Answers to Questions
as of 21-OCT-2022

Question 1: For whom, besides ourselves, are we responsible in terms of 4D, and are there any differences for men and women?

Archangel Michael answers this: 

No, there are no differences for men and women in terms of responsibility, honor and dignity of the soul. We’re only responsible, first of all, for ourselves, our actions, what we communicate to the world, and those we communicate to. Primarily, we’re responsible for the actions and words done or said in relation to our loved ones – who it was done or said for. Nothing changes in this regard.

Question 2: Does 4D involve more self-discipline?

Her Excellency Mother of God, Mother of Mercy answers this:

Yes, it does. Its space is cleaner, higher, and more free. Soul energons – inner fields – are more open. So, in 4D, more energy enters the human being, his Spirit – the embodied particle, more downward energy enters there. So, someone has more supply of vitality and will at the same time. The more will someone has, the easier it’s for them to discipline themselves. So, people will develop new habits in 4D more easily than in 3D.

Question 3: Can emotions become the currency of energy exchange?

Archangel Aniel answers this:

In plasmoid civilizations, emotion is the main unit of energy exchange, if you compare it with your money – your main currency, such as paper bills, electronic bills (rubles, dollars, euros, yuans, etc.), while they have emotions, energies. Your civilization is still very far, at its stage of development, from making it the basic unit. 

Question 4: How to properly provide help and do good, so as not to fall into pride?

Archangel Michael answers this: 

The most important thing here is to understand that when you help, you don’t provide alms or a service to someone. You do it out of your Soul’s goodness, while this doesn’t make you higher than what you were before initially. In fact, you’re the best version of yourself in potential rather than the one going beyond your potential. Pride is a state when someone overestimates their capabilities. To evaluate factors such as being in your highest state and feeling that you’re overestimating yourself – there’s a certain fine line you need to learn to feel. Ask yourself, “Am I overestimating myself now, somehow elevating myself at the expense of others now, belittling others, or feeling exalted, while the position of others hasn’t changed for me, and I still believe everyone is capable in their own way?” This is very detailed, in-depth work with yourself. 

Question 5: Why is clinical death given?

Her Excellency Mother of God, Mother of Mercy answers this:

My child, such death is mostly given for souls to realize they aren’t following the path entirely right for them, reminding them of the Subtle Plane, as the basis of the Universe, all they get here in terms of energy goes there with them. This is to remind them, “Well, well, well, come on, otherwise you’ll take something you don’t need and sink like an anchor. Do you need it?” This is what it says. 

Question 6: If the Universe is abundant, why is there a theory that souls are in line to incarnate on Earth? 

Archangel Metatron answers this:

This question is existential. I love and respect you for this question and I’ll answer it with love. Look, dear Soul, here’s what matters: although space expands infinitely offering variability, souls choose specific hypostasis, images, experience, while only 2-3 scenarios fit them out of this diversity. To form this unique, individual scenario, planets should converge perfectly: space and time (time is also a coordinate), people, circumstances, energies and probabilities. Everything should converge, then Soul will incarnate. You see, since space is infinite and abundant, there’s an infinite number of these combinations of coordinates. So, it needs to wait until it has the desired cluster, coordinate position. Soul is like a sandwich. You can make it with anything – from the ingredients available, while you can also wait and choose the ingredients you want to enjoy this sandwich. Embodiment is about the same. Why would you eat a sandwich with tomatoes when you want the one with mushrooms? So, wait until mushrooms ripen, i.e. the space get restored for this. 

Question 7: Does someone need to exchange energy with someone else they’ve received something, or can they give it back through others? 

Her Excellency Mother of God, Mother of Mercy answers this:

The question is rather individual. Your heart will always be the answer to this question. You can ask them what they need. Of course, many suffer from an excessive sense of responsibility, not allowing others to help them. So, interfering with this state and feelings is useless and even bad for someone you offer your help. So, there are only 2 ways. Either you see the scenario, and if it comes true, you help this person the way you can and want. if you don’t see it, if they refuse you due to excessive responsibility for themselves, of course, you can do some charitable things, directing this energy of goodness into their field first. For example, plant a tree, a seed and then mentally direct this blissful energy of creating a new life into someone’s field, as if you planted this tree for them. Once it’s sprouted, this beneficial karma will go to both you and them. Everyone wins here, so your imagination helps you. 

Question 8: When someone sends the Light, something good into something external, how is it converted into a monetary equivalent, abundance in the material aspect? 

