Answers to Questions
as of 15-AUG-2022, Part 2

Question 1: Is visiting a solarium harmful or beneficial?

Yasnosvet Pavel answers this:

It’s becoming not good for anyone, even if they stay in 3D.

Question 2: Does a color affect the human psyche and health?

Yasnosvet Pavel answers this:

Yes, it does – 100%. Someone wearing clothes to look happy because of their color gradually brings this color into their aura. If I constantly wore, for example, something lemon or purple rather than white, my aura would gradually get these lemon or purple shades. It does affect the psyche directly as well. Each color has its own vibrational background.

Question 3: What herbs are good to use in green smoothies in the morning?

Yasnosvet Pavel answers this:

Sprouts and also individual compositions, or rosemary to improve digestion. 

Question 4: Do all souls have stellar parents, or only the souls of extraterrestrial origin do?

Yasnosvet Pavel answers this:

Stellar parents are actually our patron deities. Every soul in the Universe has them.

Question 5: 4D encourages individuality. Does this mean we should accept anything with respect, even cheating in a family?

Yasnosvet Pavel answers this:

This question is ambiguous, but it refers to manifesting creative individuality. Issues in behavior aren’t encouraged both in 3D and 4D. So, 4D will have slightly different culture and philosophy – more gentle, with fewer limits for patterns of human behavior in the way they manifest their life. Some radical low-vibration moments will remain unpleasant for everyone in 4D. This doesn’t change. It has always been and will be everywhere.

Question 6: What happens to Soul within the first 3, 9 and 40 days after leaving the body?

Yasnosvet Pavel answers this:

It depends on the soul. If it can’t leave within forty days, as it lacks consciousness and its subtle bodies are being decomposed, on the third day it becomes a flying phantom completely. On Day 9, it starts to lose sensations and feelings as earthly parameters – it rather goes into the spiritual parameter. On Day 40, it goes into the spiritual world completely (sucked there). 

Question 7: How does it affect the deceased, when people think about them or mention them in a conversation?

Yasnosvet Pavel answers this:

Well, children throw paper planes to wish something. When we say something about those disembodied, we send them a paper plane with wishes. It flies to them, and they unpack it. It has pure energy they can interact with, if they want to, or they can throw it away, if it’s unpleasant. Everything we think about them and say about them goes to them directly. 

Question 8: What does it mean for a child to have two crowns of the head?

Archangel Michael answers this:

Someone’s crown of the head is associated with channel duality of the way the seventh chakra is manifested (related to the angels from the Supreme Arhat system) – two channels at the same time, not one, as if bifurcated channels, a feature of the 7th chakra. They apparently need this for their tasks.

Question 9: How to achieve enlightenment, awakening? 

Yasnosvet Pavel answers this:

Just live your incarnation and that’s it – here’s enlightenment and awakening for you. Strive for the spiritual, act spiritually. Behave, with regard to others, the same way you’d like to be treated. In the end, you’ll get enlightenment. 

Question 10: Will retreating into fantasy help suffering, sensitive people survive in 3D before transitioning? 

Yasnosvet Pavel answers this:

Going into fantasy won’t help. Building energy fields correctly will help. When you use breathing practices surrounding your biofield with a golden dome, egg, and you can imagine and feel you’re in this golden bubble that protects you from everything. 

Question 11: Will someone who smokes switch to 4D? 

Yasnosvet Pavel answers this:

Yes, not everyone, though. Smoking doesn’t block the transition. Someone destined to go to 4D will go, even if they smoke. 4D will force them to quit smoking, though. If in 4D they start smoking, they’ll collapse immediately. 

Question 12: How true is the plot of Jupiter Ascending, 2015 movie directed by Lilly and Lana Wachowski? 

Gaia, the consciousness of the Earth, answers this:

It was distorted by 48%, and the movie only tells 67% of the truth. Everything else is distorted. 

Question 13: Is Darsonval used for the good? 

Yasnosvet Pavel answers this:

Yes, it is, but only to those who have issues with artistic self-expression, disturbances in the lymphatic system and lymph drainage, as well as energy leakage. 

Question 14: How to distinguish a phantom person from a person with a soul?

Yasnosvet Pavel answers this:

Only your heart and what you feel will tell you this. Look at someone. If they seem somehow empty inside, they’re a phantom. 

Question 15: Channelers referred to 21 December, 2021 as the deadline for the transition. Now the date has moved forward for one year. Why so? 

Yasnosvet Pavel answers this:

21 December, 2021, started the loading of 4D programs into the Earth’s matrix. They’re loaded to work passively, as a separate layer above 3D programs. After 21 December 2022, 4D programs will start to be activated. It’s the year of loading now. After 21 December 2022, 4D programs will be loaded to destroy 3D ones. Activation is already underway here, the final portal, 4D, which is working 80%-87%. For 150-200 years, 3D will slowly collapse to turn to 4D. It will exist for a little while, and then 5D will start. 

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