Answers to Questions
as of 28-OCT-2022

Question 1: Are people just germs in someone's living body?

Jesus and Yasnosvet Paul answer this: 

Yes, they are. A person, as a human vessel is an expression of matter, a tool for Soul to exist. It has a vessel – the human body, with its features, tasks and limitations. Someone can’t go beyond the system, e.g. live in outer space. They need to eat, sleep, drink, etc. – intentional restrictions to get immersed in the game. If we consider someone not only a vessel, but also a living soul, then the human soul and the divine soul are higher than all energies in the Universe – the most multidimensional energy, which exists in all spaces, universes and senses. Everything you can think of and imagine actually exists. So, from this point of view, we’re both microorganisms and not. For example, we’re microorganisms of the Planet Earth. We’re a type of microorganisms in the Solar System, a huge body such as the Milky Way Galaxy, etc., according to this logic. Yes, planets, star systems, star galaxies themselves also have their own soul. 

Question 2: A person is a micro- and macrocosm, while the organs and systems in someone are states and planets? 

Archangel Michael answers this: 

This is almost right. It's as if you’re a galaxy, while organs are parts of your galaxy. Tissues are clusters of stars, and a cell is the Solar system. Organs and cells are planets. Everything that makes up organs on a more micro-fine structure refers to living beings. 

Question 3: What do souls do in the Spiritual World? 

The Buddha answers this: 

Anything they want, within their spiritual capabilities, based on their consciousness level and vibrational height. 

Question 4: When will people fly? 

Jesus answers this: 

When their level of consciousness allows them to overcome the laws of gravity. 

Question 5: How was our world created? 

The Saints answer as one voice: 

Aliens arrived and saw an interesting planet with macaques, fish, and birds. They started to experiment genetically. They brought their priests, who were on the ship and started to meditate. Spiritual mentors came out and gave recommendations. They held meetings, councils, flew in from all over the Milky Way, tried to divide this planet, but failed. They came to the conclusion and agreed that this planet is a kind of experiment, when a huge number of different genotypes were collected. They crossed those different genotypes and watched them interact. Civilizations arrived and got terminated. So, they thought, “How many more? Let's create such conditions and systems so that we force them to develop spiritually, and they don’t destroy themselves again!” This planet suffered from many attacks, including X-ray, wave and magnetic ones. Although a little degraded, the human genome is starting to revive. The human body is becoming taller again. In 100-150 years, it’ll reach 1.8-1.9 meters or more throughout the planet on average. We’re gradually coming back to our original ideal roots. Yes, there’s a concept of genetic superiority. Some genes are higher, from more highly spiritual civilizations, while this isn’t a reason for racial discussions and pride. First, this is a measure of everyone’s responsibility for themselves and for the people around them. The higher you are, the more responsibility you bear. 

Question 6: How do clocks affect our lives? 

The Buddha answers this: 

Time is energy. It permeates space. Based on this, we can formulate a theory about the influence of time energy on the human body. Time is closely related to human intentions. It’s like water and dew, which water sprouts and help them grow. So, time is energy that gradually strengthens certain rudiments in the human body and energy. If someone has a predisposition, time fills it up with energies. So, it starts to open up more and more. This is especially true when it comes to maturity. This means change and development rather than getting blocked in the past. As they become older, many get more wisdom. Blocks in the human body are also affected by time. If a block isn’t worked out, it starts to grow and leads to circumstances that force someone to develop spiritually, so they overcome the low quality of life. Time is like God's dew, which promotes the growth of everything that falls on it. 

Question 7: What role will astrology play in 4D? 

Archangel Michael answers this: 

It will be very closely intertwined with the Vedic sciences and over time it’ll start to get revived in a new aspect. It’ll also get manifested very strongly in conjunction with runes and numerology. Astrology will get its new scientific direction no earlier than in 50 years from now. Before that time, this science will get gradually revived. The first results of the revival are people who classify, define, exclusively intuitively, without relying on any system of knowledge. Astrology is, first of all, a coordinate system that, through matter, shows how energy is manifested in this cosmic area and the energies descending onto the planet in certain areas and for a certain course of people. They show predispositions, the way the matrix is going to be modified, because the astrology related to the positions of the planets and stars is a coded sequence of energy packets that arise in this area according to the Creator’s plan. 

Question 8: How can someone realize the purpose of their incarnation? 

Her Excellency Mother of God, Mother of Mercy answers this: 

Just meditate, regularly immerse your attention, your gaze completely into your heart, go completely into a state of feeling and learn to communicate with your Higher Self, restore this connection. Then, you’ll realize very clearly why we exist. 