Archangel Metatron answers this:

Your energy of valor and nobility is a product of a high vibrational format, which can be directed towards creating the Universe. This form of creation can come into your field and manifest itself in any way. Material abundance is given to someone when they need it for tasks. You can control this process, though, if your soul is highly developed and its intentions are pure – when all areas of its life are ideally worked out. So, it can deal with reality transurfing very easily and create an ideal future for itself. It started to realize very clearly on the subconscious level how these tools work and how to demand, because it’s precisely such souls that demand based on tasks. They always feel what they need, while most of those who ask and pray for something to be given to them don’t realize they ask for something they don’t need at all at this moment. So, the main task for you is to realize what will give you support under the current circumstances, and to sincerely desire what can take you out of what’s destructive for you and bring you into a positive, creative form of existence. Everyone has their own individual case. If someone wants money, someone else needs people or circumstances rather than money.
I ask you to think about this and feel what you need. 

Question 9: Are new neural networks in the head automatically activated in 4D? 

Jesus answers this:

As the vibrational background of the human field and subtle bodies grows, DNA get rearranged, and cells start to be active differently, based on other energies the brain and the heart emit. So, this vibrational background is emitted onto phantom DNA – the third invisible energy DNA spiral, in addition to the two biological, material ones. This phantom DNA is fundamental. It reorganizes its psion-molecular sequences, and they start to magnetize the DNA helixes in such a way that they start to rearrange themselves. So, energy starts to flow differently in the body, and new neurons are formed based on this – DNA connections, neurons. Everything is interconnected there. 

Question 10: If someone intends to maintain high states, how would they explain that people from 3D are attracted into close communication? 

Archangel Michael answers this: 

The 3D space is really cool, as it’s balanced. The Absolute isn’t ideally white or black. It’s the hypostasis of the entire creation. It’s like Yin-Yang, black and white. So, the funny thing is that in 3D these two sides were perfectly balanced. Laws were adopted to balance each other there. So, in 3D, someone really sophisticated had to deal with someone nasty. That happened so the former doesn’t go too much into the Light, while the latter doesn’t go too much into darkness. After that, it was decided that this model of existence had already become obsolete, and in our 4D reality, everything would be according to the affinity law. The system will be balanced differently. The subject and the object will neutralize each other, which means the Universe will immediately respond to what someone has sent it. Actually, someone will balance themselves. 

Question 11: Why have the laws of the universe become a mystery to most people and why are they starting to be revealed? 

Archangel Metatron answers this:

It’s because in your historical parallel reality, the Higher Powers – the patrons of planet Earth – decided to reduce knowledge for humanity to learn to feel intuitively, stand up for themselves and sooner or later come to the point in this reality when they overthrow the shadow government, as if showing the Universe that this way they had finally learned to stand up for themselves, their kin and people. So, you’ll get what you wish to.
Will is supported by actions, though. You don’t have to act and fight directly. You could just pray, perform good deeds and direct this into the field of the Earth to pump up the egregors needed, which will then charge the appropriate majority and lead to historical actions and moments. As the consciousness level grows, new knowledge is revealed. The purer the consciousness, the higher it is, the more directed it is towards the Absolute. The more the consciousness assimilates, rushes to the Absolute, the more easily it understands the structure of the Universe. Soul opens up, and more of the information field and Light of the Source enters there, and it starts to get better synchronized with the world, becomes similar to the world. So, it fully understands its structure. 

Question 12: Is money divine or human invention? 

Archangel Metatron answers this:

This is human invention supervised entirely by divine structures that create and accompany the Earth and all these souls that incarnate on this planet for their evolution. 

Question 13: Which is more sinful: sex outside of marriage or masturbation? 

Krishna and Her Excellency Mother of God, Mother of Mercy answer this: 

