Yasnosvet Pavel answers this:
St. Avdotius, St. Lukyan, Archangel Michael and also someone very similar to Sultan Suleiman, who ruled the Ottoman Empire, more powerful rather than Turkey alone, including all nations, with Armenians. It has a lot of supervisors there.
Yasnosvet Pavel answers this:
Yes, it can, if people’s consciousness changes collectively.
Yasnosvet Pavel answers this:
The Christian egregor does.
Yasnosvet Pavel answers this:
Yes, it does.
Yasnosvet Pavel answers this:
No, that’s not right. They complement each other very well, very good for you, especially when grown at greenhouses.
Yasnosvet Pavel answers this:
Actually, the sun heals the eyes. We usually wear these glasses to see well during peak solar activity, not to squint our eyes. Also, this helps hide our gaze. Someone hiding their gaze hide their energy. So, subconsciously and consciously, people like to wear sunglasses to hide their energy and stay not easy to read.
Yasnosvet Pavel answers this:
It doesn’t. It affects the etheric body slightly, which gets quickly restored, in up to 90 seconds.
Yasnosvet Pavel answers this:
The ultimate goal is appointed by the Higher Powers, who always confirm things, so nothing happens without them. The goal is to reorganize energy in the Earth's matrix field to make it easier for Gaia to work. The dark entities that supervised creating this collider tried to create a special huge dark portal on Earth. However, they failed. They didn’t take into account that the quantum has an unstable state, and Higher Essences from the astral plane control it completely. The latter are completely subordinate to the Archangels. So, they didn’t consider that, lacking knowledge, while we have plenty of it, as we’re light.
Yasnosvet Pavel answers this:
First, their body is very clean. Typically, these are people with a special spiritual purpose on earth. They abstained from food, practiced spiritual asceticism in such a way that their body at the cellular level was incredibly pure. As a rule, they ate just a handful of gluten-free wholemeal cake and drank only water. That was their diet for the whole day, while sometimes they even went on a water fast. Beforehand, they entered into meditation, deepening their consciousness into the astral plane. Incorruptible bodies are those of people who were able to completely fly out with their spirit from the physical body, leaving only the body, and taking all the energies from it with them. This way, the body gradually mummifies, doesn’t rot and appears alive, the cells continue to function because vital forces remain there. The soul took only its energies, while the physical ones remained in the body. It hasn’t lost touch with the earth. A very complex spiritual mechanism.
Yasnosvet Pavel answers this:
Yes, it can have a hundred or a thousand, whatever.
Yasnosvet Pavel answers this:
It all depends on the level of spiritual values in 4D. The level of relationships will be completely determined by spiritual values. Marriage refers to the highest relationship, lasting for decades until one of them dies, turning into a platonic relationship. People will be freer, so those seeking to experience the joys of the body will change partners accordingly, practicing polygamy. This change of partners won’t be like debauchery, though. In 4D, a heartless relationship will be disapproved. Anything heartless will be punished, as it’s going to accumulate negative karma. Even now, if someone constantly changes partners, sincerely loving each of them and opening up their heart, giving unconditional love, and all people feel the same for them, this isn’t disapproved.