Answers to Questions
as of 22-SEP-2022, Part 5

Question 1: Will education split as the one for 3D vs. 4D children in future? 

Yasnosvet Pavel answers this:

No, there’ll be a unified 4D education. Actually, only a few 3D children are left – mostly too primitive souls barely embodied. The best they can do is serve robots, work as cleaners, cashiers at the low wage until everything is replaced by robots. 99.9% of children belong to 4D, as new society, with new views, etc. 

Question 2: What can someone request when appealing to Archangel Uriel? 

Archangel Uriel answers this: 

I deal with issues of self-identification and getting to know yourself, in-depth thoughts and I help people adjust their point of view, attention as a means of cognition in a constructive direction, clear their thoughts and understand some secrets of the Universe. I help them get the most from spiritual practices.
Unlike Archangel Zadkiel, who helps assimilate knowledge correctly, making things easier to understand, I help put everything in place. 

Question 3: How can someone remove programs from past incarnations? 

Yasnosvet Pavel answers this:

Work off your karma in this incarnation. Everything not completed in the previous incarnation flows into the current one. 

Question 4: How do numbers affect our lives? 

Yasnosvet Pavel answers this:

Remember the "The Matrix" movie? Number sequence is one of energy manifestations. There are a photonic-molecular lattice, sounds and vibrations, and a code as one of matter and energy manifestations. Numbers impact us the same way as sounds, pictures, smells, etc. do, while everything is interconnected. It’s not easy to work with numbers, the matrix, and codes, as only a few people can actually read numbers. Few of them can read very long sequences. Choose what’s easier for you to understand. Everything has a place to be, though. It’s interconnected and important. 

Question 5: What is cosmoenergetics and who are its patrons and mentors? 

Yasnosvet Pavel answers this:

Cosmoenergetics is someone’s ability to pass, through their upper channels, the cosmic energy descending on us to work in matter, heal and harmonize space. Supreme spiritual supervisors of the healing worlds patronize this practice. Archangel Raphael is their spiritual mentor. St. Pantaleon and Hippocrates are also involved in cosmoenergetics. 

Question 6: How can someone work with diseases on their own? How to learn to hear the body and prevent them in advance? 

Yasnosvet Pavel answers this:

Sit, breathe, relax your body. Focus on each cell and try to synchronize with it. Say, “My dear cell, I love you. You’re me, and I’m you. Live, enjoy life, be free and happy!” Feel in which part of the body you have tension or heaviness. Try to bring this loving energy into this area. Then, take this block to the outer field, in front of you. Light up this block with your heart and watch it open up, what picture it creates. Gradually, this image will manifest itself in the outside world, circumstances and people. Remember you’re working with meditation and low-vibrational energy to understand rather than fight. This energy is a part of you, so you’re trying to understand yourself and this energy with maximum love, as if the Virgin Mary giving it to her baby Jesus. 

Question 7: Why does someone need to keep their gaze on the forehead during meditation and is it safe? 

Yasnosvet Pavel answers this:

During meditation, it’s useful and safe if you’re in a calm state, have cleared your field of unnecessary emotions, reacting to everything that happens without judgment or emotion. To protect yourself even more, you could call on your guides and angels and feel them protect you, sitting with wings around you. Just meditate – focus on the center of the forehead, the area between the eyebrows, as you focus on the energy of the pineal gland, the sixth chakra, the one of consciousness. Work through your consciousness and thoughts. 

Question 8: Could you tell me please, whether YouTube is going to be made non-available in Russia this fall? 

Yasnosvet Pavel answers this:

No, it’s not. I'm answering this question in September and YouTube is still there.

Question 9: How to treat someone by using hands? 

Yasnosvet Pavel answers this:

This is good to develop energy channels. Imagine that your hands are vessels and nerves that stretch throughout your body. See what the human nervous network looks like. The energy channels in the human body are located similarly. In China this is called Qi energy, while in India it’s Prana, life energy. To keep your hands warm and radiating warmth, breathe and imagine increasingly stronger energy pass through the energy channel and your heart. Visualize these energy channels in your hands becoming brighter and radiating warmth and grace – warm, snow-white grace fire. Then you can use the treatment method based on laying hands. 

Question 10: Is birch tar good for oral administration, or can it only be used for soap and ointment? 

Yasnosvet Pavel answers this:

It’s good in microscopic quantities, while you’d better use it externally. 

Question 11: How to make up for the sun deficit in autumn and winter? 

Yasnosvet Pavel answers this:

Eat citrus fruits and walk in the sun as much as possible when it’s clear, with your face facing the sun. Inhale sunlight, imagine sunlight fill your body. 5 minutes a day is more than enough.

Question 12: Is it true that the Universe doesn’t take the “not” particle? 

Yasnosvet Pavel answers this:

This depends on energy beings. Some of them take it, namely: Holy Angels, Archangels, Spiritual Guides, Supervisors of the higher worlds, Architects, Oracles, Archons, Arhats, Angels engaged in building the Universe. You can talk to them using this particle. 

Question 13: What are the benefits of mustard seeds? 

Yasnosvet Pavel answers this:

They alkalize the body and cleanse the intestines and pancreas very well. You’d better eat sprouted mustard seeds. Use them in small quantities, as they contain many active substances that can cause an allergic reaction. So, it’s enough to consume sprouted mustard seeds in small quantities for just a few days. This will cleanse the pancreas. 

Question 14: Does the red thread on the left wrist work as an amulet?

Yasnosvet Pavel answers this:

This amulet loses its power in 4D. 

Question 15: What’s this voice that sounds in our head – the one we talk to in our thoughts? 

Yasnosvet Pavel answers this:

This may be the voice of channeling or spiritual beings. Or, the voice of your Higher Self. Or, a convenient way to visualize your thoughts. Most often, it’s either your Higher Self, or Angels communicating with you, of course, if you’re in a good mental state. 

Question 16: In what century did Jesus Christ live? 

Jesus answers this: 

This was approximately 2,000 years ago. You aren’t misled about this. 

Question 17: Where does the future come from and where does the past disappear? 

Yasnosvet Pavel answers this:

The past disappears and ceases to exist when we’re in the present moment. However, in parallel, it exists in a multidimensional perspective. We live in linear space, and as we move forward, the past dissolves. Energy from the past is broken down into its components and shapes the future. This is how linear space works. In multidimensional space this happens differently – the past continues to exist. In the linear space we’re aware of, though, the past disappears when we look into the future. The future is becoming more and more bright and visible. In fact, it’s not easy to explain materially. For understanding, though, everything exists and it doesn’t, at the same time. We have many versions in the multidimensional existence of our souls. We can live in the past, present and future simultaneously. Your higher self can embody you both in the past and in the future. So, you can be simultaneously embodied in different eras. This is how the energy of living souls works, which are multidimensional and able to manifest themselves anywhere and anytime. 

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