Hello, my dear friend! While pleasing yourself, you only free yourself. While looking for love, you look for where to direct your energy. If you act like an animal, though, everything will return to you in an animal-like way. If you do everything out of a desire to provide pleasure, enjoyment, creation, reveal someone else, your boundaries, is this really bad? Let these processes be creative for you. Sin is when everything goes into destruction, while if you create yourself through masturbation or sex outside of marriage, you’re welcome, but approach this consciously. Don't feel guilt or betrayal, but be honest because cheating isn’t good. Either work out this relationship so you want sex with the one you’ve tied your destiny with, or put everything in its place and part ways amicably so you can continue your liberating adventures and create yourself in a new form. Many relationships don’t last forever, given for tasks. Once you’ve revealed yourself, the way you needed to in this relationship, it’s time to move on. Here, on the subtle plane, souls constantly exchange energy with one another the way they want to, and no one forbids them, because they do this with each other, kind of proclaiming the Light of the Source. He loves himself. He merges with himself. He reveals himself. When you understand this, your boundaries will dissolve forever.
Her Excellency Mother of God, Mother of Mercy answers this:
My child, don’t be afraid, I understand you may be shocked now, but I’ll go on and tell you that everything depends on your intention. So, maintain pure intentions and realize that the Kingdom of God is in truth. Be honest with yourself, though, and adhere to good intentions, try not to infringe on the boundaries of others – create and negotiate rather than betray yourself, foremost. 

Question 14: Each soul is incarnated on Earth with a program. When switching to 4D, does the program change? 

Many Saints answer this with one voice: 

Yes, it does, for many. For some people, it’s just polished a little. Incarnated angels have often consulted me, and as they say they don’t have a clear purpose. Their task is to bring the light of love, open and heal someone. It’s their choice, though, how they want to do it. Actually, when switching from 3D to 4D, this doesn’t change for them. Or, I remember a man consulting me. First, he did educational activities in 3D, while in 4D his fate completely changes and he becomes a creative designer. He gets a new purpose – after being a speaker, politician, an administrative figure – to get new skills and become an engineer. It differs for everyone. Basic programs such as eating food, digestion, friendship, family relationships, sex, work, etc. are changing, as the noosphere, the egregors are changing to fit this new subtle structure of the planet – new subtle mechanisms for the matrix to function. Based on the function of the matrix, we’re starting to act too. 

Question 15: Could you say about the keys to unlock selflessness and transform egoism, please?

Her Excellency Mother of God, Mother of Mercy answers this: 

The key is simple: close your eyes, my Soul, put two fingers together and draw a key here for yourself – crystal, etheric, wooden, from any energy. Then, place this key against your heart and open it clockwise like this. Images will start to pour out of your heart chakra to tell you where you’re excessive and where you aren’t sufficient. Based on the way you focus on these images, you’ll be able to feel where, in what context and through which tools, you need to work it out to bring yourself into ideal harmony and balance.
Selflessness is someone’s ability to give and receive with love, without expecting or asking for anything. After all, a true holy someone completely trusts life, knows and feels it’ll give them everything, even if not asked for it. They live in such trust and in such harmony that their soul is only filled with helping other people. They believe so much, trusting themselves and the Absolute so much that no matter what happens, they immediately receive what they need, definitely feeling incredibly happy about it. All of you are striving for this state and this is wonderful! The most important thing is to be honest with yourself and tell yourself sensitively, “I don’t feel comfortable, I’m offended and angry, or I want to be alone.” You don’t need to play a hero, sacrifice. True heroes are only those whose hearts are so open, who have so much love that it’s in abundance, and they desire sincerely to only give and share. If you tell yourself honestly, though, “I want it, while I’m not ready for this yet, and I still have to grow and fill myself,” – grow and get filled! This doesn’t deprive you of your dignity, the height you possess a priori, as each of you is part of the Absolute. 

Question 16: At the age of 96, cells start to regenerate, so someone can live a long time. Is it true? 

Archangel Michael answers this: 

Not in our bodies, because our DNAs have degraded and will start to recover only now. Before that, it was like this: there are periods of life when someone changes dramatically – aged 5 y.o., then 14, changing every 5-7-10 years afterwards. Everyone has these periods structured in their own way, depending on their matrix. When aged 96, it’s a period of restructuring, unfading. A priori, the human genotype is designed in such a way that the human body shouldn’t age at all. Aging is a disease associated with the degradation of consciousness.
You shouldn’t blame anyone in this regard. You just need to realize that you need to take responsibility for your life, express your will, act as you want, within the limits of what’s allowed, using a sense of self-preservation, of course. Not too much, don’t overdo it and engage in self-development and growing new neurons, because we won’t tell you now in detail why this was done to you. If you turn to your heart, though, you’ll feel the answer. You yourself had chosen this life and no one has the right to force you to incarnate on Earth, or any other planet. 

Question 17: What does God look like in human form? 

