Answers to Questions
as of 22-AUG-2022, Part 5

Question 1: What folk signs work now, if at all?

Seraphim of Sarov answers this: 

There are a couple of signs, very clearly established laws rather than a fairy tale. For example, low-flying birds add to forecasting rain or a thunderstorm. This is the way you feel animals. Or, if a cat crosses the road, this is a sign. This is usually neither good, nor bad. Animals crossing your path are like a mini-portal. You get charged with this animal’s energy while passing through. Black is neither good, nor bad. Black allows you to go deeper into yourself, look what’s within you. It kind of says, “It’s time you paid attention to your soul,” etc. 

Question 2: Why do crop circles appear? 

Yasnosvet Pavel answers this: 

These are very complex runes drawn specifically to manifest and carry out some actions on the subtle plane to charge and pump up certain egregors appropriately. They do affect the matrix of the Earth, its collective consciousness and field. There’s a law under which they’re obliged to inform you, otherwise it won’t work. This way, they show, by using these drawings, what they’re planning. If you do nothing, you agree to this. To prevent this action, you could mow the grass a little in this area to distort this sign and say, “No, no, no, I don’t agree!” Most of you won’t do this, though. You don’t understand what it’s about. Don’t worry, anyway! The Spiritual beings – both Archangel Michael and the guardians of the Earth – are aware of this, and they’ll take care of you. They won’t allow things to happen when they shouldn’t happen. 

Question 3: After death, souls move to a corresponding level of existence. What are these levels? 

Yasnosvet Pavel answers this: 

The subtle plane is a multidimensional form of the universe, which contains energies of the subtle plane, creating the energy world from pure Light. Each of these levels has its own lower or higher vibrational background. Soul goes to the world it corresponds to best in terms of vibrational background based on the Affinity law. At what level Soul ends up once disembodied, it mixes with its Spirit – its Higher Self, as if raising its vibrational background a little, or lowering it. That’s where the Higher Self is then placed, i.e. it goes there or stays in place. 

Question 4: How deep was the Absolute’s intention to use the black square Kaaba (Mecca)?

Yasnosvet Pavel and Muhammad answer this: 

This is how the square black shape of the Kaaba in Mecca works as the Absolute’s plan: black says, “Turn deep into yourself, look what’s within you.” In some areas, Light is missing, something isn’t clear, and consciousness isn’t enough, something was misunderstood. They dance around the cube, like children in a kindergarten around a Christmas tree. This shows they seem to give a signal to the Universe, “We want to enter the state of Flow and understand what’s happening.” Many of them don't realize this. They think they pray for their own good, while actually they ask for understanding. 

Question 5: Why does the Bible say about the apocalypse and its signs, and what does it mean now?

Jesus answers this: 

Do you really believe in the apocalypse and the idea that the Bible has reached you in the condition it was originally written? No, the apocalypse is already happening, while you just don’t notice it. Many of you have been placed in structures it doesn’t reach. So, don't be afraid, everything’s fine, live for yourself!

Question 6: On the Earth, do souls split in terms of experience, into those Young, Mature, and Ancient? 

Yasnosvet Pavel answers this: 

Physically, they don’t, while they do in the matrix, as young/ mature/ ancient souls. This is determined by the consciousness level, experience quality – how deep Soul has gone and understood the Plan – rather than by time parameters. 

Question 7: What are parallel human lives? 

Yasnosvet Pavel answers this: 

Sometimes the Higher Self embodies its soul (a part of itself), but it needs to complete several experiences at the same time, when in the same avatar. Parallel incarnations are meant for this. So, you may need to gain experience as a cook, a dancer, or a singer. Soul, as a multidimensional structure, has place for everything. In parallel, though, a structure is automatically activated, allowing a scenario to develop successfully. Neither bad, nor good, it refers to gaining experience, a game ( “I want to try both an apple and a pear.”) With one mouth, you can’t taste both separately, so one mouth is in one parallel, while the other mouth is in the other parallel. One mouth in one parallel eats an apple, while the other mouth in the other parallel eats a pear. Then, it all comes to the Higher Self altogether – kind of, two for one. 

Question 8: How to distinguish between Soul’s true desire and the desire of the conscious mind? 

Yasnosvet Pavel answers this: 

Soul’s desire is never questioned. You can feel it. So, you’re aware that if you do this, you’ll feel great. This doesn’t need any logic. For example, you haven’t done any gardening at all. You’re well aware, though, that if you plant geraniums, you’ll feel very good, you’ll recover mentally. This has no logic. This is your Soul’s desire. The mind is trying to build logic, though. So, here you need to understand that Soul’s true desires are never logical. You can’t understand this. You can only feel it in your heart, “I’ll do it, and I’ll feel great!” 

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