Answers to Questions
as of 12-SEP-2022, Part 1

Question 1: What’s the role of our planet for the universe? 

Archangel Michael answers this:

This planet Earth is an unusual artificial creation carried out with great precision. The bases of a huge number of genotypes and vibrations from the entire universe are concentrated here. This allows the planet to provide the widest access to knowledge and experience – most complex, deep and multidimensional. Also, the Earth is one of the few planets in the Universe where Spirit can evolve to the next level of its development. Most other planets lack this option.

Question 2: Thinking of Blessed Xenia of St. Petersburg, what was her highest role for people during her incarnation, and what is it like now?

Blessed Xenia of St. Petersburg and Her Excellency Mother of God, Mother of Mercy, answer this:

I’m glad I was given the opportunity to tell you that my role was blissful. I was to take on people’s sins, pray and help them believe in God through Orthodoxy.
Her Excellency Mother of God, Mother of Mercy adds this:
I supervised her at that stage and I confirm her words that she was blessed. She shone so strongly that even in agony and calm, when experiencing bullying, she didn’t feel any anger and maintained high vibrations. That way, she forced lower vibrational souls to listen to their inner voice and feel the pangs of conscience. 

Question 3: Is it true that kind people suffer more in life? 

Gaia, the consciousness of the Earth, answers this:

Yes. In the old matrix arrangement – the world of the so-called Hindu mythology of the Kali Yuga era (the period of cosmic darkness) – the three-dimensional projection, due to the lack of darker energies in its 3D matrix field, entered into the law of balancing in such a way as to avoid complete immersion in darkness and lower vibrations so that the Earth doesn’t disincarnate. This balancing functioned in such a way that the darkest entities were paired with the lightest ones. And the latter compensated for the darkest with their kind-hearted intention and high level of vibration. Because of this, it wasn’t easy for every light being, since during the last millennia there was such a complication on Earth that they were forced to balance this darkness on their own to save the planet and not lose the ability for evolution.

Question 4: How do conspiracies affect someone’s life?  

Jesus and Her Excellency Mother of God, Mother of Mercy answer this:

A conspiracy is the ability of voice vibration to set a program for something, a certain field. The way this program will start to operate and influence others forms a karma – either positive, or negative. It all depends on intention.

Question 5: What is the best way for children to start doing yoga and which one? 

Yasnosvet Pavel answers this: 

They don’t really need any kind of yoga, because their energy is distributed perfectly, as model from birth. Problems usually start when aged 12, y.o., though, according to average statistics. They need to do morning exercises and exercises before sleeping at night, in the evening and in the middle of the day, such as squats, bends, breathing practices. Use this formula: when exhaling, sit down, or bend over, and while inhaling, rise and straighten up. Specialized yogas fit older beings. 

Question 6: When working with a pendulum, does the answer come from someone’s subconscious or their supervising Angel?

Yasnosvet Pavel answers this:

The answer comes from the being that entered this pendulum and influences it with its energy field.

Question 7: What should someone do, when asked for alms?

Archangel Michael answers this: 

Try not to react to this. People who ask for alms feel sorry for themselves and use their state of being pitiful, which only parasites do. The Universe doesn’t encourage parasitism in terms of positive karma. Both are to punish: the one asking for alms and the one giving it. The former must get perked up in terms of Spirit, for such an incarnation has been granted to him so that he himself learns to look for these powers in himself. This happened to him, and the Spirit chose this experience for this being for a reason.  

Question 8: If someone’s destined to live in poverty, can they change their life towards abundance? 

Archangel Michael answers this:
It depends on why Soul chose poverty, what spiritual goal, knowledge to achieve. If this knowledge and goal are comprehended, in this incarnation they become absolutely free and can really get rich. They’ve overcome a program and reached a peak their Soul intended to achieve by embodying its part into this world.

Question 9: Why are twins born, why do their parents need it, and what’s their role in each other’s lives? 

Yasnosvet Pavel answers this:

It’s individual for parents, why and to whom their twins give certain spiritual roles. This is learning to interact, like with any other children. It’s just that if two children are born, it means learning to interact with two children at once. Why are twins born for each other? As a rule, very often they’re parts of one Higher Self, either souls of the same kin, or based on an agreement. Twins are born as complementary, mutually helping and teaching elements of each other. They support each other, or teach each other mutually opposite things. For example, one twin is very calm and needs to learn to deal with his aggression. On the contrary, the other twin is the opposite. He’s overly aggressive, and he needs to learn how to calm down. So, they teach each other these things, as a classic example. 

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