Question 9: Thanks to what practices can someone achieve a state of living their life consciously all the time? 

Yasnosvet Pavel answers this: 

This is called the “observer’s position” – the ability to simultaneously immerse your attention in both inner and outer projections and observe them interact, i.e. how inner projections react to outer ones, and how the latter set the pace for the former. Read Vadim Zeland's “Reality Transurfing,” where he says about the inner mirror and the outer one, while the state of attention between these mirrors is the observer’s position. If you learn to do this, in addition to good reality transurfing, you’ll achieve a high consciousness level. You’ll stop reacting to many things, and people will find you detached and mentally ill. They think, “Well, this is bad! How can this be good?” You say, though, this is good. It’s all because this is Soul’s plan. They’ve chosen and need it. They go through this and gain an experience of evolution. They consider you stupid, though. Unfortunately, we have to come to terms with this. 

Question 10: Will spiritual knowledge and practices acquired and accumulated in 3D be relevant in 4D? 

Yasnosvet Pavel answers this: 

Some of them will transition, while some will change. In general, there’ll be 2 criteria to rely on to understand whether it’s going to switch to 4D or change. It switches to 4D, if it allows someone to open up and understand where they need to work themselves out. If it drives them into agony and doubts, at least for a slight percentage, then it does change. If it only opens, then it switches to the same extent as it was in 3D. There are very few things, though, that switch from 3D to 4D without changing. For example, the raw food diet completely goes from 3D to 4D with no change at all. 

Question 11: How can an adult get out of a child’s position? 

Jesus answers this:

This is an indicator that you haven’t yet lived the experience your own soul intended to live during the child development stage, when you were a child. You have to live through it. Do what you want now. If you want to play cars, do this, etc. 

Question 12: Why does any growth come through pain?

Yasnosvet Pavel answers this: 

Pain is an energy that signals to us that our energons are expanding. In very high souls, they’re maximally open, spiritualized, and free. Their energons are so big. Every time, living a certain experience, the human body – the cell – changes, because brain radiation changes. This happens because on the spiritual level, which is primary, these energons stretch, little by little, like muscles do. Until they stretch to the required level, the human being will experience pain, mental, psychological, or physical. These pains can be easily reduced with spiritual practices, sports, proper nutrition, and work with inner fields. This refers to the inner child. To free your energies as much as possible, you need to express them through practices and strengthen yourself. You won’t feel severe pain, this way. This refers to the quality of living the processes someone gets involved in during the experience. So, this refers to how interested we are in our own development. If someone’s lazy, while spiritual development is necessary, of course, this only happens through pain, loss, and challenge. 

Question 13: Who is God Anubis? 

Yasnosvet Pavel answers this: 

Anubis is a deity brought here by aliens. They told the story about this God to the Atlanteans. It was then passed on and modified to the Egyptians. Thinking of ancient mythology, the Cerberus dog guarded the portal to hell, and Anubis guards the portal to hell. If an Angel rushes there to help a soul he watches over and who ends up in low densities, Anubis won’t let him through, telling him to go up. He performs the same role as what the archangels do – monitor egregors, fields, access to densities. While archangels work at higher densities, deities like Anubis work at lower densities. They also have their own role, and they also monitor the balance. This is neither good nor bad, but you’d better pray to the archangels, because Anubis is a creature of a particular kind. 

Question 14: Is it important to maintain a daily routine? What does this give? 

Yasnosvet Pavel answers this: 

It’s very important. Time is a coordinate. The sun has a certain solar phase activity. Higher vibrations occur from 4 am to noon. Next comes the phase of fading, subsiding, calming down. Ideally, someone should work from morning until noon, while from noon until 10 pm they should rest, relax, enjoy life (most people can’t do this now, though, due to matrix parameters). In 4D, this will all develop gradually. People will have 3 or 4 working days a week (the rest of the time falling into days off). God helps those who wake up early. Why so? These people not only manage to do all the things they need, but also get charged with this highest energy from the Sun, cosmic energy, drawing attention to the present moment. Here and now, it doesn’t wander in the astral plane, as while sleeping. Why is it important to sleep from 10 pm to 4 am? This is the only time when an interdimensional bridge opens, along which your spiritual Supervisors can descend and heal you. It’s only at this time that it does have effect, since the relationship is very subtle. This relationship is formed due to the light emitted by the stars and the energy of sunlight reflected from the moon. This directly affects someone’s mental health. If you want to get rid of depression, apathy, or perhaps autism or schizophrenia to some extent, you need to follow the correct daily routine. From 4 am until noon, work actively. From noon to 10 pm relax and enjoy life, and from 10 pm until 4 am sleep or, at least strive for this. If you work until 6 pm, from 6 pm to 10 pm you need to rest and relax as much as possible. 

