Answers to Questions
as of 16-DEC-2022, Part 2

Question 1: Why does someone’s health weaken right before their birthday?

Archangel Michael answers this: 

In this case, they have to cleanse their subtle bodies on their richest day in terms of energy. For everyone, their birthday is a special and important date. On this day, energies are renewed and directed for the whole year until the next birthday. Each time, the state of illness means cleansing before this day. Work out yourself! 

Question 2: How credible is Carlos Castaneda’s worldview, as it’s described?

Yasnosvet Pavel answers this: 

Distortions range from 27% to 65%, or sometimes 76%. On average, his piece work has 76% of credibility and 24% of distortions (too much in some places). So, read this literature with caution! 

Question 3: What’s your opinion about Sigmund Freud and his psychoanalysis?

Yasnosvet Pavel answers this: 

This Soul came in due time to create a new psychological and psychoanalytic direction on Earth. It could help people whose center of consciousness is not higher than the heart one. These people are very materialistic, almost not religious, or even atheists. Their high values are aimed at material well-being. They generally lack any spiritual needs. They don’t belong to Light beings, but rather link to neutral souls between dark and light ones. His psychology is ideal for those who don’t think or feel with their heart, guided by sexual projections foremost. At the same time, for someone with an open heart, who has already known love, capable of platonic feelings, Sigmund Freud’s theories and works have lost their power, since other laws apply to them.

Question 4: Are there any age-related crises?

 Yasnosvet Pavel answers this: 

No, that's not true actually. Someone rather has a point of tension when after not allowing themselves (for a very long time) to live the model of life their soul would like to live truly. At some wonderful moment their consciousness goes blank, once they suddenly realize they aren’t living the way they’d like to. This is called a crisis, a sudden restructuring, zeroing out, when they no longer have any strength, and Soul shuts off energies for them not to develop an illness. They get unnecessary experience removed from, and try to help their embodied part to avoid a negative scenario. This is zeroing, to put it simply. So, during a crisis, people often become depressed. 

Question 5: How to determine whether the things that happen are the desire of Soul or Mind?

Yasnosvet Pavel answers this: 

The mind offers a convenient model when these desires “don’t contradict” social norms. They suit the world and society. As a rule, they have no individuality. At the same time, what Soul wants often seems radically stupid to the mind, with no logical basis. However, spiritual desires – those of Soul – turn out really appealing to the heart and give a lot of energy when you think about this. So, it’s pretty easy to distinguish between them. If desires give you energy and you feel comfortable, in your preferred setting, like a fish in water, it comes from the heart. If you want something only because it’s convenient for others, this is more likely to come from the mind. 

Question 6: Is the ThetaHealing system (by Vianna Stibal) based on working with beliefs effective and safe? Is this direction promising in 4D? 

Archangel Raphael answers this: 

It’s not effective for those who have already started working on how to be persistent, learned to defend their boundaries, while some people need it, if they can’t decide what’s their position in life is. This technology is unique, not for every soul. It’s only Angel Therapy that we can consider universal. Everything else is specific, so feel it with your heart! 

Question 7: How can someone exchange energy with the Earth and other planets? 

Yasnosvet Pavel answers this:

Close your eyes, breathe deeply, bring your consciousness within yourself and focus your attention on the core of the Earth to merge with its energy. Do the same with other planets. Imagine the core of Venus or the Sun to merge with them, respectively. When you get synchronized this way, you can communicate, but telepathy comes over time, when someone’s subtle bodies get revealed sufficiently and their consciousness is ready for this. The main thing is to have a pure heart. This is the basis for a pure contact. If they have some selfish thoughts or they haven’t lived through some earthly desires, any of their telepathic contacts will bring some distortion. There, this telepathy will be partially recolored by the prism of human perception. So, you need to have quite pure consciousness.

Question 8: What should a consulting astrologer know, be able to do or understand during the transition to help people, guide, and inspire them for spiritual growth?

Isceliana, the deity of astrology, answers this: 

A planet is a reflection, a mirror, a coordinate plane with coordinates to display the energies used to weave the body, i.e. determining what Soul is more predisposed to and what it’s not as predisposed to. Like a child, fantasize and feel what each planet, star and phenomenon mean to you. Describe it for yourself in a new way, and then interpret it. This will be much more effective than the Vedic system, which has been distorted radically to currently contain only 40% of the truth out of 100%. 60% of the Vedic astrology is distorted. So, feel it with your heart carefully! 

Question 9: Will they move the capital of Russia from Moscow? If so, where to? 

Yasnosvet Pavel answers this: 

No, not in the near future, but yes over time. Unofficially, these will be new economic entities in the Novosibirsk region.

Question 10: Why does someone often encounter a series of negative events during spiritual growth?

Archangel Michael answers this:

This is a sequential series of events built for someone to take new tests, start to feel their new capabilities, and build their boundaries correctly. This way, they learn to allow only quality into their field, defend themselves. They have light coming to them, and this new light opens up in them. Meanwhile, creatures, who don’t feel OK to be in this light, try to extinguish this light. Right, these people must be able to protect this light. Actually, though, from the point of view of the matrix, it sends these events and states specially to reset them and get them in a balanced state. 3D works using technology similar to a pendulum. If it’s too negative, try to level out the situation so it turns positive. If it’s too positive, try to shift it to the negative so it becomes even, ideal, in the middle, and calm, without any emotions, strong feelings. 