The Seraphim answer this:

To be honest, we don’t know. We’ve heard, though, from the Higher beings who are above us that if the Absolute merges into a human form, this will be an ever-changing face where very clear multi-dimensional geometric proportions will be maintained, to evoke, in any soul, the association with everything that exists, i.e. the face that seems to identify with all energies, the entire world created, before, now, or in the future. For your consciousness, this may not be easy, but use your fantasy.
(The seraphim smile and wink at you. They bless you so you can feel it, whoever wants or needs it. Try to imagine God in the form of a person, it’s so much fun!) 

Question 18: Once incarnated, why do we forget why we were born and what our purpose is? 

Her Excellency Mother of God, Mother of Mercy answers this:

It’s because when a particle – Soul – incarnates, Spirit clears all energons from it, all subtle bodies, as if taking away the entire information field from consciousness. Why is this done? For Soul to get filled, in a fresh state, completely reset and in a pure state, and take 100% with it from here. Also, for consciousness not to be cluttered and not to interfere with cognizing experience practically from scratch. Someone gets experience most deeply and expressively when zeroed, in a very pure childlike state, when they’d forgotten everything and, like a blind kitten, learn to walk again, grow up time and again, as the most effective technique. Some civilizations, though, e.g. the Pleiadians, have their memory blocked partially, and they fully remember themselves by the age of 30, based on our standards (by 115 years, in their measures). They understand very clearly why they’re born, what their soulmates are, who they need to give birth to, what children come to them, etc. The Earth does it differently, though. 

Question 19: Will the Krishna consciousness movement remain in 4D? 

Krishna answers this:

Yes, honey, it will and you'll really like it! It’ll gain new strength. I’ll teach you later how to open up.
(You know, when Krishna enters the body, it’s as if you watch someone take old clothes off you and then put new ones on you. This has a pleasant feel and this is Krishna). 

Question 20: When calling on your Higher Self in the astral plane, how to understand this is it and not someone else being contacted?

Her Excellency Mother of God, Mother of Mercy answers this:

It’s very easy. When calling on some spiritual being in the astral plane, start breathing and, as if with your breath, charge your heart. The Light of your Higher Self and your heart matches perfectly, and this can’t be faked by any fine technologies. As soon as you start to illuminate this being before you, with the Light of your Soul, if it’s not your Higher Self, it’ll start to change. So, you’ll feel this is not your own Light – this is a light different from that of your Soul. 

Question 21: What’s a mother’s true task when raising children? 

Her Excellency Mother of God, Mother of Mercy answers this:

The true task anyone completes when raising children is to convey their spiritual experience to them, guide them on their path of life. If they accept, OK, while if they want to make a mistake, let them make it. When dealing with some issues, you do need to stop your child. It’s when your heart is beating, and you can’t calm down, feeling anxiety and mistrust. You can’t fake this feeling, and it’s then that you can and should save your child, and the Universe will help you. If the Universe interferes with you, while the children still do it their own way stumbling on the same rake, this means they need to go through this experience, i.e. everyone has their own way, something unique, and you should also feel it with your heart. You see, someone needs to go through this difficult experience, while someone else needs to be saved, pulled out directly out of all this, even forcibly. It’s only the mother's/ father's heart that can feel this. So, the mother’s main task is not to prevent their children from showing their individuality, not allowing them to degrade, though – to maintain a middle ground. Remember this most important thing about raising children, though: they do things the way you do them rather than as you tell them. They repeat after you until they’re 12-14 y.o. After that, they’re individuals completely, and it’s useless to control them as teenagers.
Why are teenagers so rebellious in most cases? Because they were limited for a very long time. They have this desire to look shocking, different from everyone else, defiant, to deliberately provoke, irritate people, “Yeah, get it! You enslaved me, and now I’ll show it to you.” Here they go... If you don’t limit your children, though, and if you simply tell them, “Well, here you’ve done too much. Come on, become yourself, go back to your level, you’ve been over the top.” So, if you see your children smoking, in bad company or, God forbid, taking drugs, the first thing you need to do is to sit down, take them by the hands, look at their eyes and say, “What happened to you? Why did you go into this, what are you missing? Explain. I’ll understand you, I won’t scold you.” Whether a child, or an adult, they can often smoke, take drugs and get drunk when trying to drown out pain within them, and you need to understand the reasons for this pain.
You can’t heal someone in any way other than through love. This love should be very creative and affectionate, with lots of patience and acceptance. There are, of course, radical things, such as between life and death, when you should only trust your parental instinct and do as you want, but in no case should you reproach, mock or force your child for this. It happens that we can give a slap in the heat of the moment. If it’s a fair slap in the face, though, they understand it’s fair, that they somehow went the wrong way.
So, feel this: are you giving your child enough love? If not, don’t blame yourself. Understand that we can’t give someone love when we ourselves aren’t filled. So, don’t forget to fill yourself up too. You don’t belong to your children, and your children don’t belong to you. You’re embodied here to play these roles, so you simply help each other become what you wanted to become when getting incarnated in this life. Be merciful to yourself and others! 

