Answers to Questions
as as of 15-AUG-2022, Part 1

Question 1: Does everyone have their own individual code in the matrix?

Yasnosvet Pavel answers this: 

Yes, they do. 

Question 2: What’s the energy of crying, when people who can hear it feel unwell? 

Yasnosvet Pavel answers this: 

Crying is an action expressing energy. It usually cleanses the third chakra (solar plexus), the fourth chakra (the heart one), the 5th throat chakra, and the 6th head, third eye chakra. Crying, which helps us remove some blocks, complexes, some experiences, signals that we’re already lived and experienced something. Sometimes people cry for self-pity, when grieving for a deceased loved one, this way, “I feel bad without them, and I’m nothing, I used to depend on them ...” That was convenient, when that someone lived, while now you’re grieving, mourning that resource, once you’ve lost them. Unlike constructive crying, destructive one does cause harm. 

Question 3: Are the souls incarnated during the time of Hyperborea embodied on Gaia currently? 

The consciousness of the Earth – Gaia – answers this: 

Yes, a few of them. 

Question 4: What kind of soul was Krishna? Why did he come here? What’s he doing now?

Krishna answers this: 

I’m an awesome soul! I’m designing universes, planets. I came down to Earth to cheer you up. 

Question 5: Will Access bars (body work technique) work in 4D?

Archangel Michael answers this: 

It works and will continue to work. Everything will change at some time, though. The fine structure of all your bodies will change. This will need new methods of work.

Question 6: Who and what influences how someone gets thoughts in their head?

Yasnosvet Pavel answers this: 

A person has a few (usually 7) subtle bodies, including the mental body, where thoughts are manifested. The subtle plane has mental space where thoughts arise. It’s like a wire of interconnection, when your Higher Self gives an energy impulse. As it passes through mental space, it takes on the form of images, words, colors, smells, and sensations. Then, through the subtle bodies and the higher channel, it enters your head as a thread between you and your Higher Self. You think and get some thoughts in your head, which means you’re a living person and soul endowed with free will. This simply means your relationship with the outside world based on what you have inside. So, actually, your Higher Self and at the same time yourself produce this. 

Question 7: When will the Earth's poles change?

Yasnosvet Pavel answers this: 

They’re already changing, which will gradually be more visible, with some great changes by 2025, and 2030. The further you go, the more changes they get. 

Question 8: What’s the general principle of mixing herbs when making teas and infusions? 

Yasnosvet Pavel answers this: 

You should always have more herbs (70%) than other stuff such as roots, berries, dried fruits, etc. (30%), if you want a maximum effect. Any proportions are OK, though. Anyway, be creative, and make sure the water is no higher than 60 degrees. Otherwise, you’ll spoil all the essential oils. 

Question 9: Is it true that the Buddha sent “singing bowls” to people to help cleanse Soul and bring Enlightenment closer? 

Yasnosvet Pavel and the Buddha answer this: 

No, this is Atlantic technology, since the time of Hyperborea - singing bowls, sound technology. So, this is not something that the Buddha passed on. He was a strong channeler and helped reveal many technologies. He adjusted the purity of the so-called Tibetan singing bowls, and helped tune them in.

Question 10: Do I need to consecrate a cross (if I bought the one someone wore before)? 

Yasnosvet Pavel answers this: 

You should clean its energy with water or salt. Like any metal, a cross absorbs the information and energy fields of someone who wore it before. These fields need to be washed with water and cleaned with salt. You can move a cross over a church candle. So, the flame also sanctifies. 

Question 11: Will our blood composition change in 4D, and how will this be reflected in medical tests? 

Yasnosvet Pavel answers this: 

It’ll change, not significantly, though. The blood types will somehow change. Haplogroups, some particles will transform in the blood. Red blood cells will behave differently. So, the composition of microelements will change radically. Everyone’s zinc levels will rise, and doctors will be surprised: “Why is it that all people’s zinc levels have increased?” 

Question 12: Do dogs need annual vaccinations?

Archangel Ariel, the patron of animals, answers this:

No, they don’t. Similarly to people, animals initially use completely established systems. They can eat herbs such as nightshade, oregano, coriander, parsley, juniper, lovage, chicory, and shepherd's purse. Everything’s up to you. If you want an animal to get better, take it to a wild field with a lot of various herbs. It’ll eat some grass, and the next day the dog or cat will be fine. 

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