Answers to Questions
as of 22-AUG-2022, Part 4

Question 1: Was Gravette the incarnation of Satan on Earth and left a legacy to the citizens of the USSR?

The Divine Messenger, the Deity of the High Categories, Alier answers this: 

First, he didn’t leave any legacy to anyone. Yes, he existed. He isn’t alive in the form he lived in. He was transferred to another body by using dark rituals, as before. Not the embodiment of Satan, he’s his right hand, to monitor if all contracts are performed. He plays the role of resident and executor. He’s very conscious of his position and role in the Universe. He respects the laws of hierarchy and those of the Source very clearly, but he isn’t the one he turns out or wants to be/ seem. He deceives very often to saturate the egregor with this or that energy. He makes sure everything happens the way the Highest powers want it to happen, because they’ve repeatedly shown by their actions that they’re more powerful.
“I’m not someone you’ve heard of here on Earth, you don’t pray to me. I exist, though, as an intermediary between the high Arhats, the highest spiritual being – seraphims, the divine flames of the Highest beings. I’m like a secretary and envoy, and I also play the role of secretary and president. I monitor how laws are implemented while very important scenarios are materialized, reporting violations to the High beings, and they take action. This is my role.” 

Question 2: Is it true that blood type affects someone’s personality?

The Saints answer this collectively: 

Blood groups are now changing and mixing. Yes, the races used to split very clearly into Arab, Negroid, American (Indians), and White (Slavs and Nordics, Normans) ones. Each of them had their own task, and each of these avatars had a genotype of a certain galaxy family of a certain race, and the Earth was such an experimental testing ground for genotypes to interact. A couple of hundred years ago, genomes started to get assimilated, hybridized – mixed, massively. A blood type shows which genotype, race someone belongs to.
Group type 0 rather refers to those living northernmost – the Caucasian, Norman and Slavic races.
Group type A refers to those living further to the South – Slavs and the southern peoples of the Caucasus.
Group type B points out at those living further to the South – Arabs and Nordics. Finally,
Group type AB has peoples living southernmost – Indians, Africans. So, they show strata people are closer to: northernmost/ northern/ southern/ southernmost. There’s also Blood type 5, when people belong to all groups similarly.
The negative vs. positive Rh factor applies to spiritual tasks as either receiving (Negative) or giving (Positive) energy, working out karma, etc. 

Question 3: Who built St. Petersburg?

Yasnosvet Pavel answers this:

Не Пётр. Цивилизация, которая была – великая античная цивилизация допотопная.

Question 4: Can someone listen to meditations from someone else, once the latter have left their body? 

Yasnosvet Pavel answers this:

If they feel it’s safe, of course, they can. They need to ask this question by addressing their heart rather than their mind, though. 

Question 5: Yasnosvet Pavel, who are you, where are you from, and what’s your mission for this incarnation?

Yasnosvet Pavel answers this:

It's a secret. I'm a man of mystery.

Question 6: How does Covid relate to the transition?

Yasnosvet Pavel answers this:

It helps to rebuild the genotype and direct energy to development – a point in a soul’s area. It gets someone switch from 3D to 4D, removing those 3D ones that it wasn’t able to switch. It’s like a filter to screen out the ones whose life would be too difficult, and to enhance the positive impact, aligning with more subtle fields those who have successfully recovered from the disease. 

Question 7: How does creativity affect someone? 

Yasnosvet Pavel answers this:

It triggers the function of the throat chakra, the heart chakra, and sometimes even the third chakra quite a lot. Someone creating get high, feeling as if it’s unreal. So, they saturate these with energy: the emotional body, the mental body and the etheric template – the body of creativity. They harmonize the field, clear consciousness, improve mood, and boost the ability to accumulate energy. Lots of positive things. If you get angry while drawing or sculpting, or you never like what you’ve drawn, you’re being purified. So, this is also good. 

Question 8: How can someone strengthen their aura, the system of subtle bodies?

Yasnosvet Pavel answers this:

Meditation, contrast shower, proper nutrition, yoga, getting up early in the morning, constant frequent walks, being in nature, prayers, creativity. 

Question 9: For what reasons does Soul choose to remain in 3D? 

Yasnosvet Pavel answers this:

Soul doesn’t choose to remain in 3D. It remains there when unable to step over into 4D with its level of consciousness. If it had been able to step into 4D, it would have been transferred there. It's just a matter its consciousness level. 

Question 10: What should someone feeling they wish to go to 4D do for this transition? 

Her Excellency Mother of God, Mother of Mercy, answers this: 

Very often if you want it, you’re already there. How can you gain a foothold in this position, though? It’s very simple: realize what you think, feel and understand that every thought and action of yours should be directed for the good of yourself, for the good of all that exists. Do no harm and just live by focusing on your heart! You’ll definitely be in 4D. It's not difficult. You just need to deal with the issue of your own sense of self from a spiritual point of view. 

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