Answers to Questions
as of 26-NOV-2022, Part 2

Question 1: Why do people have so many codes such as fingerprints, lines on the palm?

Archangel Michael answers this: 

Dear soul, you’re all multidimensional. Based on the Affinity law, someone’s avatar is to reflect their essence. Spots, moles, genomes, palm lines, etc. reflect Soul’s multidimensionality and nature. One life isn’t enough to explore all this. What’s a body? It’s a clot of material energy manifested in matter, which has become similar to the energy entering it. The energy of consciousness from above settled into the flesh, shone with its energies, and on its basis physical energies were formed like a reflection in a mirror. The more complex Soul is, the more it gets reflected. If someone has a lot of moles on their body, this shows they’re special in something. In this life, they need to work through many programs from their past life, or they need them for their destiny. Everything here is very specific.

Question 2: How to understand whether someone came from their mother’s or father’s kin?

Yasnosvet Pavel answers this: 

Sometimes children are temporarily included in the kin system and then leave it, as its guests, not belonging to it. This is a soul-level contract. You agree to incarnate, get incarnated, while after that you move forward, each in your own life. It’s very easy to distinguish, though, whether someone belongs to their mother’s or father’s kin. They interact with each other as if they were, for example, sister and brother. You observe the relationship between father and child, or mother and child. If you see them communicate almost as equals, like best friends, they’re 100% likely to be the same kin. Sometimes it happens that they can’t interact as parent and child, perceiving each other as if they were friends.

Question 3: Who created God? 

Yasnosvet Pavel answers this: 

An even more perfect, higher, and more multidimensional Absolute did. All this goes higher and higher, like an endless matryoshka doll of consciousness.

Question 4: How can you tell if someone is truly or pseudo-spiritual?

Archangel Jegudiel answers this: 

Someone’s true spirituality frees them from any earthly programs, leading them away from condemnation completely. They accept this with love, feeling they need this reality, which allows them to grow. If they criticize someone else’s thinking and philosophy, though, this means pseudo-spirituality. This is a spirituality free from the true light of acceptance and the Creator’s love.

Question 5: How can someone get out of survival programs? 

Yasnosvet Pavel answers this: 

They need to trust the world completely, feeling Earth as their best friend taking care of them. This way, they won’t have to think about how to earn a living, as it’ll come easy. Let them ask the universe, “I want to be pure or admit I’m pure, I deserve only the best, simply because I’m a divine son or daughter, who exists.” That’s it. They deserve the best simply because they exist.

Question 6: Why can a 9-year-old child feel the need to sleep with his/her mother?

Her Excellency Mother of God, Mother of Mercy, answers this: 

For many reasons – mostly as the boy depends on his mother’s care, acceptance and praise a lot, i.e. when he doesn’t feel independent to look smart, elevated and able to do many things. If a boy is confident, he doesn’t want to sleep with his mother or father. 

Question 7: Can we say that the energy of love has advantages over all other types of energy and why?

Yasnosvet Pavel answers this:

It’s not quite like this. Love is an abstract concept to define creative energy. There’s this subtle law of hierarchy: the higher energy in terms of vibrations, the more advantages it has and the higher its nature is in relation to other energies. For instance, Angelic energy is higher in nature, hierarchy than the energy of the earthly matrix. This is why we consider it a miracle – materialization and activation of Angelic energies in the matrix space, when something extraordinarily great happens unexpectedly. This means that Angels managed to manifest this ultra-subtle energy in matter. 

Question 8: How do souls get attracted in space according to fate?

Yasnosvet Pavel answers this: 

This happens either as souls agree, or due to their supervisors, who, together with the Architects, indicate where to direct a soul based on its needs. As fate is being adjusted, people needed change, selected from above. You could ask this. If it’s the highest good for you, the Higher powers will notice this and do what you need.

Question 9: Orthodoxy teaches that Soul needs salvation. How to understand this, if Soul reincarnates all the time?  

Yasnosvet Pavel answers this: 

Orthodoxy is a religion that started aiming to take all people on the planet out of their decline in terms of energy vibrations, as they had lost moral, noble and spiritual values. At that time, religion helped perfectly to escape into pure divine light. That’s why they said, “Save yourself, don’t go into degradation.” It’s up to this day that Orthodoxy saves those prone to go into the dark. Some people, though, have long ago stepped beyond this concept in terms of their vibrational background and consciousness level. They have a more advanced worldview, so they don't need it. For them, this is a limitation, while reincarnation is their soul’s experience needed for its spiritual growth. It’s formed based on the karma of this incarnation, positive or negative.

