Answers to Questions
as of 22-AUG-2022, Part 9

Question 1: Does changing gender in people affect their transition to the fourth dimension?

Yasnosvet Pavel answers this:

It’s their consciousness level rather than the action that affects this. They change their gender often due to lacking their consciousness level to accept their gender in their current life. So, most of them risk not switching to 4D or ending up only in the lower 4D. When someone rejects to accept their body (as a part of themselves), this may lead to slowing down spiritual growth significantly. So, the consciousness level and acceptance are the key points for the transition to 4D. Some souls do need to go through this experience, while much more people get an unplanned experience. So, it’s up to someone. Some of them will transfer, while other won’t. Look at each case here, what they think of and feel, what their consciousness level is. 

Question 2: How do people differ in terms of their blood group?

Yasnosvet Pavel answers this:

This shows whether they belong to an area closer to the north/south pole, in terms of race. They have different tasks, not to be discussed here, though. I need to meditate, enter the flow to find out what makes them different and how. So far, I can only say that the blood type symbolizes someone with certain tasks: to work with people, or with matter, or deal with an organization, or get involved in creativity. It's not the same for everyone. 

Question 3: Can someone terminate a contract with black forces?

Yasnosvet Pavel answers this:

Yes, they could express their will very clearly to say, “I am a Divine soul with a Divine level of consciousness, I am a Divine with Divine will. There’s no law higher than that of the Divine will, than my desire. And this is my desire to terminate this contract. As an energy exchange in fairness, I dissolve all conditions, all energy, all fields, and everything into the light of unconditional Divine Love and evolution. Any structure that interacts with this contract evolves, gets saturated with the Light of evolution, gets rid of all blocks and grows spiritually, increasing the level of its consciousness. This is my wish to dissolve everything into the Light of growth. From now on, everyone is given the Light of growth, which will help them grow significantly in the spiritual sense. 

Question 4: How true is the information in the “The Knowledge Book” by Bülent Çorak (Turkey)? 

Yasnosvet Pavel answers this:


Question 5: What countries will see more decline in the number of phantoms, as the planet's population is going to decrease? 

Yasnosvet Pavel answers this:

Evenly. The ratio of phantoms as a percentage of the total population to living souls is similar. India has a lot of phantoms. So, a lot of them will disincarnate there. Not many living souls will disincarnate, except those not able to live normally in 4D, under the 3D matrix, the auspices of a 3D dome. 

Question 6: How can someone clear their consciousness? 

Yasnosvet Pavel answers this:

They need to go into meditation and understand very clearly what thoughts aren’t their own. Imagine that thoughts are a river flowing through their head. Realize where each river flows from, whether it flows from the Higher Self or not, and where the sources come from. Which river and thoughts have origins from the outer field, i.e. not their own. This way, consciousness will get purified, when it realizes it’s not clean.

Question 7: How can someone ask their soul what path it’s chosen? 

Yasnosvet Pavel answers this:

They need to communicate through their Higher Self. Ask about themselves and enjoy those fleeting messages. 

Question 8: Can someone regain their abilities acquired in past incarnations? 

Yasnosvet Pavel answers this:

Yes, if they need to, based on their tasks and will expressed clearly, pure consciousness and good intention. So, everything is determined by intention. If it’s for good or development, the Higher Self will give them these abilities. They need to have pure consciousness, pure structure and good intention, though. 

Question 9: Why was the sinking of the Titanic necessary? 

Yasnosvet Pavel answers this:

The sinking of the Titanic was a conscious ritual of mass sacrifice. That was promoted for people to feel fear and grief. They saturated those dark egregors. Based on their technological equipment at that time, ships already had echo radars, able to see very clearly, a kilometer away, an obstacle ahead to navigate properly. People who live in fear and grief, with low vibrations, are very easy to control. 

Question 10: Is swimming in the Sea of Japan good for people? 

Gaia, the consciousness of the Earth, answers this: 

The thing is, my children, regardless of my waters, any water endowed with my consciousness and my living meaning carries goodness in itself when someone’s swimming, uniting with me. Whether it’s a lake, a pond, a river or the sea, everything is my consciousness. It should be environmentally friendly for you, though, in terms of physics. 

Question 11: Does a woman aged 40+ need regular sex? 

Yasnosvet Pavel answers this:

Any person of any gender aged 14-16+ needs regular sex. Make sure the age gap is narrow, though, so it does no harm. Most people differ significantly in terms of their consciousness levels. The key point here is for partners to match in terms of these during sexual contact. As someone grows older, they don’t need as much sex. They have more of unconditional love in their life at that time. So, Jesus didn’t really need sex. Why? He had unconditional love for all humanity, and it fully replaced his need for this energy. 

Question 12: How to develop vivid dreams and have more of lucid dreams? 

Yasnosvet Pavel answers this:

Program yourself very clearly, “I’m in a state of sleep, and I understand very clearly that I’m dreaming, I’m asleep and can do whatever I want. I’m in the astral plane and whatever I do, I can do anything. Write down your dreams immediately after waking up and analyze them, feel what it was, and re-read this regularly. Practice meditation to cleanse consciousness, since the astral body is located above the mental body and they often interact. If the mental body is pure, the astral body will also be pure. The quality of sleep depends on the astral body’s purity. 

Question 13: What are the effects of natural and synthetic drugs? 

Yasnosvet Pavel answers this:

Synthetic drugs do destroy the energy field. Energy mucus forms in someone’s head, and they gradually go mad. Neurons are destroyed, blood pressure problems arise, blood and lymph deteriorate. The overall situation is getting worse. Natural drugs are no better than synthetic ones. They also have their own negative effects. Natural drugs were only intended for good purposes. For instance, if you were an ancient shaman who entered such states to get information how to protect and heal. In other cases, if you use them for pleasant sensations, you risk attracting astral beings who will energetically suck and devour you. When intoxicated due to alcohol or drugs, you become extremely vulnerable to foreign energy structures. 

Question 14: When something doesn't work, how to know when to keep trying vs. let it go?

Yasnosvet Pavel answers this:

In this case, you should understand whether your soul desires it truly. If yes, it’s worth continuing to try. Why doesn’t it work out for you, though? This is usually due to programs in your subconscious. They limit you, interfere with you, or set unnecessary conditions. This is neuroprogramming and self-programming, “I can do anything easily.” If something’s truly yours, you can achieve it easily. If something doesn’t work out, but this is your true desire, your mental body is likely to hide unnecessary programs. Use meditations and affirmations to cleanse the mental body and the subconscious, which is easy to do. Understand where you have your fear and self-doubt, what thoughts limit you, where they come from, and come back to the roots of these thoughts, accept and realize this experience fully. That’s it. Enjoy your life! 

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