Answers to Questions
as of 12-SEP-2022, Part 2

Question 1: Can someone fat be highly spiritual and switch to 4D, or should they lose weight first? 

Archangel Michael answers this:

According to psychosomatics, if someone is fat, they usually block their own energy and emotions, which indicates their level of consciousness. On the other hand, they can choose to be highly spiritual. Everyone chooses their life to be complicated or not based on what they can comprehend. It often happens that sick, disabled and fat people can be highly spiritual, usually dealing with two scenarios. Either this is their karmic cleansing, or working out some very complex moral and ethical issues within their Soul. 

Question 2: Is collective prayer more effective? 

Her Excellency Mother of God, Mother of Mercy answers this: 

Yes, it is, if everyone has similar intentions going to one point in the universe and existence.

Question 3: Is it correct to control childbirth with modern methods of contraception? 

Her Excellency Mother of God, Mother of Mercy answers this: 

Yes, it is. You were born into this world and with the tools you need spiritually. Otherwise, with no need for these methods of contraception, you would have been born either in the past or in the future. So, intention matters here most – why you don’t want to have children. If your goals are selfish, this will impact you negatively in terms of karma. With positive goals, e.g. “I don’t want to give birth to a child, so I don’t go into some difficult moments in life. I want my child to have a happy life. So, first, I’ll improve myself and grow up,” or “I just feel I don’t need children for my purpose,” – another karmic principle.

Question 4: Is drinking herbal tincture of licorice root in the morning recommended to thin the lymph? Does it help?

Yasnosvet Pavel answers this: 

Licorice root cleanses blood and blood vessels very well. Try to avoid using it on an empty stomach for a long time, though. Based on how you feel, use it up to a week, and then the body should have a break. 

Question 5: Does shungite improve water quality? 

Yasnosvet Pavel answers this: 

Yes. Fine shungite filters clean water well and charge it with positively charged electrons. 

Question 6: How many lifetimes does a modern resident have, on average? 

Yasnosvet Pavel answers this: 

This information has no spiritual value, but I’ll answer it. It’s 700,000 incarnations, on average. 

Question 7: Do children born during the transition still need any animal food? 

Yasnosvet Pavel answers this: 

Only if it attracts them, so they want it. Young bodies are tuned very finely, feeling what they need very clearly. If these children need it, they can have animal energies. 

Question 8: How can someone use mental images to heal, rejuvenate and strengthen their body? 

The Lords of Meditations answer this:

You need to get immersed in a state to get synchronized with your cell – feel the cells, their nuclei, and send them rejuvenating energies, ordering and arranging them in a sacred order to strengthen the tissues of your internal organs and body tissues on the physical level. Also, realize, understand, and feel what’s the energy of youth to you, and transmit this to the nuclei of your cells. 

Question 9: If someone didn’t have enough parental love in their childhood, what should they do, as adults: make up for loving themselves to get this unconditional love? 

Jesus answers this: 

If you’ve chosen such an incarnation, your soul rather wants to learn to cultivate inner Love for itself to give this Love to others. To receive this Love from yourself directly rather than from someone else. The way you can achieve this self-love depends on earthly and spiritual programs where you’re predisposed to raise your vibrations. 

Question 10: How soon will alternative energy sources replace gas and gasoline on a massive scale?

Gaia, the consciousness of the Earth, answers this: 

In 2027. 

Question 11: Can mirrors be used as a portal for travel instead of transport? 

Yasnosvet Pavel answers this: 

Yes, they can, but not the mirrors you look into in the morning, with their current chemical formula and ingredients. 

Question 12: Are there any souls not completing their task on earth, and what happens to them?

Archangel Michael answers this: 

Yes, it very often happens that souls deviate from the course their Higher Self has outlined for them. Illnesses, tough life circumstances, and conflicts are used to drive them further, as if by a divine kick, in such a concentrated way, so they move along the road where they need to go. If their Higher Self feels it’s no longer possible, and someone’s starting to go into negativity, moving away from their destiny, their Higher Self may decide to disincarnate them through an accident, oncology, murder, etc. 

Question 13: Why is the metaverse needed – the virtual world people are creating? 

Yasnosvet Pavel answers this: 

If you mean the metaverse Zuckerberg, our elites and Elon Musk are doing, this is their own task. They develop this system. They have a selfish goal, though, to collect data, manage people, etc. Why will this happen anyway, but it will be different? It’ll be similar to the situation with COVID-19, which was launched, started to kill people, cause widespread illnesses and a pandemic. There’s one thing, though, when something can go wrong. The micro-mechanism may go astray. As in the case of COVID-19, it may mutate quickly and start to affect someone low-vibrational, living in the projection of fear, rather than high-vibrational. The same thing will happen to the metaverse. Instead of collecting databases, it can become commonly available, like the Internet. Instead of controlling and using people, it’ll provide even more freedom. It’ll develop the spirit of freedom even further, so it’ll be even more difficult to control people. 

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