Answers to Questions
as of 22-AUG-2022, Part 6

Question 1: Why do people need wings? I feel like I have beautiful big wings.

Yasnosvet Pavel answers this: 

This is a sign that you’re an incarnate spiritual structure that has wings, and you’re likely to be an incarnate Angel. 

Question 2: Which is more effective for practice: dynamic (moving) nails or static sadhu boards? 

Yasnosvet Pavel answers this: 

Everyone chooses on their own. If they need to disperse energy, they choose dynamic nails. Those who need to clean and harmonize the field choose static ones. 

Question 3: Is it true that Mary Magdalene was a Priestess and practiced the sex magic of Isis?

Isis answers this:

I don't have sex magic. It’s magic of love. It extends to sex, etc. Mary Magdalene hadn’t heard of me and my philosophy, in that incarnation, so she couldn’t practice my sex magic at all. 

Question 4: How does Yamuna Body Rolling work on the energy level? 

Yasnosvet Pavel answers this:

Not bad. It’s proper breathing practice that matters here. Learning to relax through breathing. 

Question 5: What’s post-Covid and why do some people go through it, while others don’t? 

Yasnosvet Pavel answers this: 

Post-Covid is Covid’s residual energy settled in a block and trying to squeeze it out of the energy structure. For some, Covid helped recover through all the blocks, and it doesn’t stay in them. If it does, it squeezes out what it wasn’t able to do during their illness. 

Question 6: Why are some people born deaf and dumb? 

Yasnosvet Pavel answers this: 

It may be their soul’s experience. It’s born as it wants to try to be deaf and dumb. Or, it may be karma so that Soul can learn to value hearing, appreciate music, sound vibrations. This works out a karma of aggression, when someone had yelled at someone else affecting them too much. 

Question 7: How did you reach this level of spirituality and vibrations?

Yasnosvet Pavel answers this: 

I’d lived my incarnations, worked through karma, performed spiritual practices in past lives before I came to what I have now. It's obvious, right?

Question 8: How long will business relations (selling goods, rendering services) last after 21 December, 22 between those who switched to 4D and those who didn’t? 

Gaia, the consciousness of the Earth, answers this: 

The maximum is a little under a year. Over the next year, everything will go away and collapse. 

Question 9: Dear Yasnosvet Pavel, will you sing like R. Loreti (e.g. “Ave Maria”), because you also have an extraordinary voice? 

Yasnosvet Pavel answers this: 

I won’t sing like a 14-year-old boy, because I’m 23. Although no one knows how I’m going to sing, I can feel I’m going to do it in future. 

Question 10: Could you please send us a message from Luke Voyno-Yasenetsky? 

Luke Voyno-Yasenetsky answers this: 

I can’t give any spiritual messages, based on my level of consciousness. The Higher Powers, who are significantly superior to me in many ways, are already delivering messages through Yasnosvet Pavel. Her Excellency Mother of God, Mother of Mercy, and Archangel Michael have already said even more than I could say. If you want to know what I feel about you personally, I love you. 

Question 11: What determines the number of spiritual guides a soul has? 

Yasnosvet Pavel answers this: 

It depends on its consciousness level. The higher it is, the fewer supervisors it can fit with. Also, in terms of vibrations, how and with whom it can get synchronized. Souls understand things through different energies. 

Question 12: Is any polarity (e.g. +4D, -4D) allowed in new dimensions? What’s their meaning, interaction, ways of transition between them? 

Yasnosvet Pavel answers this: 

No, no polarities such as plus, or minus are allowed there. This doesn’t exist. There’s a hierarchy system, though, with one of the Source’s laws. There’s always someone higher or lower in terms of something. Those inferior can’t understand those superior, while the latter understand the former. So, based on this law of hierarchy, quantum dimensions are built in the 4D matrix. These include four measures such as lower, middle, higher, and elite. This means the following: first, ordinary people/ followed by those more or less going somewhere, with more opportunities in the matrix, as they have a higher consciousness level/ then, a higher level comprising business people/ and, finally, the elite level of global personalities, governments, super-celebrities. 

Question 13: How to help women bear their children, to make their baby’s path into this world as natural as possible? 

Yasnosvet Pavel answers this: 

Pregnant women should stroke their belly, drink charged water, go for a walk, and listen. Babies feel and undergo absolutely everything that happens to their mom. So, if a mom wants to make it pleasant for her child to go out into this world, she should show it’s pleasant. 

Question 14: On which chakra does courage live?

Yasnosvet Pavel answers this: 

On the red Charka One. 

Question 15: How is human energy generated? 

Yasnosvet Pavel answers this: 

Supplied to you through your Higher Self, it passes through many subtle planes and ends up in subtle bodies.

Question 16: Why is food so important in life? 

Yasnosvet Pavel answers this: 

Food makes up for energy not fully absorbed. The highest consciousness level is when someone only has water, engaged in prana eating. They’re completely synchronous with the Source, their Higher Self. Most people don’t do this. They can’t assimilate these subtle energies well enough. Their subtle fields, vibrational background, don’t allow them to assimilate these super thin energies. So, they replace everything not assimilated with physical food. 

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