Answers to Questions
as of 22-AUG-2022, Part 3

Question 1: Which is better for children and adults: to sleep with or without a pillow?

Yasnosvet Pavel answers this:

It's up to someone. Sleeping on a pillow is neither good, or bad for you. It depends on a kind of pillow, though. If it’s too fluffy, soft, or big, nearly not allowing the head to bend, it’s not very good. It interferes with blood circulation. Hard orthopedic pillows are just right. Some people sleep without a pillow at all, though. It’s good, too. This distributes blood masses evenly throughout the body. So it’s up to you which option to choose. 

Question 2: Is it really good for someone to rinse their mouth with oil for a long time to remove fat-soluble toxins? 

Yasnosvet Pavel and Hippocrates answer this: 

No, it’s not. Oil has an organic structure that nourishes the mucous membranes of the trachea and the small intestine. The larynx and the mouth cavity have a slightly different – more watery – system vs. the mucous membranes. So, plant amino acids, berry acids and acids contained in citrus fruits are better there. If someone wants to remove something bad from the mouth, or they need bactericidal prevention, slaked soda or lemon juice are better for them to rinse the larynx and the oral cavity. Those who have problems with the bronchi and suffer from inflamed tonsils could use linden flowers, eucalyptus and calendula to rinse their mouth and throat. 

Question 3: Will the world’s population decrease in the near future? 

Yasnosvet Pavel answers this:

Over the next 5 years, it’ll decline gradually, not as sharply, though, as your governments will call it. It’s mostly programmed phantoms who will be replaced with new ones programmed for 4D parameters. People like embodied living souls currently get disembodied as well, if they can’t live in the new system. So, don’t expect any horror, fear or deaths similar to those during the plague. They’ll say people have these, while actually it’s not true. 

Question 4: How can someone manage to do a lot of things and yet feel they live life fully and consciously? 

Archangel Michael answers this:

I’d recommend that you write out a to-do list with a schedule for yourself. Try to feel what’s more important and takes more time to do. Do something new for yourself daily. 

Question 5: Why do some people have and remember dreams, while others don’t?

Yasnosvet Pavel answers this:

Some people are pure and progressive in terms of their consciousness level. They’re more synchronized, in terms of subtle energies, with the astral body. For most people, though, the astral body is in an unconscious state and they aren’t well synchronized with the astral plane. So, even if they have dreams, they don’t remember them. If you want to get synchronized with the astral plane, once you’ve woken up, write down everything you remember seeing in your dream, and then read it again. 

Question 6: Will Maharishi's Transcendental Meditations remain relevant in 4D? 

The consciousness of the Earth – Gaia – answers this: 

No, they won’t. This tool was given for the transition. This consciousness will grow later overall and get other masters who will pass on similar knowledge for the new format. 

Question 7: What country has better medicine moving in the right direction?

Yasnosvet Pavel answers this:

Argentina, New Zealand and Alaska have quite appropriate medicine. 

Question 8: Why do they light a candle when reading prayers?

Yasnosvet Pavel answers this:

A candle as a divine flame is a symbol of divine fire, a divine conductor for any angels, divine structures consisting of pure Light, which has fire features. It’s “Holy Divine Flame,” “the Archangels’ flame.” In their structure, they’re so light to have already become pure flame. As we light a candle, starting to pray next to it, it’s like a mini-portal between us and those we pray to. 

Question 9: What’s sleepwalking, even during the day?

Yasnosvet Pavel answers this:

It’s someone’s Higher Self that controls the body and finalizes the body’s programs, while the embodied part of the consciousness flies in the astral plane doing its own business. Sometimes this happens. If consciousness lacks resources or strength to cope with earthly programs, the Higher Self helps and does it instead of it, i.e. Soul helps itself. 

Question 10: What changes occur in subtle bodies when exposed to vibrations of singing bowls? 

Yasnosvet Pavel and Archangel Raphael answer this: 

First, the field gets cleansed a lot there. It starts to get the model vibration of the magnetic field, and the bioenergy radiation becomes model in terms of vibration parameters. The biofield is leveled out, becoming even everywhere. It starts to get cleansed of foreign energies, low vibration energies. All subtle bodies get synchronized between one another. Someone’s red and purple chakras (1st and 7th ones) get chanted. Flow is adjusted between the consciousness of the Earth and the Universe, among other things.

Question 11: Will TV and radio be still available in 4D? If not, how long will they last?

Yasnosvet Pavel answers this:

They’ll still exist for about 20-30 years, gradually changing to plasma and holographic systems, and systems that transmit images, sound signals and taste directly to the brain. 

Question 12: Do body tattoos affect someone in any way? 

Yasnosvet Pavel answers this:

Yes, they do. Any tattoo, as an image, contains a certain energy meaning – information code and parameters. Any information has its own vibration. Your body starts to emit this information, so it charges the etheric field (etheric body, etheric layer of your subtle system) with this vibration, somewhat distorting it. So, most tattoos (95%) on someone’s body don’t bring them any good at all. They’ve worn these tattoos for a month and have to remove them, starting to do harm. So, do this consciously. You often don’t need this at all. 

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