Answers to Questions
as of 16-DEC-2022, Part 1

Question 1: Is it true that Peter I was replaced?

Archangel Michael answers this: 

Not really: he got his consciousness restarted and he underwent hypnosis for some time. His personality changed. He became controllable, a different person.

Question 2: How to understand whether loneliness is someone’s Soul’s choice or family’s heritage?

Yasnosvet Pavel answers this: 

Here’s a hint: this is always a choice or a divine kick that encourages them to develop.

Question 3: Why do we spend a third of our life sleeping? Humanity could do more without sleep.

Jesus answers this: 

Sleep is an integral part of someone’s life, including their soul embodied. In a dream, Soul experiences its parallel and astral incarnations and gains the experience it needs to develop multidimensionally. For Soul, sleep is much more important than physical life.

Question 4: Vastu is spatial planning. Does it currently work and will it work in 4D?

 Yasnosvet Pavel answers this: 

It doesn’t work well enough. People don’t know how to use it properly, not following their intuition. This knowledge works very effectively, though, meant for smart people and those truly able to feel colors, geometry and energies. This is consistent and will be as effective in 4D. 

Question 5: What’s the idea of addiction, including problem gambling?

Yasnosvet Pavel answers this: 

Addictions mean making certain circumstances and actions too important. Human life can be empty and without meaning for a long time. An action can suddenly fill it up with strength. Someone sees this action as incredibly important, so the mind becomes completely focused on executing one and the same program. Gambling addiction develops in someone when they aren’t allowed to make mistakes and take risks for a long time. So, allow your children to live the way they want to. 

Question 6: For what reason does someone’s blood type change throughout life?

Archangel Raphael answers this: 

When their consciousness changes sharply in the current incarnation, evolution starts, restructuring the energy field. This is due to a change in Soul’s functionality, as it starts to emit other vibrations. Due to this, the subtle bodies change, while the physical organs and the brain start to give new vibrations. As influenced by these vibrations, not only DNA is rearranged. Blood cells change their composition as well, which leads to a change in blood type. 

Question 7: What is laughter on the subtle planes? Do any Higher Powers or Saints supervise humor, comedy, and laughter?

Yasnosvet Pavel answers this:

Yes, Parvati does this. Ancient civilization had Bacchus, the god of wine, who was also the god of fun. Krishna is linked to this aspect too. What is it about then? This is releasing a huge amount of yellow, lemon and light green energies, which bring vibrations to feel happy, joyful and childlike. Fairies, nature’s higher spirits, higher fairies and angels are made up of these vibrations entirely. Everything above them is made up of calm. Everything lower than them in terms of their consciousness level doesn’t have this percentage of happiness. 

Question 8: What herbs and roots will be especially beneficial during the transition?

Seraphim of Sarov answers this: 

Birch sap, birch bark, oak bark, ginseng, thyme, wormwood, chamomile, rose hips, up to your taste.

Question 9: How can someone start serving people properly and fulfill their own mission? 

Her Excellency Mother of God, Mother of Mercy, answers this: 

When Soul truly fulfills its destiny, it feels heavenly, divine, peaceful pleasure, which is the key and state to indicate moving along the right path. Serving people is, first of all, discovering new opportunities for yourself, the ability to direct your light in a new way. These are possibilities precisely. The main thing here is to focus your attention on these possibilities and on divine – higher rather than earthly – desires.

Question 10: How does using Botox affect, on the subtle plane?

Her Excellency Mother of God, Mother of Mercy, answers this:

When you inject Botox, it blocks cellular etheric respiration. Like us, a cell is an energy being, consisting of subtle bodies. These subtle bodies interact very closely with ether – the fifth element, which permeates the universe and everything that exists. This is called etheric cellular respiration. Our medicine may reach this point in a hundred years. When people use Botox, this etheric cellular respiration is blocked. Their cheeks and lips stop exchanging information with the outer field, so the cell starts to corrode. The only method here is to stroke your cheeks and forehead every day, where it was injected, and say, “I love you, my cells!” Caress them, filling them with the energy of love. This is the only way to maintain their viability when you’ve blocked their breathing. Don’t condemn yourself. Someone needs this experience. So, it’s not a sin. It’s a sin only if we don’t accept ourselves, while this is up to each and everyone of us. 

Question 11: What will happen to people who haven’t switched to 4D?

Yasnosvet Pavel answers this:

They’ll live artificially in this matrix. The matrix will release energy for them separately, cover them with a 3D synthetic dome, and they’ll seem to live in 3D projections, getting 3D energy. This dome will filter incoming energy. This is done for them not die from high energies. Also, distribute them according to places on earth. Some places on earth will get super high energies, while others will get low energies. The people in 3D will be very limited in communication and travel. From one city to another, a maximum of 90% of the world will be covered with new light. 10% will be left to those in 3D who need to live out their life, only for them not to die. If those in 3D stay in new energies for at least a month, their blood clot will burst, they’ll get cancer, or their heart will stop, as the outcome of cleansing.

Question 12: How to prepare for the transition to the fourth dimension? What can be done before December 21 and within the first days after this date, for a harmonious switch?  

