Answers to Questions
as of 22-SEP-2022, Part 3

Question 1: Many forecasters claim that the continents are changing their position and America will be flooded. Is it true? 

Yasnosvet Pavel answers this:

In fact, continents are tectonic plates that move. So, their location changes. In this case, the reason for the upcoming floods is because the Earth is returning to its previous axis. About 300-400 years ago, if suffered the impact of radiation attacks from space and creatures not actually kind to us, which led to its slight displacement. As a result, an ice age arose and covered all of Siberia, Antarctica and the Arctic with snow. However, until this moment, the same moderately warm natural climate reigned everywhere on the Earth with a temperature ranging from 25C to 35C degrees. Palm trees, fruits and vegetables grew throughout the year, and this condition is gradually coming back. Our planet is really expected to have such a climate in 4D. This global warming currently discussed by many actually evidences that the Earth is coming back to its previous orbit and its temperature is becoming more balanced. Areas where it used to be too hot are becoming cooler, while areas where it was too cold are becoming warmer every year. So, the surface temperature on the Earth is becoming more balanced. Our planet is deformed and imperfect in its shape, this is how we see it. In fact, it should have a different shape. This displacement will also lead to a uniform distribution of water masses. A part of America may be flooded. The Northeast, perhaps even New York, are likely to feel the effect. Right up to the central regions, everything will be covered with water. This won’t happen soon, though, up by the 2030-40s. There will be social breakdowns in America, and economic decline will take place, based on the laws of balance. Ultimately, a country should experience prosperity, followed by decline, and prosperity again, so it has diverse experience and balance. The scales will change. So, those who were previously disadvantaged will start to prosper, while those who have controlled all the world's wealth and power too much will gradually lose their influence and power. In 4D, the top countries will be those with the highest level of consciousness.

Question 2: Does someone have to periodically cleanse their subtle body of entities? 

Yasnosvet Pavel answers this: 

Если чувствуете, что Вам необходимо, то да. А если чувствуете, что Вы в безопасности, то нет. Рекомендую просто призвать Ангелов и поIf you feel you need it, then yes. If you feel you’re safe, then no. I recommend simply calling on the Angels and asking them to manifest something foreign in your field, if any. If you don't see anything, you’re clean.

Question 3: How can someone thank their Angel for care and miracles? 

Yasnosvet Pavel answers this: 

In meditation, send your Angel the energy of gratitude. Light incense, invite the Angel to taste food through you. Buy something tasty and say, “My dear Angel, I ask you and allow you, through my sensations and my body, to taste this product and enjoy it with me.” The angels will certainly feel pleased. Physical sensations are sharper and stronger than subtle ones by many times. So, if you offer an Angel a pear or strawberry through your body, he’ll be able to feel these energies stronger by many times. 

Question 4: How can a woman over 45 get rid of hot flashes associated with menopause? 

Yasnosvet Pavel answers this: 

It’s linked directly to the endocrine hormonal system, the thyroid gland. A woman should manifest herself the way she wants to. Then her field will be harmonized. 

Question 5: Is the starry sky above our heads a hologram?

Yasnosvet Pavel answers this: 

No, it's not. From the point of view of the Higher spiritual beings, the entire material world is a hologram to them. Regarding the physical body, physics, though, this is not a hologram. It’s a hologram for our soul, while for physical perception this really exists.

Question 6: Is Baba Vanga a prophet or a saint?

Yasnosvet Pavel answers this: 

She’s a very strong clairvoyant, through whom quite serious and strong Supreme beings, great Oracles manifested themselves. They make sure that the scenario happens as it should, and help unfold it, telling how it should be shaped for the highest good. They’re one of those who maintain order in the universe. One of these Oracles manifested itself through Baba Vanga to warn people, prevent and eliminate karmic consequences. Some scenarios are inevitable. Someone accumulates a karma, which will definitely, sooner or later, affect them completely. Through Baba Vanga, these beings manifested themselves to warn people not to accumulate this karma (otherwise it would be bad). This helped some people, while some had a hard time getting it. She isn’t a saint and she doesn’t belong to the teacher system, but she is a very powerful Angel. She has a chance of becoming a saint, which will require a few incarnations. 

Question 7: What does 666 mean on barcodes? 

Yasnosvet Pavel answers this: 

This is what you feel. They actively promote the idea that 666 is a sign and symbol of Satan, while this isn’t true at all. God created all numbers, and any combined sequence is symmetrical. This is sacred meaning and geometry. As a rule, six denotes attraction, matter, and power in there. Three, a triple union, is harmony, balance, power, unity, absolute balance. So, three sixes indicate absolute power and balance, control over matter, a stable position in matter. The Illuminati and Freemasons love to use 666, because for them this encodes a very powerful financial position in this world. 

Question 8: Does a subliminal – a type of audio affirmation – lead to self-improvement?

Archangel Michael answers this: 

Not really. This is rather a feeling of self-hypnosis, when everything is based on trusting your Soul and yourself, how open to new boundaries Soul is, i.e. allowing yourself to become what this affirmation sounds like. This is a sincere desire to be the one who has the qualities dictated in the affirmation. If the affirmation is aimed at confidence, you should have a sincere desire to become confident – a clear understanding that confidence will lead to success, as well as trust, faith. “According to your faith, it will be done to you.” 

Question 9: Do pets change in any way in 4D space?

Yasnosvet Pavel answers this: 

They become calmer. Their microflora changes in such a way that they become more herbivorous, preferring plant foods more. In future, pet food will comprise up to 50% or even 70% of plant ingredients.

Question 10: Is it true that the entire story surrounding Jesus took place in Europe and was then “transferred” to Israel? 

Yasnosvet Pavel answers this: 

He was born in Israel, but many events took place even in Crimea. He traveled to northern Europe, Egypt, western Europe, and even visited Rus', while this whole story is completely hidden. He was known in Rus' under the nickname Radomir. He wasn’t Russian, or a Slav, and he wasn’t born in Russia, but that’s what they called him. He was crucified somewhere in eastern Europe, over the northern part of Greece. He then traveled around Europe again and then simply teleported to India along with some students and his mother. He was able to levitate, fly and overcome air resistance. Jesus knew how to do a lot of things, visited as many places as he could go to – even visited all continents to leave his presence and create a field. He left his daughter Merkaba – a part of his field – and formed his egregor. A lot in the Bible is distorted. His biography is much more interesting than how it’s described. He wasn’t as straightforward as described. He had a temper. 

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