Answers to Questions
as of 12-SEP-2022, Part 6

Question 1: How beneficial is “Pravka Atlanta” procedure (Ilya Burlakovsky’s method), if at all?

Yasnosvet Pavel answers this:

The matrix we live in differs. So, it’s not beneficial for people of the new generation. For 3D people, it is, but they don’t strive for it. 

Question 2: Is it OK to use skin cream, or it’s not healthy? 

Yasnosvet Pavel answers this:

It’s not healthy. Most creams harm the skin and clog the cells. The cell kind of gets in a swamp, where it has breathing issues. The cytoplasm, the cell membrane, starts to thicken and gets covered with such an unnatural mucous membrane. Preventing the cell from drying out, it still disrupts its respiration and energy exchange processes. If you want perfect skin, eat ocean fish, cold-pressed oil and sprouts. You can of course eat fresh fruit and vegetables, free from chemicals, or containing very few of them. Also, soaked flax seeds and aloe vera pulp are very good at moisturizing the skin. Moisturized skin doesn’t require external protection, as it perceives ultraviolet radiation constructively. 

Question 3: Can someone maintain vision into old age, unless it declines with age? 

Yasnosvet Pavel answers this:

Yes, they can disable this program, like any other program. 

Question 4: Is someone’s Guardian Angel constantly with them, or does he only arrive when needed or asked for something? 

Yasnosvet Pavel answers this:

He’s constantly with someone, at least a few of them are always near. They’re in a wait mode, acting when needed or requested. 

Question 5: What are the signs of someone remaining in 3D? 

Yasnosvet Pavel answers this:

Radical rejection, a great fear of what’s happening, hating everyone very different from them, laughing at any values that contradict those generally imposed, tending towards herd instinct and submission. 

Question 6: How to get out of the wheel of Samsara? 

Yasnosvet Pavel answers this:

Reach a level of consciousness when you can feel unconditional love, no matter what happens to you. 

Question 7: Why should someone turn to Angels, Supervisors and Saints rather than the Creator directly? 

Yasnosvet Pavel answers this:

When you turn to angels, supervisors, and saints, you turn to the Creator through them. As you turn to the Creator, you turn to everything in the Universe, even demons. The Creator is all that exists, while when you turn to someone specific, you get a specific response. When you turn to the Creator, you also turn to yourself – your Higher Self.

Question 8: What’s the Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary and how did it happen?

Yasnosvet Pavel answers this:

She organized a portal through her incorruptible remains, but Maria’s body is hidden from public. Divided into pieces, it’s stored at secret bases worldwide. Mary’s incorruptible body, even her little finger, is capable of healing anyone from any disease if they touch it. This is a miraculous body, and it’s been taken out of the public domain. She knew, though, that sooner or later everything would be restored justly, and what she was getting into. The Assumption is a holiday to glorify Mary, with all honors, and they worship her, asking for help. This way, through prayer, they perform a ritual that speaks to them and announces, strengthens the word. This word means, “Mary’s alive, she’s eternal in our hearts, the body has faded away, but the spirit is eternal and alive.” 

Question 9: Can children be born from a phantom man? 

Yasnosvet Pavel answers this:

Yes, they can. 

Question 10: What effect does music with a frequency of 432 have on spiritual development? 

Yasnosvet Pavel answers this:

It calms brain waves, dampens them a little, if someone’s listening is stressed. 

Question 11: Are there any other planets where souls and physical bodies are embodied? Are they lower or higher level? 

Yasnosvet Pavel answers this:

There are over 1039 of such planets in the Universe, and plenty of races that are higher than us, and those lower than us. 

Question 12: What’s the real history of mankind?

Yasnosvet Pavel answers this:

It’s artificial, not true. Humanity was created. There lived a huge number of giants, nephilims, who were the ruling class. They used this clear hierarchy: giants as superior people, followed by average people – mediators of giants (or those who controlled and helped manage lower people), and finally lower people – dwarfs. There were those with dog heads, centaurs, mermaids – all mythological creatures, cyclops, and the Earth was a testing ground for genetic experiments. It survived 3-4 floods and 2-3 meteorite impacts, wave attacks, displacement from orbit and the death of civilizations such as the Hyperborean civilization, the Atlantean civilization and the Lemurian civilization. The Great Schism, when large states were divided into small ones we’re aware of now. A wave attack that divided people into different languages. In fact, all languages are no older than 300 years old, etc. A lot of interesting things!

Question 13: Is it true that body temperature will increase to 37.5 degrees in 4D? 

Yasnosvet Pavel answers this:

No, it’ll increase to 37 maximum, in about 20-40 years from now, happening very gradually.

Question 14: How to learn to distinguish between love and selfishness, if you wish someone well? 

Yasnosvet Pavel answers this:

Love is a feeling when we give easily, share and give both to ourselves and others. Selfishness is an attempt to seize everything for yourself. This way, you get everything, while they get nothing. I consider myself worthy, while they aren’t. Excessive egoism is pride, while egoism is a tool of the mind, the ability and state of realizing your own position, role in the universe and place in life. Thanks to ego, someone understands they’re a man or they’re a woman, etc. 

Question 15: Who should someone pray to, if the Slavs originally had other gods? 

Yasnosvet Pavel answers this:

Actually, all these gods are one and the same, under different names. For example, Lada, aka Demeter, aka Gaia. So, pray to any, as you like. You turn to the same beings under different names. Or, Yarila, the same as Ra, the God of the Sun. They’re all absolutely the same. 

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