Answers to Questions
as of 17-JUL-2022, Part 1

Question 1: When I have trouble breathing, like a burning sensation, how to cope with this?

St. Pantaleon answers this:

These are manifestations of coronavirus. Alkalize your body, gargle with lemon juice, and drink lemon juice. In this case, soda bicarbonate won’t help effectively. Vegetable alkali is important, i.e. lemon, lime, grapefruit, or orange. You could gargle with bicarb, but drinking it is useless. Do this Qigong breathing exercise: exhale as you lean forward, so excess fluid leaves the body. It’s important to release lymph. Everything will be alright after that.

Question 2: How to work through sick pride?

Collective response from the Saints:

This is very individual for everyone. Here’s the universal answer: within yourself, you tend to attract criticism into your life. You don’t consider yourself worthy of something good and, in contrast, you refer to yourself as worthy of humiliation. As you attract humiliation, you understand this is wrong, though, with your mind and feelings. Realize since when it’s been hard for you to accept praise addressed to you, and work through this non-acceptance.

Question 3: Is Soul somehow attached to the physical body?

Pavel Yasnosvet answers this:

Yes, it is, of course. Soul is directly connected to the physical body. We can only interact with the physical world through the body. For some, during disincarnation, Soul doesn’t leave the Earth for some time. It’s attached to the body, as subtle bodies disintegrate and energy dissolves. This mainly happens to unconscious souls not understanding what happened, not interested in subtle things, not studying them. After 40 days, though, everyone usually leaves.

Question 4: Will space be divided physically, once a certain stage of transition is reached?

Gaia answers this:

No, it won’t be divided physically in the usual sense. It’ll undergo a quantum division, which will create physical spaces. As an example, I’d say about a wealthy person’s estate. In theory, most people can come to visit this territory, enter the house, while inside there are certain rules, conditions which make someone feel they shouldn’t do this. This will look similar. In theory, even though people of the old format can approach people of the new format, they won’t feel such a desire, and even fear programs will be turned on.

Question 5: Are there any practices to help someone cope with alcohol addiction?

St. Pantaleon and Hippocrates answer this:

This question is personal. You need to understand what causes the craving for alcohol. This is usually done as a kind of compensation. Understand what it is and eliminate the opposite potential, i.e. give them something they lack, which led to this addiction.

Question 6: Are financial abundance and following your destiny related?

Jesus answers this:

Not always. Often the blossoming of financial abundance is the blossoming of someone’s spiritual structure within. They achieve spiritual flourishing when following their destiny. So, these are processes that occur in parallel with each other, one follows from the other. It often happens, though, that for karmic or spiritual reasons, someone chooses a life without money. So, they may not have financial abundance, even when following their destiny. Anyway, these cases are rare. In 4D this experience becomes not profitable and not effective.

Question 7: Can Soul develop in a dream?

Pavel Yasnosvet answers this:

Yes, it can. Our consciousness is pure – high-class energy. Soul is merely consciousness, while we have a lot of bodies, such as physical, emotional, causal, astral, and mental. During a dream, someone places their consciousness, Soul, in the astral body and goes out into the astral plane, where, just like in physical reality, they express themselves really well and fully, receiving high-quality experience completely.

Question 8: Is it worth buying Bitcoin?

St. Spyridon answers this:

ОIt won’t disappear, but it’ll transform and become public domain. The new format of money becomes electronic. The electronic exchange is developing everywhere. It’s not appropriate now, though, to purchase cryptocurrency and try to sell it. The state will deliberately interfere with someone’s activities, when they speed up disclosing Bitcoin, so they can collapse it sharply. If you don’t see your purpose in this, then it’s not worth it.

Question 9: How to speed up the slow lymph flow and, as a result, remove swelling?

St. Pantaleon answers this:

The psychosomatic reason for the slow lymph flow is a lack of thirst for life, a deviation from life goals. Find your life purpose to release your vitality. Lymphatic drainage massage, an active lifestyle, using foods containing amino acids, which can liquefy lymph, will also help. These are berries, fruit, citrus fruits and herbs such as wormwood, thistle, and burdock.

Question 10: How to achieve my spiritual revelation as quickly as possible?

Her Excellency Mother of God, Mother of Mercy, answers this:

Follow your destiny, feel what your heart tells you, and always ask your heart. It’ll always tell you the right path and lead to the fastest spiritual growth.

Question 11: How to develop abilities for good?

Her Excellency Mother of God, Mother of Mercy, answers this:

Form an intention for good and let the universe help you.

Question 12: What vibrations do modern media correspond to?

Gaia answers this:

Inappropriately low ones. Their goal is to keep people in fear to control them. Everything’s related to fear is a priori low vibrations.

Question 13: How to stop feeling worried about my children, what prayers to read?

Her Excellency Mother of God, Mother of Mercy, answers this:

Contact me, Matrona, and St. Agafya asking us to purify your maternal feelings and let you realize that your children are adults and full-fledged, self-sufficient souls, just like you.

Question 14: Will there be any money in 4D in the format available now?

St. Spyridon answers this:

Physical money won’t be in use at all, by 2040, while electronic money will transform. Instead of plastic cards, there’ll be a device attached to any payment device. This is similar to implants, plaster strips. This isn’t dystopia, though. On the contrary, everything’s moving towards utopia.

Question 15: Why does early grey hair appear?

Hippocrates answers this:

This is a suppressed experience of very severe grief, experienced stress, accepting criticism from others quite a lot. Bloom in the spectrum of your personality as someone confident, self-aware, and knowing your goals. You only listen to those you feel giving you response and love. This confident personality won’t listen, though, to those that seem to be giving humiliation and limitation.

Question 16: How do the concepts of the Absolute and the Creator differ?

Pavel Yasnosvet answers this:

The Absolute is pure consciousness. The Creator is a part of this consciousness, meant to create.

Question 17: When will direct flights between Europe and Russia function again?

The Great Oracles answer this:

According to the current scenario in your time parallel, sanctions attacks on Russia, limiting its air movements, will be cancelled by the end of this year or the beginning of next year.

Question 18: Which superpowers will open up in people in the 4D dimension?

Pavel Yasnosvet answers this:

Depending on what dimension they fall into – ultra-low, or ultra-high. The higher the dimension, the higher the abilities will be: telepathy, telekinesis, the ability to read parallel dimensions, the ability to speak with souls, channelling, healing, clairvoyance, clairgnosis, clairaudience, leaps in space, i.e. teleportation... There’ll be a lot of things like that.

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