Answers to Questions
as of 12-SEP-2022, Part 3

Question 1: How did it happen that preparations are underway for the quantum transition, while the church still lives according to the old canons? 

Yasnosvet Pavel answers this: 

Egregors of religion need to be controlled very clearly, accurately and meticulously. Changes must be gradual not to shock people’s consciousness and avoid falling into low vibrations due to these fast changes. This system relies on most people. When they change their quality, this system will start changing as well. These processes will happen nearly simultaneously. The egregors will develop a little faster, though, so people don’t go crazy. 

Question 2: When people of different nations get married, how does it affect the race and individual evolution? 

Yasnosvet Pavel answers this: 

It doesn’t. It’s only you who influence your race with your consciousness level. 

Question 3: How do semi-precious stones affect someone? 

Yasnosvet Pavel answers this: 

They’re losing their ability to influence someone’s field in 4D, while when this video is being recorded they still have their power. Similar to precious stones, semi-precious stones have their own vibrational background, sacred meaning, color meaning and, based on this, they somehow influence the human field. 

Question 4: Are there any souls of disembodied people present, when the funeral speech is read in church? 

Yasnosvet Pavel answers this: 

Sometimes yes, if they’re allowed to. 

Question 5: When answering about vitiligo, you referred to 5 avatars in the body. What does it mean? 

Yasnosvet Pavel answers this: 

The body can’t have 5 avatars. I referred to the body as having a multidimensional soul, with multiple personalities. Personality is a tool of consciousness. One personality helps us at work, another personality helps us in our family, and the third personality helps us in society. Vitiligo refers to people who often have a multi-personal soul, not bipolar ones. Multipersonality is the ability to adapt, while bipolarity is violated adaptation, when people show a too fanatical bias towards a personality, i.e. consciousness not functioning correctly. 

Question 6: Is it true what they write about the power of the Holy ditch in Diveevo, or is it a brand invented by the clergy?

Her Excellency Mother of God, Mother of Mercy answers this:

Although they somewhat exaggerated its power, the Holy ditch does have its own power and opens up more, when someone’s heart opens more as well. If they come there to pray for peace in their world, the Holy ditch will have great power over them and will help them open up and get cleansed. If they only come there to pray for their Soul, they’re being selfish. So, the Hole ditch has a lower impact. My vibrations affect someone more deeply, if their vibrations are similar to mine. My vibrations are an incredible desire for peace in the whole world. A greater desire than the one for peace in my home. 

Question 7: How can someone cleanse the subtle bodies themselves?

Yasnosvet Pavel answers this: 

Do meditations, exercise, take a shower, use art therapy. Also swear, shout, break something, sit by the fire, swim, or lie on the ground. Everyone has their own tools. 

Question 8: Is it true that we live several lives simultaneously in the human body in different realities? 

Yasnosvet Pavel answers this: 

Yes, if this refers to parallel realities, in terms of multidimensionality. One and the same body in different quantum realities lives in different quantum states. Although it’s not easy to explain, intuitively you can understand everything, if you feel this information with your heart. A few parallel lives in different bodies are also real. Soul can come onto one planet with one incarnation, while on another planet it has another incarnation. It can simultaneously incarnate in different times. It’s absolutely acceptable that you can live in this incarnation at this time, and at the same time your Higher Self can incarnate you to live exactly 2,000 years ago in another incarnation, and they live at the same time. 

Question 9: Do Reiki energies have a positive effect on someone’s life, a master’s inner world and spiritual growth? 

The Lords of Reiki, its Masters, the civilization that transmitted Reiki to the earth answer this: 

Only if reiki helps consciousness evolve. Reiki masters become fanatics quite often, though, believing this is the only correct model of soul development. This is not true, though. This becomes an overly strong and unnecessary asceticism for those with a higher level of consciousness and who enjoy the higher freedoms of this world. 

Question 10: How can Rudra, God Shiva’s dark hypostasis, help?

Shiva answers this: 

My dark hypostasis is your dark hypostasis. Any living soul has both light and dark sides, since it’s the Source’s product and mini-multidimensional reality that includes everything that exists. My dark part is definitely aimed at destroying the destructive and something that no longer carries spiritual value and interferes with development. 

Question 11: How does Soul react to the autopsy of the body in a morgue after disembodiment? 

Yasnosvet Pavel answers this: 

Some find it not pleasant, while others don’t care. So, it depends on a kind of soul, its level of consciousness. How fast the subtle bodies dissolved after disincarnation matters too. Soul can still feel the impact on its body, if the subtle bodies aren’t dissolved completely. As a rule, they lose 90% of sensations straightaway. 

Question 12: How does the diamond stone impact someone? 

Gaia, the consciousness of the Earth, answers this: 

Diamond helps someone strengthen qualities such as arrogance and pedantry. Arrogance works both in a positive and negative sense, though. It enhances their ambitions. If they rather tend to be a coward, involved in self-interest and lies, the diamond starts to burn and destroy them from within. 

Question 13: Why do icons stream myrrh? 

Yasnosvet Pavel answers this: 

It happens that with their sincere prayers and faith, egregor believers pump it up with this faith so much that the egregor uses this energy in such a way that it materializes the flow of myrrh through icons, definitely with saints supervising, to help strengthen faith. On the one hand, the egregor strengthens itself, while, on the other, saints use this tool to charge people with faith and increase their vibrational background, so they can have a better spiritual experience. 

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