Question 10: If Soul chooses all events before incarnation, is freedom of choice an illusion?

Yasnosvet Pavel answers this:

No, Soul chooses, and this is its freedom of choice. It can only choose, though, from energies it’s created itself, based on its vibrational background, consciousness level, and previous incarnations. That is, it limits itself, if it lives in negativity. No one punishes it or forces it to incarnate. This is its own desire. The fact that you can’t change something in your life is your soul’s clear program it’s set for itself, i.e. you set it for yourself. This is done to reach a higher point in your Spirit’s evolution and increase your vibration level. The highest value for Soul is to rise to a higher level. It’s when you disincarnate, merge into your Higher Self and see that it’s gone further up that makes Soul feel utterly happy. If it needs restrictions, it creates them (i.e. you do this yourself). Nothing can be forbidden to you under any circumstances. Everything is based on freedom of choice.

Question 11: In the modern world, can we learn independence in spiritual terms without any intermediaries?

Archangel Michael answers this:

Obviously, you need this overall, while spiritual intermediaries only convey information to you. If it helps you grow, that's great. Then, you can work with this channeler. If information no longer allows you to grow and somehow constrains you, then you can set sail freely and look for something else in your life. It doesn't have to be a person. It could be an event, a company, a religion, etc. Even a thing can allow you to reconsider your life and values. 

Question 12: What are soul’s tasks as it reaches its maximum vibrational rate?

Yasnosvet Pavel answers this: 

Such souls incarnate with altruistic intention. Look at the lotus flower as a symbol of Buddhist altruism to see sincerity manifest. Such souls come to earth as they desire to help people raise their consciousness level up to theirs, while they don't have to do that. Earth can’t teach them anything, with their consciousness level. They stepped beyond its level long ago. They have nothing to do on earth. It’s only their kindness and desire to help people that keep them here. No one can force them to incarnate on earth. The maximum they can do is to ask them very persistently, “We do need your help, and we will help you.” Saints have often incarnated driven by their kind heart only, as they don’t need earth at all.

Question 13: How to purify someone’s space and body at home?

 Yasnosvet Pavel answers this:

Use incense, crystals, prayers, mantras, icons, and turn on something pleasant and amusing, so you laugh at everything happening. This clears your space. Music does this too, e.g. singing bowls or Maria Callas (who sings Ave Maria). Fly away in these high vibrations.  

Question 14: Are biological parents their children’s soulmates?

Yasnosvet Pavel answers this: 

No, not always. Very often, rather always in our time, it’s simply a contract between souls.

Question 15: When will schools teach esotericism and spiritual practices of self-healing, which are necessary for life?

Yasnosvet Pavel answers this: 

This won’t happen sooner than 5D. So far, they could at least teach astronomy again.

Question 16: How is our soul born?

Yasnosvet Pavel answers this: 

Let's take the Absolute – a multidimensional ocean of light that surpasses everything that exists with its vibrations. In this infinite space, the energy of higher consciousness observes flowers, forests, oceans, thinking, “It’s so interesting here that I want to interact!” So, it decides to become a drop of the ocean. Separating from this consciousness, it turns, like a fairy in children's cartoons, transforms and returns to the ocean. Now it becomes a part of the ocean. Over time, though, it gets tired of it and disappears. Then, it decides to become a plant and turns into a seed, sprouts and becomes a tulip. It asks the sun to nourish it. The sun fills the plant with energy. Once it’s outlived its life, this soul disincarnates. Now, it decides it wants to become a bird rather than be a plant. So, it turns into a bullfinch to taste rowan. As consciousness grows, the level of needs goes up as well. So, we’re humans now. I crave to have an avocado right now. So, I’m about to eat it. Here’s my human needs.  

Question 17: How can someone deviate from the Creator’s will, if everything is God’s will?

The Saints answer this with one voice:

Actually, they can’t. All your will is the Creator’s will. If you want to go against the Creator, this is also the Creator’s will. You can’t go against yourself. You’re yourself and the Creator. In fact, to deviate from the Creator’s will means to try to argue with yourself. It’s like when someone shouts at a mirror, arguing with their reflection.

Question 18: How can someone understand that they develop spiritually rather than got trapped by their ego?  

Yasnosvet Pavel answers this:

They don’t elevate themselves above others. Their religion and life philosophy allow them to feel their rightful place, accepting that someone is at a lower level. They can also see those, though, superior to them, accepting they’re superior. This is the true, most comfortable point of their consciousness. Ego is when they put themselves excessively above or below others, while this is a normal state when they see everyone in their place. 

