Answers to Questions
as of 22-AUG-2022, Part 1

Question 1: Will menstruation (female cycle) change in terms of length in 4D?

Hippocrates answers this:

They won’t change significantly first, but over time, while living in 4D a longer time, under the radiation of new cosmic flows, the human genotype changes, similarly to the genotype of the female flesh, as a form of embodiment, body. So, over time, a woman’s cyclical forms of cleansing will become more humane, and the processes will run smoother and faster in every sense. 

Question 2: In 4D, will people show a more conscious attitude towards homeless animals – dogs and cats?

Yasnosvet Pavel answers this: 

Yes, in 4D, people will show more consciousness overall, related to anything. 

Question 3: How does the intrauterine device affect a woman’s health and the transition to 4D?

Her Excellency Mother of God, Mother of Mercy answers this:

It depends on what goal they pursue and when they set it. The transition to 4D is based on someone’s high level of consciousness and good intentions, acceptance. An action doesn’t create any karma. It’s intention and thought generated before this action that lead to a karma. So, look at what's in your head.

Question 4: What meditation does the Mother of God recommend listening to for us to raise vibrations and help in the transition? 

Her Excellency Mother of God, Mother of Mercy answers this:

My child, listen to absolutely any meditation you want to listen to – the one in which you really feel the beneficial flows descending on your structure. It has something individual for you. I can’t advise, because the question is general. Listen to what makes you feel at ease and pleasant, which gives you warmth through your body, or a pleasant chill, goosebumps, pleasant images, etc. 

Question 5: Why is karma transferred to the next incarnation instead of working it out in the current one?

Yasnosvet Pavel answers this: 

This happens for one simple reason: sometimes someone’s vitality level is over, coming to an end, this temporary ‘bubble’ of life, while a certain amount of karma has been accumulated. So, they can’t work out this karma any longer. They won’t have enough power for that, and no force can be added. There’s a huge number of people in line for incarnation on Earth. To have such a catastrophically terrible, strong imbalance for the sake of one person wouldn’t be reasonable. So, they transfer this to the next incarnation. 

Question 6: The Bible says there’ll a false prophet. Who’s this? 

Jesus answers this: 

It’s false prophets, who will sit in churches, like in houses, as it was originally written. Everything was distorted. So, feel it through your heart that it’s quite a few people rather than one person. These false prophets will try to take the place of holy figures, while actually they’ll lie, get information from others, and use it as their own, trying to make money by dealing with other people's misfortunes. 

Question 7: What’s the most favorable way to interact with egregors of various institutions and spirituality schools currently? 

Yasnosvet Pavel answers this: 

If an egregor affects you in a pressing way, enter its field and say, “I’m the Light of the Source and I’ve come to sow love here. You can use this energy later in any way, as you want it. Don’t bother me now, though. I have other interests, but I won’t interfere with you, either.” This is an observer’s position, “I’m neither a player, nor a participant, I observe things happening. I’m here to sow the Light of love. It’s up to you how to use it for your energy related purposes.” 

Question 8: In what year will tooth growing technology be available to everyone? 

Archangel Michael answers this: 

Closer to 2027, so far, or at another time, if it changes later. 

Question 9: Is there a time machine? If so, does it allow you to fly into the past and the future? 

Yasnosvet Pavel answers this: 

It’s actually not the one as it’s presented, but it’s here on Earth, partially stored in the Vatican, while aliens hold some of this technology, as well. To use the time machine fully, someone needs to negotiate this with them quite clearly, i.e. the secret government that is in contact with them, so that they bring them this missing piece, connect this machine, to get it to start working. They always travel together, though. They monitor it very clearly what they do there, so they don’t switch to an unnecessary parallel later on their return. 

Question 10: Can washing the floor or dishes contain any mental/energy related meaning? 

Her Excellency Mother of God, Mother of Mercy answers this:

The point here is that if you start to perceive this process as meditation and imagine that while washing the floor and dishes you wash your structure from within, this will impact you very beneficially. Remember that any creation can be endowed with divine meaning – where there’s divine meaning, there’s an effect of influence. So, anything can influence you, if you give it a meaning. 

Question 11: What’s feminine nature like, and how can it be harmoniously manifested in relationships with men? 

Yasnosvet Pavel answers this: 

Someone has the male parameter so they learn to create, overcome, and find solutions. Someone has the female parameter as the one invented for them to experience psycho-emotional pleasure, experience some feelings, give features, colors, describe, endow with a divine philosophical meaning, rather than follow dry logic. Based on this, you can conclude that there’s a woman for a man. Remember one thing, though: any person has both masculine and feminine, in different proportions. 

Question 12: If someone leaves their husband’s last name after a divorce, how does this affect their future personal life in terms of energy? 

Yasnosvet Pavel answers this: 

They’ll find it more difficult to meet men, with an energy trace, a matrix trace of the energy of their husband’s last name and kin. Here they should approach this intuitively. When most women get divorced, they get their last name back or take a new last name. So, if you feel your husband’s last name is a burden for you, this is truly so. 

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