Answers to Questions
as of 12-SEP-2022, Part 7

Question 1: What’s the name of the goddess who’s Soul of the Mediterranean Sea?

Elvelvidrika answers this: 

A very beautiful and simple name. You can call me Elvidrika, Elvelvidrika, Vidrika, etc. If you call my name in full, you’ll feel the entire vibration background. I’m glad to welcome you to my waters, if you happen to be passing by. 

Question 2: How does the practice of Sufi whirling affect someone’s energy body?

Yasnosvet Pavel answers this: 

It's just much like a snowflake or tornado spinning. It twists, swirls energies, charges someone and strengthens the state they’re in. If someone’s in a negative state while in this dance, they strengthen their negativity. When in a positive state, they strengthen their positivity. 

Question 3: How to get out of the aging program? 

Yasnosvet Pavel answers this: 

This requires a very high level of consciousness, when someone feels eternally young not losing their youth, ardor, desire to explore, manifest themselves, and not afraid to be themselves. Their experience of living through earthly incarnation appears easy, with all these memories. This is the key point. If hard-lived events make you feel joy and light, then in this energy field, part of consciousness you’re young. 

Question 4: How to pray for aborted children’s souls? 

Yasnosvet Pavel answers this: 

Pray to their Angels, asking them and Archangels to get manifested in their field and cleanse them, help them recover, and also send love to their Higher Selves. 

Question 5: How many Absolute’s laws are there and what are they for? 

Yasnosvet Pavel answers this: 

I’ve identified two laws: that of balance and the observer’s one. The former states that a system always tends to zero, with a positive manifestation, on the one hand, and a negative one, on the other, to be fully consistent with the Source, his nature, and provide the most multidimensional experience. This always needs a balance with as much light there as it has on the dark side. Now, the observer’s law. A system is to collapse with no player participating and the observer not paying attention for a long time, as it’s not beneficial. This is to balance the system, so we feel as comfortable as possible. Actually, the Absolute, all of us, as the world’s souls, have collectively agreed to create a general rule for us to live making everything fair. 

Question 6: Is it true that if someone does intermittent fasting, they become younger? 

Yasnosvet Pavel answers this: 

Not really. They cleanse their body. If they’re not in any states they hate, meaning they’re also growing and being cleansed spiritually, they do become somewhat younger (by 10-15 years). This will happen in future, though, while in our field, most people can’t do intermittent fasting to look 30-20 y.o., when actually aged 60 y.o. They’ll be able to do this in 40-50 years from now, when the matrix is completely different. 

Question 7: I’d like to live a long life not growing old. Is it real? 

Yasnosvet Pavel answers this: 

In the modern matrix this isn’t easy or likely at all. In the new matrix, everything’s likely to happen. The only thing you can’t overcome and surpass, though, is the life span your Higher Self has allocated to you. It can still be extended, depending on what your spiritual goals are. 

Question 8: How to work out irritation? 

Archangel Michael answers this: 

You need to understand its nature, where it came from, and why you have it. You may be forbidding yourself something. Or, you may want to get manifested in something, while forbidding this for yourself. Think about it and feel it. 

Question 9: Why is orgasm is often a difficult pleasure for women to achieve?

Yasnosvet Pavel answers this: 

This is very often associated with blocks in the 2nd and the 3rd chakras, when you don’t allow yourself to have fun. This is usually associated with excessive, “manly” responsibility a woman takes on herself. Also, when she distrusts herself and the world, trying to be strong and not willing to rely on others. In fact, there are many different reasons. To experience quality pleasure and orgasm from sex to feel open and liberated, a woman should feel genuine love for her partner she has sex with. A man should also feel sincere love for his woman and send her heartfelt impulses. Sexual communication should go at the level of the heart. Of course, a woman should completely trust her partner to relax fully and express herself the way she sincerely wants to. Also, absolute, full acceptance on both sides. 

Question 10: Why do handicraft toys turn out similar to their masters? 

Yasnosvet Pavel answers this: 

Authors give it a piece of their soul and energy radiating while they were doing this toy. The author's creation is similar to the author. 

Question 11: How can someone no longer feel too attached to someone else they like? 

Archangel Michael answers this: 

You need to get distant to these people and understand that you’re sacrificing. Realize whether you love too much, depriving yourself of strength, whether you sacrifice while you love. Are you doing something extra, or exchange is equal, i.e. are you giving too much, receiving or asking for little, or they give you little? Realize that if energy exchange is unbalanced, reshape these relationships, or cancel them altogether. Once you’ve realized the energy exchange isn’t correct, and if you aren’t given as much as you do, you harm this person. You generate a karma in their field, where they owe you. Realize this.

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