Answers to Questions
as of 26-NOV-2022, Part 1

Question 1: How can someone communicate with earthly spirits?

Yasnosvet Pavel answers this: 

To communicate with earthly spirits, you need to focus on the elements and feel the image coming up to you. Then, by focusing on this image, you can transmit telepathic signals and feel these beings getting activated in your space and interacting with you. You could also radiate the light of love and fill them with that light of unconditional love. This way, you communicate with earthly spirits, natural elemental beings who are irreplaceable helpers. 

Question 2: Are IVF children with souls or are they biorobots? 

Yasnosvet Pavel answers this: 

IVF children have a soul when they’re born from a living person – a mother, or a father, with a soul. These may be biorobots, if created by phantoms. As a rule, in 70%-80% of such cases, it’s phantoms who do IVF. 

Question 3: How can someone manage time? 

Her Excellency Mother of God, Mother of Mercy, answers this: 

Time is energy, flows. To manage time, just sit in meditation, focus on this “river” – the flow of time – and visualize it slowing down or speeding up. This is possible if you tune your consciousness to the desired frequency. In 4D it will be easier to manage time. 

Question 4: What can we learn from our children today? 

Yasnosvet Pavel answers this: 

Importantly, children teach us spontaneity, representing a new civilization, 4D world. Children never feel afraid to show their inner child, embarrassed or stupid to be children. Many of us forbid ourselves to reveal our inner child, while manifesting him is the basis for our mental health. Children know how to work with this. 

Question 5: Will people with different skin colors live in 4D? 

Yasnosvet Pavel answers this: 

Yes, they will. 

Question 6: Will our DNA be restored to 12 strands and how soon will this happen? 

Archangel Michael answers this: 

Not for everyone. Some will still have one thread, while most people will have 3-4 threads. 12 threads are activated in more enlightened people. This depends on how conscious someone is. For example, some don’t need telepathy at all. 

Question 7: How can someone realize they have a gift from heaven, and how to develop it? 

Ganesh answers this: 

Think back to your childhood fantasies and dreams you were engrossed in. Children's projections of the ideal self reflect inner manifestations of Spirit, the essence of their Higher Self, which is earthly predispositions. 

Question 8: How can someone increase their level of wealth in the new world? 

Yasnosvet Pavel answers this: 

In 4D, money has two key criteria. First comes pure investment. You get money to materialize by investing in self-development, or to develop others and invest in something bright, good, and pure, to work on your inner child. In other words, you turn the money you get into joy, happiness and development. Second comes pure money. You can spend it really well to get more value when it’s earned in good faith – honestly and when working hard. 

Question 9: Can someone with low vibrations, living next to someone with higher vibrations, rise to a higher level? 

Yasnosvet Pavel answers this: 

Yes, they can, if they recognize that the person spiritually superior to them is a higher authority indeed. They’ll mind their own business then and develop together with this person. 

Question 10: How to reach a level where the world communicates with you directly through signs and tips? 

Archangel Michael answers this:

Dear friend, start to meditate to align your consciousness with the reality where Angels control everything, as the main rulers of the world, compare and organize everything for someone to end up at the highest point of their good. The world will start to communicate with positive, good signs then. 

Question 11: How can someone realize whether they really offended someone else, or this feeling is being imposed on them? 

Archangel Michael answers this:

The question is ambiguous. Every person can choose whether to be offended or not. Ask another question, “Did I act fairly, or was this an excessive manifestation of my ego?” It’s very easy to see the difference. Feel the energy you sent to that person. Did you return them their original energy or the one someone else gave you? In the latter case, it’s not comme il faut. In the former case, though, someone had caused mental pain in you, and you said, “Get it back!” your response was fair. So, if someone feels offended, they admit responding to things this way. 

Question 12: How does the mechanism of feeling work, for example, clairvoyance, seeing, hearing, reading from the field? 

Yasnosvet Pavel answers this: 

First of all, a human being has energy. Physics only reflects the essence of energy packages, Soul’s energy essence. In fact, this is a clot of energy located here – in the heart. You’re actually here, watching from here. What you emit corresponds to your energy, what you’re like here, and shapes your body. What is clairvoyance? This is when the mental body is developed very well, when someone tunes their attention to parallel realities and scans their probabilities. Vision is the ability to tune our inner vision. We have physical eyes, and etheric eyes.
Etheric eyes can see entities. It’s when you see a clear imaginary silhouette with your brain, realizing that physically you don’t see it, but internally, through a telepathic manifestation, you see it. It’s like a fantasy world, but it’s real, you know. You feel it really exists. Reading the field is attuning the subtle bodies, their frequency and sensitivity, which allows you to activate these subtle organs, control your subtle bodies and use them to scan the space and understand where quality vs. non-quality is. It shows how developed subtle bodies are. 

Question 13: What’s the spiritual meaning of resetting the soul’s memory before incarnation? 