Question 11: As soon as someone dies, are they aware of it and do they see consciously what happens next, or do they and they consciousness fall asleep? 

Yasnosvet Pavel answers this:

It differs for everyone. Some become aware of their death very clearly and go to a higher dimension immediately. Others get their consciousness asleep first, and then their subtle bodies will dissolve. They’ll fly along the Earth’s astral dimension, spin, and then the angels grab their underarms and take them up. Everyone has their own way. It all depends on their consciousness and faith. 

Question 12: What’s samadhi and is it worth striving for this state?  

Krishna answers this: 

You don’t need to strive for this state. First, you should satisfy your earthly needs. In the state of samadhi, you cease to enjoy material pleasures and lose interest in earthly life completely. You get immersed in the state to be one with the Source, the Absolute. If you plunge into this state, nothing bothers you and you stop getting the experience you need. You’ll never achieve it, though, until you work out all those earthly projections and get all the experience you need, the one your own soul has outlined for you. So, don’t strive for this. Let this be a guiding thread and standard for you. Strive for this gradually, achieving inner balance and peace and realizing you’ve done and lived exactly the way your soul wanted it. 

Question 13: Will Access Bars work in 4D?

 Archangel Raphael answers this:

Actually, very few people know how to use this – only a few specialists do. The attitude towards Access Bars will change, though. Currently, it’s not effective. It has the technology most people use without maintaining balance and hygiene, while they should! The knowledge will change a little becoming more complex, more ethical. It’ll work, anyway. As a rule, human beings retain all those mechanisms and energy centers within themselves. The ability to pass on energy is increasing, making subtle bodies evolve, while the location of these energy points in a person is unchanged. This is the materialization of sacred geometry, a constant, i.e. unchanged for creation. 

Question 14: At what stage does someone’s soul enter their body – before birth or after?

Her Excellency Mother of God, Mother of Mercy, answers this: 

On the fourth day, a thin thread of connection is formed in the womb between the developing fetus and the soul. On Week Four, a channel large enough is formed for the soul to enter the body through this channel. In fact, life appears on Week Four, or even Week Three, for some. Someone really wants to be born and gets in there, no longer wishing to wait more. 

Question 15: What do the Higher Powers feel about the use of Su Jok therapy?

Yasnosvet Pavel answers this: 

Quite good, but you should understand that all the systems such as energy and fluid metabolic processes in the body are interconnected. Here, you need to understand very clearly the sacred meaning of all organs and fluids, as well as human psychosomatics. Then it becomes a very effective tool. So far, do this randomly until you get success. Also, approach this consciously and look for literature!

Question 16: IWhat does a persistent goiter of the thyroid gland indicate?

Archangel Raphael answers this: 

This indicates problems with self-expression, that you can’t express yourself the way you really want to. If you’re also engaged in self-deception, saying that you live the way you want to, then, in addition to blocking, you also distort, which leads to chronic diseases. Until you start telling yourself the truth and living the way your soul truly wants to, you won’t be cured. So, work thorough the issue of evaluating your life and yourself on your own, what you feel and be honest and truthful with yourself. Do you really live in those states, events and the reality you’d really like to live in? 

Question 17: Some believe that Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin and Alexander Dumas are one and the same person. Is this true, or are they different people?

Yasnosvet Pavel answers this: 

They’re different people. 

Question 18: Once Soul has known all the experience and remained with the Source again, what will happen to it next?

Yasnosvet Pavel answers this: 

Like the Source, it starts to create its own worlds, or gets reset completely in the Source and goes into incarnation again, living a different experience and cognizing the Absolute from a different point of view. 

Question 19: How to learn to see the subtle plan?

Yasnosvet Pavel answers this: 

To learn to see the subtle plane, you first need to learn to sense and feel, which develops the heart chakra. As the heart chakra develops, which is love, unconditional love, and faith, we switch to this 6th energy channel, which has the third eye –etheric astral vision. You develop it when the capacity of this chakra reaches a certain point, when you can see phantom projections with your internal vision – fantasies manifested in reality in a coordinate. To see the subtle plane with physical vision, you need to tune your brain to such a frequency of radiation that you can almost see ultraviolet light. Some people can see ultraviolet, ultrasound (waves), while they can’t live in cities. People with such attunement and brain radiation very often develop brain cancer, when they live in cities, and they die. So, practically no one is allowed currently to develop this in themselves simply for safety reasons. In 4D, this will be possible. There’ll be completely different technology and devices. Wave genetics will be proclaimed in medicine there, as the standard of medical science, so the issue of radio waves and radiation in general, frequencies and how they interact with the body will become very topical. Technologies will definitely be modified in such a way as not to harm humans and nature and tune them to the frequency of radiation at which they in no way affect the cells. Only then will you be able to develop this. We’ll open the possibility of achieving such a state in ordinary cities, so someone can see the subtle plane with physical vision. For now, only hermits can achieve this, completely detached from any benefits of civilization and antennas.

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