Jesus and Her Excellency Mother of God, Mother of Mercy, answer this: 

Until December 21, you could pray asking to be directed on the right path for yourself and all the people around you. Second, learn to listen to your heart, focus on what you feel, be able to hear and feel, communicate with the outer field (space), learn to communicate with yourself. After the transition, take a piece of paper and write out plans for life, what to achieve, including your inner child, and start to draw out these fantasies on paper. If you think riding a unicorn across a rainbow that has butterfly wings is crazy, it’s actually not. It’s a subtle reflection of our inner self. It’s not clear how it’s going to be reflected in the outside world, materialize. Everyone has it their own way. Remember, though, that your fantasies aren’t nonsense. So, feel free to ride in your fantasies on a unicorn with butterfly wings. The universe will perhaps give you a real horse someday, and it may give you some kind of sports car, which will have the same print and colors. Nothing is known yet. So, don’t forget to dream! When you stop dreaming, your inner child starts to fade. If your inner child isn’t active, the universe stops reading you as a child. If it stops reading you as a child, you live like an adult. Living like an adult is when you can’t afford many things. You have to bear responsibility continuously, while you won’t be able to have fun and indulge. Even if many blaspheme, “Like the Lamb of God, I only eat a crust of bread and drink water, because I’m best at this or that,” the majority don’t do this because they want enlightenment. They rather want spiritual advantages and facts thanks to which they can show off boldly, “I am holier, purer and better than you.” Actually, they want to eat handfuls of candy, drink alcohol and engage in sexual pleasures. So, those are smart when not engaged in self-deception. Those trying to go into sacrilege doom themselves to eternal torment in life. They themselves build the model of life that kills them. Be honest with yourself. If you want something stupid, just say, “I want something like that,” but in no case do you judge or say it’s stupid. It’s stupid for the mind, while the heart doesn’t measure by concepts of the mind and only relies on these two concepts: “I need it, or I don’t need it.” 

Question 13: Can several souls be present in one body?

 Archangel Michael answers this:

This is an incredible, unique, very rare phenomenon called bilateral incarnation or soul replacement. Soul replacement is when the other soul leaves, or one soul enters, and the other leaves. They merely change the body. Two-sided souls are two souls embodied in one body. This also happens, but very rarely, only as an exception.

Question 14: How does our consciousness shape our reality?

Buddha, Krishna, Jesus, and Muhammad answer this: 

There’s the brain, which emits vibrations. These vibrations go like waves in the sea along the etheric field. They go, dissolve and move as follows: from the astral plane to the mental one, from the latter to the casual, from the casual to the emotional one, reach higher dimensions, and then enter your soul. It gives everything you’ve put into it to its Supervisors and Architects. Partially, this energy continues its way, while they bring you back the material you gave them. Faith is merely the capacity and purity of the channel through which it’s returned. They’ll either return it to you with interference, or it won’t reach you and it’ll dissolve. This depends on two reasons. These are the basics of “Reality Transurfing” by Vadim Zeland. Believe firmly, yet don't get paranoid about it. If you don’t believe strongly enough, the energy will dissipate and won’t reach you. If you constantly think paranoidly about it, you’ll clamp and overload the channel, and the energy won’t have enough time to materialize. As soon as it reaches you, it’ll immediately burst out with the energy of your intention. So, forget about the paranoia that you need it badly. Who has wishes working? Those who are somewhat indifferent to them. Once you’ve had a desire, it realizes itself when the time comes. It's so easy. The more easily you live, the easier evolution goes.  

Question 15: How to prepare the elixir of youth for facial skin?

Seraphim of Sarov answers this: 

These herbs are no longer available, ceased to be used in the public domain a long time. Only the world’s secret elite uses them, not ordinary people. Still, there’s a formula. Use nettle infusion to apply onto the face, and birch sap. Maple syrup, especially when raw (unlike the boiled options available at stores), is very good for normalizing the intestinal function. Also you need to use tree resin. And most importantly, avoid salt in your food and use quality water. Those are wrong who claim you need salt for electrolyte balance. Natural artesian water contains all the necessary mineral alkaline salts, which restore the electrolyte balance of lymph, blood and all fluids in the body. So, if you drink mountain or artesian water, you won’t need salt at all. The body will be fully charged. Before you write anything and teach others, please remember deceivers and false teachers punish themselves a lot. They create a field for themselves where they start to project a matrix of lies, living in a lie, and they come across everything that’s false, artificial and far-fetched. Take care of the quality of your life! 

Question 16: Is high sensitivity to sounds and smells a blessing or a distortion of the psyche?

Seraphim of Sarov answers this: 

These are special attunement and vibrational background of the throat and head chakras (#5 and #6). These chakras are especially strongly and subtly developed due to Soul’s highly sensitive nature, as the center and the basis of its consciousness. This gets a large amount of energy flowing through them. The more energy can pass through the energy channels, the more sensitive you are. You show an increased reaction to external effects such as increased fatigue, you get easily sentimental and vulnerable. Someone with more subtle perception reacts very subtly as well. Everything a vast majority of people are indifferent to can hurt a subtle person deeply. Nobody makes this up. This is how mechanisms and laws work for subtle energy, soul, and effects. Everything happens in accordance with the Affinity law. 

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