Question 15: Is a marriage concluded in 3D for love, but without joint creativity, doomed in 4D?

Her Excellency Mother of God, Mother of Mercy answers this 

In 4D, the basis of relationships lies in creative mutual development, when you complement each other creatively, because survival programs are turned off. Creativity and self-development programs are put in first place. If you and your partner can’t express yourselves creatively together – if your connection is based solely on the survival program – and if at least one of you switches to 4D, this relationship will fall apart, likely to either flow into friendship or dissipate altogether. You’ll feel as if you were strangers. No one will suffer. The only thing is that 3D ones may suffer, since when a tasty morsel is taken away, it’s always unpleasant. Remember, though, this is their business, not yours. Your task is to take care of yourself and those truly dear to you. 

Question 16: Does teleportation exist and when will people be able to use it?

Yasnosvet Pavel answers this: 

It’s existed a long time, since the time of Lemuria. A huge number of underground tunnels, secret authorities, special services have been moving through these teleports a very long time. This technology will become publicly available in 50-40 years, maybe a little earlier. More precisely, they plan to disclose this technology in 35 years. 

Question 17: Is the main goal of life to go back home to God? How to understand and implement this correctly? 

Yasnosvet Pavel answers this: 

No, your main goal in this life is to open up and fully realize the Creator’s intent. You need to completely become like the Source – become the same Source and start to create worlds, improving yourself more and more. According to the nesting doll principle, as the Higher powers in the higher densities said, God is this doll. He’s the Absolute that exists in another Absolute existing in another Absolute, etc.
All these Absolutes differ, complementing one another infinitely. This is constant unfolding, evolution and development to create diversity in someone’s world. So, first learn to create harmony here, then you’ll create harmony at the planetary level, followed by other levels such as stellar, interstellar, galactic, and universal. After that, you’ll go to the super-subtle planes, the universe.
When a certain understanding is achieved in the universe, it’ll only have the Source’s pure light. This is the development principle. So, don’t rush anywhere, or worry, or strive to merge with the Source as fast as you can. Don’t give up material experience, goodies and everything else. Just live and learn to feel your Soul’s natural desires. For example, you want to merge with the Source, while your soul says, for example, that it wants yogurt made from coconut milk. Why would you try to merge with the Source, if your soul hasn’t yet experienced consuming to get taste sensations of cottage cheese based on coconut milk? To merge with the Source, you need to gain a 100% experience. This really means to do a lot. Why would you rush then? No need. Angels don’t rush, neither do Saints. So, don’t be in a hurry, either. 

Question 18: What’s the point of raising vibrations, if God is a conditional zero on the vibration scale? 

Jesus answers this: 

God represents mutually compensating parties. God is Yin-Yang, super black and super white. Superblack refers to destruction. It’s a place where souls are found when they learn the meaning of destruction and its purpose. The white spectrum, the snow-white area, though, has souls who have realized that destruction is necessary, while creation is the basis of the form. They move towards pure creation. In fact, God is zero. This means that He’s the All-Existing, mutually compensating, self-harmonizing Absolute, who created a self-sustaining system. Thinking of black darkness, this is a movement into absolute minus.
Thinking of snow-white absolute Light, this is movement to the absolute plus. Actually, we move towards absolute plus. There are souls and guides who are similar to us, but go into absolute minus. We communicate with you, and why do you like me? You’re souls moving towards the plus, with the masters, planets, universes, subtle planes all in the direction of super plus. So, we’re moving towards superplus – this is our form of creation. If someone only creates and the soul is purely creative, it’ll, of course, be given the experience of destruction, so it fully understands this Source. If Soul is stuck in destruction, it’ll be forced to create. Many of you and myself have gone through this experience of destruction a very long time. We somewhat received it to move into full creation and strive for it. But that doesn't mean we don't want to destroy. When, for example, we express a wish for destruction to someone who brings destruction into our field, this is also an experience of destruction – something we also need.
It’s quite important to understand, though, that going in only one direction is a mistake. You need to develop the way your soul wants to. This is a plus, but also a bit of a minus. The minus in this case means the ability to express the energy of aggression for your own defense. When they give you candy, you take it, while if they hand you an insect that could sting you, you pull your hand away because you want to be healthy. This way, you destroy something that could destroy you, while creating your own defense, your own form of protection, defending yourself. These are simultaneous processes. According to the law of equilibrium, quite often, when something is created, something must be destroyed. That's what zero means. So, we’re going to pure Light based on the form of creation through the plus, while the minus comes as something mutually balancing, complementary.
The dark ones somewhat differ. Their main form of creation, i.e. destruction, comes through the minus. In addition, they have the plus. Going through creation is, of course, more pleasant, but this is the degree of meaningfulness you and I can understand. If you say that they enjoy humiliating, killing, insulting, infringing, you and I won’t understand it. It gives them growth, though. So, the main thing here is not to judge and go your own way. In any case, according to the law of balance, space becomes self-regenerated, and everyone goes to their place. Those higher go higher, and those lower go lower. Everything’s fair. The issue is philosophical, and not unambiguous. The answer is simple. To summarize, go where your soul points you, where it wants to go to. It’s easy and that’s the secret. 