Archangel Michael answers this:

It’s done specially to ensure that the soul lives with maximum possible quality, feelings, and deep experience to cultivate the power of faith. When deprived of this knowledge, the only thing Soul can rely on is its inner echoes. So, first of all, learn to trust yourself! 

Question 14: Does neurography really affect someone’s subconscious? How? 

Yasnosvet Pavel answers this: 

Yes, it does. Vision can be physical and phantom-like. Physical vision is the one of consciousness. Phantom vision is the one of the subconscious. Everything it doesn’t see, it records in the subconscious. When someone does neurography, their phantom vision records that they round up everything, and the subconscious notes it, “So, it’s all rounded for me, which means I’m going smoothly, and the world somehow becomes more spherical, more enveloping. The consciousness adjusts to the reality where everything is softer. So, neurography is a very good tool. Use it! 

Question 15: How can someone raise their consciousness and soul development? 

Her Excellency Mother of God, Mother of Mercy, answers this: 

Follow your heart. Many of you are stuck in childhood projections when you suppressed those desires. Work with them as something lower, so you can go higher. Play with cars, dolls, eat delicious food, so you get higher demands and elevate your desire naturally to lead you to your personal enlightenment. This way, you work through something from the past. 

Question 16: What’s the functionality and method of distributing male vs. female energies in the Universe? 

Yasnosvet Pavel answers this: 

It’s strictly according to Soul’s choice. It shapes itself the way it wants to. If it likes the feminine aspect, it goes there. If it wants to go to the men's side, it goes there. The Absolute, the global collective consciousness, sets the potential here. It’s based on what energies they need that someone creates these energies and also works with them. They form these energies to play as if with a Lego set. So, have fun. Your soul becomes what it prefers to be, e.g. a mom, or a dad. 

Question 17: How does the color of clothing affect someone’s biofield? 

Yasnosvet Pavel answers this: 

Clothes charge the biofield with their color completely. If someone wears clothes of a certain color, their field, aura turns this color. It’s based on their aura color – energy radiation – that their subtle bodies line up along. For example, if you want concentration, to boost the level of your logic, attentiveness, then wear purple, pastel purple, dark blue, or indigo. If you want to get realized and developed creatively, then wear lemon, lime, or light blue. If you want to increase your level of self-love, wear pink clothing. If you want to show someone their place, use red clothes. Red is unusual, though, multifaceted. Don't know which color to choose? Just look at the colors nature has – what kind of red nature has, for instance, a red rose. These colors have a vast resource. Those who want tranquility and soothing colors, use mint, blue spruce, emerald. They heal people very well. 

Question 18: Is it true that beauty shows that we’ve encountered the Creator’s light and love expressed in physical form? 

Jesus answers this:

Not really. Physical beauty manifests harmony within Soul. Harmony is a very clear understanding of how this world works. So, physical beauty allows you to determine how calm and harmonized Soul is, based on its level. How clearly it understands the life it’s embodied in. This is what physical beauty shows. It's how well someone understands the world they live in – their prism of perception, reality, and how well oriented they are within themselves. 

Question 19: How will the problem of abortions and unwanted pregnancies be solved in 4D? 

Her Excellency Mother of God, Mother of Mercy, answers this: 

The egregor of the family is changing, so it rather focuses on the ethical form of relationships, with respect for someone. Women often have this experience of unwanted pregnancies to reconsider their attitude towards life. In 4D, this experience will be less common. They’ll have no abortions in future, as not needed. Diagnostics will be available, when technology will warn someone in advance. They’ll be able to either remove the fetus before the soul has entered it, or women will be offered to give birth to a child. In future, raising children will become much easier. So, even if children turn out unwanted, they’ll still cause no problems.
Their parents’ main task is to understand that this child was given for a reason. If you’re given one, you must love this child. These women’s main task is to love themselves during pregnancy to open up well enough in this love and start to radiate this love to the child. Based on statistics, if a mother overcomes herself, her will and gives birth to an unwanted child, treating him with respect, raising him properly and in piety, this child then makes his mother’s life brilliant. 

Question 20: How to maintain high vibrations and not lower them? 

Yasnosvet Pavel answers this: 

Depending on your spiritual needs, you don’t always need this. You need this, though, when you meditate, wishing to get answers, while communicating with your Angels. This isn’t appropriate when working with earthly programs, though, which requires both types of vibrations. When dealing with higher programs, you need to maintain this light. If you work with higher programs, high vibrations will help you maintain preliminary cleansing. Before you meditate or pray, you could shout, say curse words, take a shower, whatever. Then, while in this purified state, you could watch a comedy or eat something tasty to lift your spirits and raise your vibrations. In this state, start to meditate, interact with the world of Light, so that highly spiritual entities strengthen this influence.
High vibrations are supported by the state of consciousness and the observer position, when you realize these processes, perceive them in terms of spiritual rather than human observation. In other words, simplify everything. For instance, you were hit in the face. What will be the observer's reaction? He’ll say, “Physical force was applied to me, which caused pain in my body. What does this mean for me? This pain helped clear my negative programs from my head. So they hit me in the face, and the negative programs came out of me. After this, you aren’t as angry with the person, having tuned in to reality, seeing the essence of what happened and perceiving everything for the good.” If someone lives in a reality where everything is for the good, they don’t care, whatever is done to them. On the one hand, nothing bad will happen to them.
The Matrix will neither create people, nor provoke events. Whatever it does to them, they’ll feel good, knowing that they’ll still take the observer position and everything will turn out for the good. “So, let them live for the good, I won’t interfere with them.” 