Question 19: What is the Seal of the Antichrist, which is used to scare everyone?

Archangel Michael answers this:

These are vaccinations, chips, celebs’ messages in clips worldwide, lots of things. In fact, this is an energy program that forms a belief in someone that they live in a world where the Absolute created them to mock them. Actually, it’s everyone's choice. They can self-tune themselves into a reality where the Creator endlessly loves and gives them the best just because they exist. It’s merely a choice. They’re trying to implement this program in new technologies, e.g. vaccination. They’ve already tried to use it for chipization. They won’t succeed, though, won’t be allowed to. The Creator’s part responsible for the Earth’s consciousness has planned a different scenario for it. Because of this, you’ll go to utopia. Everyone is tired of watching you grow and fade. Everyone wants light now. 

Question 20: Will there be a second coming of Christ to earth (according to the Bible) and when?

 Jesus answers this: 

It's a secret. 

Question 21: Was the Crucifixion of Jesus allowed to show people that Love is primary, while energies and superpowers are secondary?

Yasnosvet Pavel answers this: 

They used a complex ritual, which, from the point of view of Christ, was light, while from the point of view of people, it was dark. Everything here is very ambiguous. You’re right anyway. In addition, we want to show that hatred is hopeless. You can’t destroy something immortal by nature, e.g. Soul, love, and hope, never. We also want them to understand it can’t be destroyed in them and they can return to these states any time they want to. So we show them that hope is a great force they can tune in at any moment in their life. No matter how much they sin, they can always hope for forgiveness.

Question 22: Why are people from Arab and African countries are migrating to Europe massively?

Yasnosvet Pavel answers this: 

According to the law of compensation (4D witnesses a complete balancing, compensation), everyone receives and reaps their benefits. Some of the population in Europe are people who were slave owners, in the ancient times when the Arab and African empires declined, oppressing and not treating them appropriately. According to the law of balance, everything has changed places. Now, they themselves started to experience oppression from their former victims. This is karma that got manifested over centuries. Many have incarnated to live out this karma and purify themselves. These are usually people with debts, living at a minimum level with a salary that’s only enough for food and clothing. You can often find these people in Europe. There, they were deliberately embodied in a high standard of living, so they’d lose it and feel what it was like afterwards. This won’t happen to everyone, though. 4D will see a great migration of peoples, when everyone will find and return to their place. So, think of it as a game. If you feel it’s not yours, it won’t affect you. If you respect and love Africans and Arabs, then you’ll never end up in a reality where they mock you. You’re loving beings, so why do they have to mock you from the point of view of the Higher powers and those who understand this?

Question 23: Will children need education in the 4D space?

Yasnosvet Pavel answers this: 

The new government will organize new education systems, as well as form interest clubs e.g., a robotics club, a biologist club, a chemist club, or a mathematician club. Children of all ages will gather there, so they can learn from one another. The government will fund these clubs with professors and experts in each field, who’ll teach there from time to time. There’ll also be specially programmed robots to monitor everything that happens. There’ll be robot nannies, robot doctors, robot teachers, artificial intelligence, a robot fridge to strictly observe the temperature regime monitoring each child’s nutrition (sprouts here, fish there, etc.) There’ll be drawers in the fridge with artificial intelligence, where each child will be able to set personal food preferences. A control mode will be set for each box. All this will be very interesting and unique. These will be new technologies. And the most interesting thing about this is that the new generation will be so good, because in a mathematics club, for example, a 16-year-old teenager will share his knowledge with a 5-year-old child who is passionate about mathematics. He will be engrossed in trying to pass on all his knowledge about logarithms and parabolas to this child. This will be the philosophy and concept of the new generation. The younger generation will admire the older ones, while the latter will strive to delight the former, such an interesting trend. In 4D, there’ll be no principle of “you owe me because I’m older than you.” Here, on the contrary, they’ll need to arouse admiration among the younger generation by their actions, so the latter themselves want to listen and learn from them. Grandparents will tell their stories and share experiences, while children will listen. All this will be very interesting. There’ll be no traditional schools with exams that scare children and put marks. It’ll be important to demonstrate if you have broad knowledge at different levels.

Question 24: Can a wife protect her husband with her thoughts? What's the best way to do this? 

Yasnosvet Pavel answers this: 

She could take a photo of her man, put it to her heart and say, “I entrust you to your Angels, may everything be fine with you, may your virtue reign, and your heart lead you to purity!” This is a very powerful protective action that transfers energy to Angels as a request. The angels, in turn, will rush to help.

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