Answers to Questions
as of 22-SEP-2022, Part 2

Question 1: Is it true that Jesus is buried in India? 

Jesus and Yasnosvet Pavel answer this: 

Yes, I was buried there, while by now my remains have been sent all over the world. They were somewhat stolen for selfish purposes, while, as usual, I beat them, lighting them now. They’re energy pillars evenly distributed across Gaia’s field in such a way that I cover the entire planet, lighting it all, as best I can.
Once again, the Higher Powers outplayed Dark ones. A classic of the genre: the dark ones try to outplay the Light Ones, which isn’t possible. 

Question 2: Why do pets – dogs and cats – come into our life? 

Yasnosvet Pavel answers this: 

For energy related development, self-love, harmonizing the field, protection, for supervisors to get manifested through them. For some, it’s something to help cope with stress and feel alright, treat nervous diseases, etc. For others, it’s a totemic animal, Familiar through which your spiritual supervisors manifest themselves. When this animal has extraordinary intellectual abilities, it’s a sign that your spiritual family is getting manifested through your animal, Familiar. Also, when you feel you’re talking to this animal as if with a living person. 

Question 3: What happens to souls during their wedding and after divorce? 

Yasnosvet Pavel answers this: 

Their energy structure is united into the family egregor. When becoming no longer wedded, this energy structure dissolves, and everything accumulated there goes to both him and her. When no longer married, you reap what you sow in this marriage.
So, if you tried to keep on being married for charity, or help rather than your personal gain, i.e. you had good intention, of course, it’s good karma. It’s bad karma, though, if you did it because of selfishness.
Also, you get negative karma because of excessive sacrifice or tyranny. Based on my experience of providing consultations, you rather deal with sacrifice. So, when married, if you constantly sacrifice your well-being, health, mental state, and free time, this is your karma of disrespect for yourself. You’ll have to work it out later. So, your important task is to learn to respect and love yourself here and now, whether you’re divorced or not. So, be aware this doesn’t affect you in any way. It’s your sincere, true attitude towards your spouse and yourself that matters. 

Question 4: Why do children have bad teeth from birth? Is it karma or their parents’ fault? 

Yasnosvet Pavel answers this: 

Bad teeth are mostly children’s karma. In their past life, someone bullied others a lot, behaved toxically, in a high-ranking status, insulted others a lot, feeling so proud. Physically, this is mostly reflected as nasty looks, bad teeth, etc., among the key reasons. This can be parents’ fault too. They may love their child very much, while genetically they passed on some kind of illness to him/her, suffering very much from this. This is also a kind of karmic cleansing. Pure souls, though, never choose such an experience for themselves, as they don’t need it. 

Question 5: Thinking of surrogacy, what are the pros and cons for souls incarnated, their surrogate mother and birth mother? 

Yasnosvet Pavel answers this: 

These children rather play this role: through surrogacy they take the main genotype from the mother and from the father, who gave the seed and was used in conception. Conceived via IVF rather than physical interaction, these children differ as they take about 60%-70% of their DNA from their mother. So, they turn out to have more of the mother’s vs. father’s energy. These children get the basis from one woman and have energy related interaction with the other woman. Why do they need such experience? DNA is a tool of avatars. One woman forms an avatar for tasks, while the other woman gives an energy related message and interaction as secondary, subtle tasks. If physical and subtle tasks differ, two completely different people can provide them, while Soul chooses to incarnate through surrogacy. 

Question 6: What does it mean when, during meditation or prayer, consciousness starts to swirl like whirlwind? 

Yasnosvet Pavel answers this: 

It’s your 6th chakra charged like this, rising to your 7th chakra, starts to spin and form a channel. You can feel being swirled. It's the flow that has opened. 

Question 7: Why is long mediation dangerous? How can it turn against you?

Yasnosvet Pavel answers this: 

It’s not dangerous, if you’re in a state of calm. Any meditation, even when short, becomes dangerous, if you’re in an overly negative state. You mustn’t try to calm down like this, breathe in this state, when you’re upset or angry. When you meditate, you expand and open up your subtle bodies. The vibrational background you’re in determines how your subtle bodies are charged. Based on this charge, certain essences get attracted. So, before meditating, you need to calm down – yell, cry, scream, tear up a piece of paper, etc. When you’re in a more or less calm state, and you want to calm down rather than shout out, express some emotions or feelings, meditation is useful, long or short, it’s up to you. 

Question 8: Florists work with cut flowers, while many believe this means working with dead energy. Who’s right? 

Yasnosvet Pavel answers this: 

They work with dying, fading energy. Flowers with roots cut off slowly drain their vitality. They seem alive, while this life flows away very fast. In 4D, floristry involves people transplanting flowers with roots into a vase, forming an appealing floral picture. These will be fresh flowers. The fashion for bouquets will gradually go away. The new generation living in the new world will refer to this as not ethical. 

Question 9: What message is conveyed when a bird hits the window and flies away?

Yasnosvet Pavel answers this: 

It depends on the first association you get. Ask your heart, though. Usually this is simply when Angels or Holy supervisors want to reach you, asking you, “Please, pay attention to something else, look at it from a different angle, think about it.” If a bird hits and dies, this isn’t a good signal, of course. It says about a kind of loss. This way, they convey you message, “Don’t be afraid to lose, don’t worry. This is how it should be like.” If a bird hits and flies away, the Universe slaps you to say, “Think about it, pay attention, get these thoughts out of you, go into something else!” It’s all for the good. 

Question 10: What should someone do to become enlightened? 

Her Excellency Mother of God, Mother of Mercy answers this: 

My soul, just follow the command, dictates of your soul and signals of your heart. This is all you need for enlightenment, nothing else. 

Question 11: If I get healed physically and spiritually, will my children also start to get healed due to my vibrations? 

Yasnosvet Pavel answers this: 

Yes, they will, if they’re aged under 14 y.o. If they’re over 14 y.o., it all depends on how attached they are to you, what they feel about you at a deep psychological level, whether they want to be like you or not. 

Question 12: What’s the true life of Michael Jackson?

Yasnosvet Pavel answers this: 

He was subjected to violence, bullying, he had a super-fine mental organization, he experienced platonic love and practically had no sexual desire, he was deeply traumatized psychologically, and he had such a traumatized inner child that he couldn’t grow up to get out of him. He adored children. He saw his equals in them, free and easygoing. The 3D matrix recognized that as pedophilia and he was accused of it. In fact, he wasn’t a pedophile. Madly in love with children, he had a sincere, pure love for children. Illuminati, Masons and the Satanic Cult tried to use his popularity as a propaganda tool. He constantly dodged and spent millions of dollars on courts and proceedings against these provocations. The system tried to destroy him. The universe led him to meet secret agents, the shadow government other than the one linked to the shadow elite. It’s the government that interacts with the Pleiadians, the light structure (even Donald Trump had issues with them). In the USA, they have 2 or even 3 opposing alien coalitions. Their government is divided into 3 components. Some listen to the reptiles, others listen to the Pleiadians and the interstellar union, as Cassiopeia said. They listen to light guys, who have no selfish goals on the planet. So, he met those secret services that work with light aliens. They helped him falsify his life and change his appearance by using some technologies. He lives in Africa now, either in Ethiopia or Kenya, under the guardianship of a king. He completely changed his name, and secret services completely changed his biography. He’s a completely new person now. He has a very interesting yet hard life. Everything said about him wasn’t true – all the nasty things. He’s very pure, an incarnate Angel.

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