Question 19: What new ways of conceiving and giving birth to a child will there be in 4D?

Yasnosvet Pavel answers this: 

IVF will change. They’ll get her egg and his sperm, or even create these eggs and sperm from the human genome, protein. They’ll cross them, for selection. In such bags filled with bluish-pinkish liquid, the fetus will grow, and you’ll sign a document with obligations for the ethical support of the fetus. You’ll be obliged to read fairy tales to it, let it listen to classical music, share your life experiences, telling about yourself, “Hello, my sweetie! Today, I’ve bought myself bagels, had them with raspberry jam. It was so delicious!” You’ll be obliged to do this. Genetic engineering will be at the highest level, controlling all this, to the point that you’ll have the right to order your child’s color of eyes, hair, skin, and other features. The only thing, though, is that you’ll need to communicate a lot with the child at the initial stages. Children of the future are very easy to raise. Once he’s turned 5 years old, he then goes on his own and grows. Your task is to simply love, support and say, “Listen, I don’t recommend this, you’d better not do this, or get this done positively!” 

Question 20: Will there be joint scientific, creative and other projects with representatives of other planets in 4D? 

Yasnosvet Pavel answers this: 

This won’t happen earlier than in 70 years. The date seems to be planned and somewhat written in the matrix. Aliens will help us colonize Mars and Venus, terraform them for us. 

Question 21: If someone has no feeling of guilt, there’s no karma, right? 

Yasnosvet Pavel answers this: 

No, that’s not right. Guilt is a distorted concept of conscience. Conscience is when Soul’s voice says, “You’re doing it wrong, come to your senses!” Guilt is when this feeling is artificially instilled in us. This is a game of consciousness. Karma only depends on intention. Either you feel guilty for your intention, or you don’t. It doesn't matter to the Universe. What is important to it is what intention you experienced, negative or positive. If negative, then the karma is negative too. If positive, then the karma is also positive. So, guilt simply adds unnecessary karma. Very often this is the negative karma of self-disrespect. The Universe will arrange your life in such a way that it’ll make you respect yourself. It’ll stand in your way, infringe on you, and insult you until you get tired and start to resist. Many people are prone to this. Their lives start to collapse dramatically because of this. Most importantly, they don’t understand this is for the better. This is the scourge and fate of our time. People don’t understand at all that when everything is destroyed, it’s for the better. You can’t create something without the Almighty’s will. 

Question 22: Is it true that the Universe is expanding? What will be the outcome? 

Yasnosvet Pavel answers this: 

Yes, it is. The Creator is creating more and more diversity in his world, and this will lead to even greater diversity in the Universe. 

Question 23: Will 3D people’s souls be incarnated again and where?

Yasnosvet Pavel answers this: 

They’ll incarnate, but most likely not on this planet. Or, if you slightly shift the coordinate space and go back to the past, then in fact Soul as a multidimensional essence can be embodied in the 15th century, in the 16th century, and in the 13th century BC. By the way, our chronology isn’t right. In fact, it’s 7200 rather that the 2000s. In fact, they’ll be embodied in those places where there’s a matrix that can accommodate them according to these parameters and energy packages and give them the desired vector of development. They can’t be embodied in material densities that are too low or too high. They only need to be embodied where they can develop. So, people, souls who can’t go into 4D will incarnate in dimensions that are a little lower and simpler than ours. In the 4D dimension, there’s a lot of responsibility, moral and ethical one, foremost. Our new legislation, constitution will be based on moral and ethical principles. Of course, for 3D ones, this is a big limitation. For you and me, this is a utopia. We’re high, and for us it’s natural, while for them it will be a dystopia. They’ll need to be embodied in systems giving them, more or less, such a utopia, or on some planets, where they’ll be kicked into development. 

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