Question 21: Will there be technologies available for everyone to learn languages quickly, in the coming years? 

Yasnosvet Pavel answers this: 

Within 7-8 years, based on cosmic radiation – vibrations from space, – the human genome will be slightly rearranged. The wave structure of the brain – brain vibrations – will be rearranged in nearly all people. This will allow us to develop new methods of learning vocabulary – approach vocabulary differently by dealing with it at a different level of consciousness. This way, you’ll speed up language acquisition by about 26 times. 

Question 22: What should a living space be like, so it can elevate someone’s vibrations and consciousness level? 

Yasnosvet Pavel answers this: 

First, it must streamline energy by creating an energy corridor and movement in free space with harmony of colors, so these colors saturate your aura (for instance, some need blue, while others need yellow), smoothly transitioning into each other in accordance with the selected color type (for example, if it’s the winter one, then everything should relate to winter). Prefer organic materials such as cotton, hemp, wood and stone. You could also use rounded shapes: honeycombs, spheres, hemispheres and domes. Wear fewer clothes of dark colors. They can create a feeling of confinement. Good natural light is also an important element. You could add crystals, flowers, ornaments and other elements to give the space a lively and natural feel. Try creating an environment as close to nature as possible. 

Question 23: Why do many alien races with different vibrations struggle for influencing the Earth?

Yasnosvet Pavel answers this: 

Basically, low-vibration dark civilizations conflict while participating in this. These are, for example, reptilians (although only about 68%-73% of them are dark). The dark ones tend to manipulate and control others. The Light Ones allow the Dark Ones to successfully complete about 90% of their plans, and then they intervene and complete the remaining 10%. In future, when the dark ones try enslave humanity completely (digitalize everything, install chips), the light ones will interfere with them and replace them with their representatives, who will develop technologies in the light aspect. They’ll make someone an assistant rather than a slave, in 4D.
So, if you feel the world is moving in the wrong direction, the Light Ones will eventually change the situation. Esotericists and clairvoyants serving the dark side can’t perceive high vibrations and understand the Higher powers’ true plans and beat them physically. Why so? They’re closed from the Source, while the Light ones are open and say, “God loves us.” They can see everything, and information doesn’t escape them. If you want to understand the world clearly, consider this from the perspective of “why is this good?” 

Question 24: How to cry out tears that choke but can’t come out, as if a valve in the throat? 

Yasnosvet Pavel answers this: 

Go into meditation. Imagine and feel you have an inner child there – what’s really painful and tearful. Breathe and allow this child to get manifested in you, enter you – to cover you completely, so that this child gets completely synchronized with you. Become this child and start to show emotions little by little by talking, screaming, rushing around. Tears will flow on their own. You just need to speak out the words this offended child will say. 

Question 25: Do angels themselves decide to help, or does someone need to ask for help? 

Yasnosvet Pavel answers this: 

Someone needs to ask for help. Angels have the right to interfere in someone’s problems only when it refers to life vs. death rather than everyday problems. In other cases, it’s appropriate to ask Angels. 

Question 26: From what was the Universe born? 

Yasnosvet Pavel answers this: 

God had thought, so it was born. 

Question 27: If phantoms want to develop spiritually, can they, with the help of mantras and prayers, receive a soul as a gift from the Creator? 

Yasnosvet Pavel answers this: 

This is a very rare case in the Universe when, due to a violation of its program, the matrix moves into higher dimensions and starts to be filled with spiritual energies as a result of this. The Source nourishes everything that exists, emitting spiritual light continuously. Compare consciousness to a cup, for instance. The more conscious someone is, the wider their capacity for the Source’s unconditional love. Phantoms start to fill their cup with this energy, storing it within them. This gives self-consciousness – self-birth.
The Matrix is the Earth or any other planet, its collective consciousness. Sometimes a planet happens to take attention away from the matrix and lose control, while the matrix somehow expands suddenly in a certain place. The earth sees this and starts to attract its attention and spurs development. The Earth watches the light swirling in this expanding matrix, and the universe looks like the birth of a new child starting spiritual journey: minerals, stones, insects, butterflies, birds, flowers, etc., until after several billion years this child becomes a person. “Several billion years” is said conventionally, because spiritual beings live outside of space, and time works a little differently for them. 

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