Answers to Questions
as of 22-SEP-2022, Part 4

Question 1: How to avoid attracting abusive partners?

Yasnosvet Pavel answers this:

This is the Karpman drama triangle: Persecutor - Rescuer - Victim. You need to get out of the Victim position. Become an observer, work through your feeling of guilt. Once you don’t feel it just like that, you’ll stop being a victim and attracting persecutors into your life. 

Question 2: Why do abandoned pets (cats, dogs) suffer? 

Yasnosvet Pavel answers this: 

Don’t perceive this as torment. This is their life path, experience. Animals have souls that go through slightly different experiences than we do. Their souls are created to serve us, living souls. On earth, they appear in the form of animals. They go through such an experience to get a variety of experiences, get strengthened, for their benefit. So, they don’t actually suffer much from this. It’s people who tend to endow them with human qualities.

Question 3: Does the “Inexhaustible Chalice” icon of the Mother of God help heal from addiction?

Yasnosvet Pavel answers this: 

 Yes, it does.

Question 4: Could you please tell us about Shambhala?

Yasnosvet Pavel answers this: 

This is a subtle civilization located in the seventh density, dimension. They appeared periodically before the priests of Lemuria, Atlantis, Ancient Egypt, Vedic Rus' as ambassadors of the Archangels, the Supreme spiritual beings who passed on knowledge. They’re like our neighbors, while in a completely different dimension. So, physically (in terms of physical space) we’re close. In terms of subtle energy space, we’re very far from each other. This state is very big, stretching from Israel to Egypt and from East Africa to Italy. 

Question 5: Who was Grigory Rasputin in reality?

Yasnosvet Pavel answers this: 

He was an alchemist, sorcerer who tried to comprehend both black magic and white magic – to get balanced at the same time. He had bouts of schizophrenia, and dealt with them to recover from time to time, while suffering from them periodically again. He would take on an excessive burden, a force he couldn’t handle. It gave him unreal power, while at the same time he dealt with both angels and demonic creatures equally. He was a man who had absorbed a lot, but couldn’t hold it all. He didn’t have enough love and level of consciousness. So, he was sent to the Russian Empire. Without him, there wouldn’t have been the Soviet Union we’re aware of. His influence accelerated everything. He somehow provoked Nikolai II into chaotic, illogical actions, and Nikolai accelerated the change of the regime. If the regime hadn’t changed and if the Russian Empire hadn’t collapsed, Hitler could have taken over the whole world. There wouldn’t have been Soviet Union and the power of the Soviet army.

Question 6: Is it beneficial to practice Holotropic Breathwork?

Yasnosvet Pavel answers this: 

You’d better practice qigong. It’s more beneficial.

Question 7: What’s the reason for the fatigue massage therapists and healers suffer from after treating people? 

Yasnosvet Pavel answers this: 

They take a lot of energy on themselves. They need to constantly meditate, do yoga, fumigate the room, and wash, which is really important. Many massage therapists and healers don’t wash after a session. Once they’ve had all this nasty stuff on them, they just walk around with it. Water cleans energy, the field rather than physics alone. When engaged in energy healing, they need to follow the basics and principles of energy medicine. It would be enough to just place their hands in salt, which is a crystal to absorb everything. 

Question 8: How does trading on stock exchanges affect karma, since they take away other people’s material resources?

Yasnosvet Pavel answers this: 

What really matters is what someone intends when engaged in the stock exchange. If their intention is good, then the karma is good. If the intention is negative, selfish, then the karma is bad. It’s the intention, which creates karma when driving an action, rather than this action that’s important.

Question 9: Will traditional business exist in 4D?

Yasnosvet Pavel answers this: 

No, it’ll be transformed.

Question 10: Will the ancient Game of Leela as self-discovery be relevant in the future?

Yasnosvet Pavel answers this: 

It’ll gradually lose its relevance in the next 20-30 years.

Question 11: How can we make children more interested in learning at our schools?

Yasnosvet Pavel answers this: 

In our schools, the curriculum doesn’t encourage pupils to express themselves freely and creatively. It suppresses and forces children to study things not interesting to them. In Europe, especially in Finland, the approach to education differs. There, children in primary school learn the basics – their native language, math, basic social studies, and natural history. Then they start a free school, where they can choose sections and clubs to do, take exams and, based on the results, enter universities. Every child can change interests at any time, if they don't like something. We don’t have this. Children have to learn Russian, literature, know mathematics and physics well. Why should an artist use mathematics and why does a mathematician have to read literature? School gives a lot of things associated with depression (Russian classics of literature, for example). The best way to discover your children’s potential is to tell them: “Do what you like, but don’t forget to learn something, for example, English, physics, programming. I’m ready to be with you here, let’s see what classes you like.” Just show interest in your children's life, find out more about it. Ask what game they’re playing, who they kill there and why, and invite them to play with you. They may say no at first, but they’ll feel you’re interested in them and will pay attention to what you’re saying. Your child may make friends at school, though, to have fun with. Children are taught by using old programs, while the world has changed. Things could be simpler and easier to do. So, our teachers and professors must change for the sake of our children. An ideal teacher and professor, based on today's standards, is someone who can calmly explain the basic complexities of the laws of physics and matter by using simple language and concisely. Do what’s interesting and let your children do the same. Children are naturally curious. Over time, these interests become expressed, so some go into math, while others choose art. Children don't like being pestered. So, they lose interest and burn out feeling disgust. It’s only the forbidden fruit that’s sweet. Try to forbid children to study mathematics. They’ll start to be interested in it. They’ll read it just because. They won’t listen, because these’re children. 

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