Question 22: Who’s the Tisul Princess and why is she hidden? 

Archangel Michael and Her Excellency Mother of God, Mother of Mercy answers this: 

The Tisul Princess is a very bright and powerful ritual a high-ranking Vedic Priestess agreed to perform to preserve the genotype. They saw a dark future, the Earth enter Kali Yuga and fly into dark space. So, she did this to herself on purpose, so her descendants could contact her through the astral plane. There, certain psychics touch her body and contact her spirit – quite a high soul, very complex, not merely an Angel. These Angels are called the Thrones (the Powers or whoever is between the Thrones and the Powers). Right, she retains the genotype. Scientists at this research town, where they brought this body, scanned it up and down with these new secret technologies and understood which genotypes are active in her, which genotypes are deformed in us. They’re working on how to restore the human genotype through telepathy, telekinesis, levitation, a lot of things. Also, longevity and the absence of the aging gene.
We age because our genes get degraded and destroyed. Our genomes shouldn’t be destroyed. They’re working on this, and the Tisul princess helps them. Together with her, some other priest also plunged himself into this coma, but he was taken out of this stage because he has some other tasks and he has some kind of quarrel with the secret authorities. In addition to the shadow elites, we have the Authorities of the Star Union, the Galactic Council, where all of these gathered: Reptilians, Pleiadians, Arcturians, Cosmodrians, Orions and many others, constantly quarreling. 

Question 23: How will intentions work in 4D? 

Yasnosvet Pavel answers this:

Since energons are revealed in a new dimension – there’s more energy structure, more fields, it’s wider, it contains more of descending energy, the one that comes to us from our Higher Self and the subtle world. So, this energy is the basis for transurfing. It’s these energies we send that are used. Angels catch, process, put them together and send them to spiritual mentors – the Architects, who look and think, “So, what does he need and want, what are the spiritual mentors telling us about what he needs?” In fact, the mechanism remains the same. This is for you to understand how it works. It’ll work dozens of times faster, though. Why? Because it has more of energons, energy, a wider channel, energy flows more efficiently, higher quantity and number of resources, building materials. The more building materials Architects have, the more extensive and cool things they can do. They don’t need to pull out some kind of energy from egregors and the subtle field. Once you’ve given them the 100% they need, they use 100%. If you give them excessively, they’ll return it to you. If you feel a sudden surge of strength, this means they’ve given back that extra energy you sent to the Angels, and they say, “We don’t need that much for your intention. Get it back to use!” 

Question 24: Karma doesn’t work as awareness consciousness increases, right?

Archangel Metatron, Jesus and Archangel Michael answer this as one voice:

It changes until it completely disappears and no longer impacts the soul. When the soul has super-pure consciousness, it has a super pure intention, and it’s virtually a saint. It doesn’t fail or harm anyone, or act in negative egoism. So, if the soul is perfect, and its actions are ideal, never wrong, what karma can it have? So, karma types can differ. For example, Angels are very prone to the karma of self-humiliation, “I don’t give enough, I’m too bad there, I was rude to this person there, how bad I am!” Demonic dark essences have a different karma of excessive egoism, pride, when a strong one thinks, “Well, my dear, you’ve taken on too much, we’ll bring you down.” And they do this to get someone down to their level, so they don’t harm those around. Demonic essences rather have a karma linked to the outer field, while light beings rather have a karma associated with the inner field. Feel the information with your heart, as it goes to you. 

Question 25: If our world’s a game, what’s the main prize for those who win?

Yasnosvet Pavel answers this:

Growth of consciousness, Soul evolution and transition
into new worlds in such a way that in further incarnations Soul starts to have more and more opportunities and abilities to control energy and matter. For instance, for some civilizations, telekinesis is like breathing for us. For them, this is the norm, while for us it’s a miracle. This is the main prize. 

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