Answers to Questions
as of 22-SEP-2022, Part 1

Question 1: Why does someone experience leaving their body during meditation?

Yasnosvet Pavel answers this: 

Soul is consciousness, your attention directly. Your attention is you, no matter how strange it may sound. This is your Soul. This attention – your Soul – is where it’s placed and what it controls. During particularly deep meditations someone may get their center of consciousness, attention to completely migrate from the physical body to the astral one. This person goes there, flies into the astral plane, while the body sits there on the residual minimal energies and meditates. This is what this process is like. 

Question 2: Why did Seraphim of Sarov stand on a stone for three years? 

Seraphim of Sarov answers this:

First, that was done as an asceticism for purification. Second, like Jesus, I took on a little of this negative karma and worked it out through those prayers, that practice and bright ritual. That was a very powerful light ritual to cleanse space, the field, egregors, which cleansed the collective consciousness of people in the area where I was located.

Question 3: How to explain the phenomenon when someone understands in a dream that their body is paralyzed, while the brain realizes it needs to wake up by voicing this to someone near? 

Yasnosvet Pavel answers this: 

You probably mean the phenomenon of “sleep paralysis.” It occurs once consciousness, Soul, has come back to the body, while the subtle bodies, life force, haven’t. Thought, Soul and its attention are faster than anything else in the Universe. There’s nothing faster than a living soul, because it’s the Source, God. Thought is instantaneous, travelling billions of distances in 0 seconds, if it wants to. 

Question 4: Are people divided into guardians, white magicians, cosmic warriors, or did numerologists invent that? 

Her Excellency Mother of God, Mother of Mercy answers this:

No, numerologists didn’t invent that, while people on Earth tend to go into a kind of fantasy. As opposed to those worlds where souls are used to getting incarnated, with white magicians, warriors – a fantasy world, the Earth is so grey, boring, and down to earth, free from any flights, magic. So, it’s a little exaggerated rather than invented. 

Question 5: What is encrypted in the date of birth?

Yasnosvet Pavel answers this: 

This code encrypts everything possible, i.e. Soul’s features, powers, karmic knots, fate, scripts, script templates, etc. Based on the technical development of our civilization, modern numerology is far from being perfect now. In addition to the date of birth, you need to take into account the coordinates of the planets, the time when Soul exited the womb, cried out making its first sound, opened the eyes – every tiny detail. Modern numerology doesn’t take this into account. If it does, you’ll be able to ideally draw up someone’ profile and say what and who came to Earth – from someone ordinary, who’s to work as a cleaner and learn the delights of material programs, up to the fact that the next Dalai Lama was born. That’s what numerology can say. This science is complex, ultra-precise, like mathematics. 

Question 6: Can high frequency music heal any disease completely? 

Archangel Raphael answers this: 

Music is a powerful auxiliary tool, while the basis for healing is someone’s consciousness, matured and ready for healing, once it has learned a lesson and accepted all that exists in the flesh. 

Question 7: How to get rid of grey hair forever? 

Yasnosvet Pavel answers this: 

You need to study and understand the causes of psychological shocks and disorders. Realize why you experienced all these difficulties, what experience they gave, so the heart only has a feeling of gratitude for everything. You should also restore the keratin base of your hair by using broccoli and broccoli sprouts. The latter are better, as store-bought broccoli contains additives. 

Question 8: How do vows affect life and can they be canceled? 

Yasnosvet Pavel answers this: 

Of course, they can be canceled, which requires special conditions, though, to observe all the time. A vow is a contract, often between someone's Higher Self and their spiritual supervisors. This contract establishes a clear program in the Universe. It says, “I’ll do this, and if I retreat, I’ll suffer a negative karma for this.” This is exactly what happens, since this is Soul’s will and clear desire. If Soul wishes to be punished if it deviates from its obligations, it’ll be punished accordingly. It all depends on what punishment someone chooses for themselves. Vows can be canceled, if you realize why they were given and whether you need them for full spiritual development. You should understand whether there’s true spiritual message, or something higher in them. As soon as Soul realizes there’s something higher, the vow will be canceled immediately. 

Question 9: For a couple’s spiritual development, is it beneficial for spouses to sleep in the same bed, or in different bedrooms? 

Yasnosvet Pavel answers this: 

It depends on each person’s spiritual goals. Both ways are useful. If the main goal is harmonizing and creating a single egregor, biofield where they complement and support each other, it’s useful to sleep together. If one of them needs to recover most effectively, repair their field, express their will to supervisors so they clean you, help clear you of negative energy clots, when you have nightmares, then you’d better sleep separately. 

Question 10: If spouses were married in a church and they separated over time, should they get divorced? 

Yasnosvet Pavel answers this: 

In most cases, yes, they should. Getting married in a church means securing the structure in the egregor field. Often, until you get divorced, this egregor holds you back. Few people have more strength than that of this egregor. If you have more strength than that of the Orthodox egregor, the one of marriage, you don’t have to get divorced. If you’re weaker than this egregor, and you feel this is a burden and hard for you, it puts pressure on you, then you’d better get divorced, of course. 

Question 11: What methods can someone use to remove calcifications from the body and prevent their formation? 

Archangel Raphael answers this: 

The only way is an active lifestyle and spending as much time in the sun as they can to stop necrotic processes in the tissues. Also, some cavities form in the tissues where salts are deposited. Salts will be removed from there when the tissues become super soft and flexible, and the body is relaxed. So, relax your body. Use massages, acupuncture, art therapy, walks, yoga, physical activity of any kind, and hot baths, preferably in combination.
Second, stop temporarily eating salt and any chemicals deposited in the body, as well as fermented dairy products. This diet is based on sprouts, fruits, vegetables, preferably organic, not artificial ones. Drink as much water as possible. Nettle tincture is very good to drink. It helps relax the muscles. Nettle, chamomile, eucalyptus, linden flowers remove all necrotic formations and salts. You also need to understand the psychosomatic cause of blockages and muscle spasms in certain areas of the body. To do this, sit down, feel where you have heaviness in your body, where you can feel intuitively a kind of burden, and start to pour the light of your inner Self and the Source there. Just without controlling, feel and see, with your inner gaze, images, pictures, situations, events and conditions that influenced and led to blocking this part of the body. As soon as the spasms get eliminated, the lymph flow will become a naturally model one and start to gradually remove excessive salts from the body. 

Question 12: How to work with thought forms correctly? 

Archangel Michael answers this: 

A tool for controlling thought forms refers to attention. Everyone is aware that when attention goes somewhere, energy goes there as well. So, if you want to use this tool constructively, for your own benefit, you need to break down negative thought forms into simpler ones and explore, analyze where they come from. Decompose a complex thought form into a simpler one, followed by an even simpler one, etc. until it becomes super child-like, simple logic, obvious on the surface, making it clear why this thought form has developed in your field. Regarding constructive thought forms, here you need to immerse yourself in emotionally sensual deep states and live them in reality. For example, the thought form “I want a luxurious house.” Sit down, start to breathe and reproduce this in your field, as if visually imagining: furniture, furnishings, energy, terrain, materials, the interior around you with your eyes closed. Live everything you want and feel how much you enjoy it, touching this silky sofa, ceramic dishes, so you just say, “Oh my God, look at this white ceramic pan!” Live these states and then send them into the Universe and forget it, i.e. release this energy. The Universe will start to materialize it according to the affinity law. Based on what energy you send to the external Source, the latter will return it to the inner one. 

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