fictional characters. Even if they do exist (and they exist even if Yasnosvet Pavel contacts them), you won’t get what you expect to receive, believe me. They’ll look confused and somewhat stressed. 

Question 20: The subtle body transitions from 3D to 4D on December 21, 2022. When does the physical body transition to 4D completely?

Yasnosvet Pavel answers this:

The physical body remains in its dimension. Only the fine structure transfers. Physically, this will be a change in energy fields, the matrix, the quantum position, etheric field. The physical body, though, will change after the energies get synchronized and new energies will build DNA cells in a new order. So, physically, we aren’t moving anywhere, not changing our place of residence. We’ll stay where we are now. 

Question 21: If someone doesn’t remember what they did in their past life, and that was just experience, why do they need to pay for that? 

Yasnosvet Pavel answers this: 

For example, you’ve tripped someone, who broke their face as a result. You’re laughing, though, while your soul goes: “You’re stupid, what are you doing!?” You disincarnate, your consciousness is cleansed, you enter a state of true love and you become disgusted with yourself. So, you say, “My dear supervisors, I want to be clean rather than feel disgusting.” Your supervisors will say, “For this, you’ll fall down, break your face, so you can live the same experience. You’ll be cleansed this way and restore your karmic balance.” “I agree, I’m all yours!” So, when in this incarnation, you fall down, hit your face, feeling unpleasant, while your soul is telling you this, “Yes, I’m clean now!” This is called karma.

Question 22: Will Tarot be useful in future?

Yasnosvet Pavel answers this: 

Yes, it will, and it’ll change.

Question 23: Will numerology, card reading based on date of birth be relevant in 4D? 

Yasnosvet Pavel answers this: 

No, it will be completely reformatted. There will be completely new knowledge. The entire old basis will be changed. There will be a completely new numerology. It will be relevant, but completely different from the one we have now. 

Question 24: How does bankruptcy (debt write-off) affect someone’s life? 

Yasnosvet Pavel answers this:

It may be karma cleansing, or an experience the soul ordered: “I want to be a beggar for a while.” Their Higher Self says, “Okay, okay, you’re welcome!”

Question 25: Are Jesus and Radomir the same person?

Yasnosvet Pavel answers this: 

No, they aren’t.

Question 26: How good for someone is generated hydrogen water?

The consciousness of the Earth – Gaia – answers this: 

It’s very good for you, as it saturates your cells. The cell starts to regenerate and rejuvenate. In some cases, people have completely lost wrinkles on their face thanks to hydrogen water. 

Question 27: What and where is the Holy Grail? 

Yasnosvet Pavel answers this: 

This is an alchemical artifact invented by an alien civilization. It allows you to structure water, so it changes the composition of your blood completely, through special sound signals and vibrations. It even affects the genome. A fragment of the Grail is kept in the Vatican. 

Question 28: Could you please tell us about the life of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker? 

St. Nicholas the Wonderworker and Yasnosvet Pavel answer this: 

“I did such crazy things that they didn’t write a lot about me, they were embarrassed.” Nicholas the Wonderworker was a prankster. 

Question 29: Are the Gods of the Slavs and the Gods of the Hindus the same Divine Entities such as, for instance, Kryshen and Krishna, Lada and Lakshmi? 

Yasnosvet Pavel answers this: 

Sometimes yes, sometimes no. Krishna isn’t Kryshen. They’re different, while Lada is the same as Lakshmi.

Question 30: Answers to questions from your chat, is this a charity or another purpose? 

Yasnosvet Pavel answers this: 

This is charity, which takes me a lot of effort, to help people calm down, enlighten them, tell a secret, make them perceive reality and live more easily. Someone watches my videos to say, “I feel the light!” Just to relax. 

Question 31: When in August do we have three days of darkness and what type of eclipse? 

Yasnosvet Pavel answers this: 

This is not planned for August. 

Question 32: How will advertising change in 4D? 

Yasnosvet Pavel answers this: 

It’ll become something not as intrusive and more like art – appealing, sophisticated, just like paintings, artistic video clips. 

Question 33: Can someone not baptized still order a prayer in a church for a deceased loved one? 

Her Excellency Mother of God, Mother of Mercy, answers this: 

It doesn’t matter whether you’re baptized or not. God loves you and will help you anyway! 

Question 34: Should someone address the Saints and Her Excellency Mother of God more politely? 

Yasnosvet Pavel answers this: 

I address them by using my everyday language, feeling very close to them. A lot of channelers address them more politely, though, depending on their Soul’s level. I’m higher than some of them in terms of consciousness. I use a more polite language, though, when dealing with those much superior than me. 

Question 35: Will the ascension symptoms go away after 21 December, 2022? 

Yasnosvet Pavel answers this: 

If you mean symptoms we experience during the transition, they’ll switch to others. Yes, they’ll go away, as if one personality died and another was born. We’ll be surprised, feeling we’ve become completely different, strange, not clear to ourselves. This won’t last long, though. Programs are loaded suddenly, at a click. This will re-index people, modify some of their inner qualities a lot making them feel better and calm down. This year is really difficult in terms of transition. After 21 December, 2022, everyone will be scattered across quantum fields: those remaining in 3D, and those in full-fledged 4D. Everyone will go to their place very clearly. It will be good and pleasant to be there. 

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